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Names for our Twins
We are having twins, not sure of the genders yet. We have our girls names picked out Charlotte Haley and Nora Allison( or Alice). All four of those names are family names. Charlotte is after my dad. Haley is dh's middle name, as well as his dad, and grandfather's middle names. Nora is after my mother, and Allison (Alice) is after dh's sister. We are struggling with boys names though. I don't know if I want to use family names as first names or not with boys names. If we did use family names we would use Anderson Caldwell (after both my grandfathers) and either Garrett Haley or Jeremiah Haley, after dh's dad. His name is Gerald and so we were looking for alternatives since we don't like the name Gerald, and we found Garrett which is derived from Gerald, and then Jeremiah has the same starting sound as Gerald. We just aren't sure whether we want to use those or not. I think it would be really special, but at the same time, there are a lot of boys names that I would love to use that have no family significance, but we would still use family names for middle names. So what do you think? Our last name is Pickle if that helps any. Also I love the name William and really want to use it, however Will Pickle sounds like dill pickle. Do you think that is a big deal? Here is what we have come up with so far:Anderson Caldwell and Garrett Haley
Anderson Caldwell and Jeremiah Haley
Jacob Haley and Elijah Bishop (Jake and Eli)
William Haley and Elijah Bishop (Will and Eli)
Jacob Haley and William Bishop (Jake and Will)
Elijah Haley and Owen Bishop (Eli and Owen)
Elijah Haley and Zachary Bishop (Eli and Zac)
Jacob Haley and Lucas Bishop (Jake and Luke)
William Haley and Lucas Bishop (Will and Luke)
Jonathan Haley and William Bishop (John and Will)Also if we have one of each gender then the girls name will be Charlotte Haley. Which of the above boy's names would you pair with it (middle name Bishop)? Thanks for your help!
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I like Elijah and Owen / Zach
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I really like your girls' names and I like you're incorporating family names as well. From your boy pairs, I like:
Anderson Caldwell and Garrett Haley
Anderson Caldwell and Jeremiah Haley
Also, Elijah & Lucas (Eli & Luke) or Elijah & Garrett or Lucas & Jeremiah. The other names I don't care for (most are just too popular for me), and I agree Will Pickle is too close to Dill Pickle. :-/ Would you use a nn with Anderson? The only problem I can think of with it is a comparison to Anderson Cooper, but as long as that doesn't bother you, it's not a bad name (just a bit too surname-y for me). With Charlotte Haley, I think these sound best:
Garrett Bishop
Jeremiah Bishop
Elijah Bishop
Lucas Bishop
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B/B: Anderson Caldwell and Jeremiah HaleyG/B: Charlotte Haley and William Bishop
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I love Charlotte and Nora together. If you have twin boys, I like Jacob and Elijah together. If you have one of each, I like Charlotte and Jonathan. And as much as I love William (one of my favorites), I personally wouldn't use William "Will" Pickle.
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Your combos are very sensible and thought-out. Charlotte and Nora is a gorgeous sibset. How fortunate that they are both honoring.However, I think it's perfectly fair to everyone if you wanted to just use one honoring name per combo, paired with a name you really love. I really, really love William Haley and Elijah Bishop "Will and Eli." Both of them are great combos, especially with honoring, and I'd love to meet those brothers, and I really, really hope you use them. I also really like Jacob a lot, but I think the repetitive A sounds in Jacob Haley are a little much, and I don't like it as much as William.Owen, Zachary, Lucas, and Jonathan are all okay names, but rather dull. They don't have Elijah "Eli"'s smooth intelligence or William's long and dignified history. (I was just thinking about how wonderfully timeless William is the other day. Was it used before William the Conquerer? That's 1000 years anyway. *sigh*)I would go with Charlotte Haley and William Bishop, because I think William goes better with Charlotte than your other names (that is to say, Elijah) do (does). However, I am going to propose something slightly revolutionary: What about Charlotte Alice and William Haley?

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Thanks for your comments. I like Eleanor, but I want to use just Nora, because my mother's name is just Nora, so I prefer to use it by itself. Her name is Nora Ann. We would consider switching the middle names around and using Charlotte Alice and Nora Haley though. We would also consider using Haley as the boy's middle name, but Bishop is my maiden name and I have always wanted to use it as a middle name for a son. But I agree Charlotte Alice and William Haley is wonderful, so who knows we may decide to use that. They only thing that is set in stone are the two girl first names. Thanks again for your comments. They are very helpful.
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Charlotte Haley - I really can't stand Charlotte, so my vote would go to Nora, Nora Allison is ok, Nora Haley would be nice as well. William is fine with pickle, when you use "Liam"
I don't like Garrett, Jeremiah, Elijah at all.
My fav combo is: Jacob Haley and Lucas Bishop. (although I'm not a fan of Jake)I wouold also like:
Owen Haley and Lucas Bishop
Jonathan Haley and Anderson Caldwell (DH grandfather would already he honoured with the Haley part, right?)
William Haley and Lucas Bishop (Liam and Cas?)
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Anderson Caldwell is too surnamey for me, so I would rather see those used on two different boys. In order to avoid Will Pickle you could you pick another nn for William? Billy or Liam? Or use it as a mn? Perhaps Anderson William? Of the pairs of boys names I like William Haley and Elijah Bishop the most. Elijah Bishop would be my choice for Charlotte's twin brother, followed by Lucas Bishop. :)
When do you find out what you are having? Or are you going to let it be a surprise?
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Dh isn't a fan of Liam, he says it sounds too soft. It's not my favorite either. I kind of like Billy, but I have a feeling that will just get shortened to Bill, so it would pose the same problem that Will does. I guess we could always use the full name William all the time to avoid it. We find out in about four weeks what we are having. That is of course if they cooperate, and one isn't blocking the other.
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I can understand about Liam. I wouldn't worry much about Billy becoming Bill, at least not as a child. Billy is a very youthful name, Bill sound much more grown up. Although my greatgrand father was a Billy his entire life, never ever a Bill. By the time a Billy is ready to become a Bill, he'd probably have outgrown the crowd that would notice(or at least be tactless enough to bring up) the dill pickle connection. Remaining William is a reasonable option, too. It is a handsome name, a nn isn't necessary.Good luck with your ultrasound, I hope they cooperate! Can't wait to hear what their names are. :)
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B/B - Anderson Caldwell and Garrett Haley
If you decide not to use honoring names for boys, then I would pick Elijah Haley and Owen Bishop (Eli and Owen).G/B - Charlotte Haley and Owen BishopI would have picked William, but Will Pickle does make me think of dill pickles. It also makes me think of Dill Pickles from The Rugrats cartoon.
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That's funny that you mention Dill Pickles from the Rugrats. We had Thomas on our list at one time, but I was like Tommy Pickle, no we can't do that because of the cartoon. I remember the cartoon being on when I was younger and I remember Tommy Pickles, but I think Dill Pickles came on the show when I was older and quit watching it, so I didn't think about that.
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if you're absolutely sure you want to use Haley twice... all right.I'm really opposed to using surnames as first names, so Anderson and Caldwell are kind of ruined for me. Ditto Bishop. Sorry.My favorite combos that you have as a set are:Jacob Haley and Elijah Bishop
William Haley and Elijah Bishop
Elijah Haley and Owen Bishop
Jonathan Haley and William Bishop (my favorite)
Elijah Haley and Zachary BishopWith Charlotte, I would use William HANDS DOWN. Together, they're so classic and attractive that it just makes me happy. William Bishop also has a nice ring to it. :-D I agree, though, Will Pickle might be a problem. No matter what first name you give him, though, the surname will still be mocked in school (kids are mean).
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Just one thing: Jeremiah Haley is very close to Jeremiah Healy, a mystery writer and a famous one.
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