it's also a band (youtube link included)
in reply to a message by Array
They had a song back in 1989 called simply "Love Song." Actually a very good song, but pretty much their one claim to mainstream fame. They are your quintessential "hair metal" band.For that reason, rather than the inventor, I don't really see Tesla asa usable fn, though I know it has been done occasionally. One advantage I can see (the only one, really) is that it lacks the baby-talk sound I get from Tessa.I don't see Tertia and Terasia as names either. Maybe I absorbed too much medical terminology when I was a transcriptionist, but I know that tterato is a prefix referring to birth defects, as in teratogenic, meaning causing birth defects. And Tertia, aside from just sounding ugly to me, remind sme of tertiary, as in tertiary or third-stage syphilis. Yuck.I'm going to look up a link for "Love Song" and will come back here and post it for

This message was edited 12/12/2007, 3:40 PM

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Tesla.  ·  Array  ·  12/12/2007, 3:18 PM
Re: Tesla.  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  12/13/2007, 11:27 AM
Re: Tesla.  ·  Sofia  ·  12/13/2007, 8:05 AM
Re: Tesla.  ·  Murasaki  ·  12/13/2007, 5:44 AM
Re: Tesla.  ·  Anastasia-Lynn  ·  12/12/2007, 8:54 PM
Re: Tesla.  ·  Oslin  ·  12/12/2007, 6:41 PM
Geek names  ·  Eilis  ·  12/12/2007, 7:20 PM
Re: Tesla.  ·  penguiny7  ·  12/12/2007, 3:56 PM
it's also a band (youtube link included)  ·  RoxStar  ·  12/12/2007, 3:35 PM
Re: it's also a band (youtube link included)  ·  Isla  ·  12/12/2007, 3:56 PM