Camaley: Likea camel?
Hudson Harm: the terror of the Hudson River Valley!
Jamie Lee: Curtis?
Blair Lee: He's blairlee there!
Gates: I can't imagine calling somebody Gates. It just seems so weird.
Rueger Malone: And his sibs, Colt, Remington, Ruger and Uzi.
Luke Loretta: Luke, Loretta, Luke how all the other girls have girls' names!
Malaisia: Liek malaise. Sweet.
Jonney: They thought it was more feminine that way.
Meadow Rose: From Yankee Candle's BTN I Smell a Rat collection.
Modisty: Navae: new body-shaping undergarments.
Heaven Nevaeh: Trashy Yhsart.
Chyler Maleigh Rumor: Let's have fun with some Scrabble letters and than tack on an ugly word.
kenzynique: A strange twist on Kenzyngtynn and Kynsleeigh.
Emmanuelle Arche: Other kids won't know Emmanuelle is a very famous line of porno movies, but I do and many adults do also. And Arche? Isn't this a bit too close to arse, under the circumstances?
Jade Preity: Not very preity in my view.
parc Iris: Yeah, just parc her someplace. Until the other kids figure out what her first name is spelled backward.
Sapphire Beautfiul: Name Ugliegh. And bound to cause problems with Jade Preity.