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Keats for a boy.
As in after the poet... I think I am falling in love with this one.
I was trying to think of something that would match Darcy for a boy in Chrisell's post below and this name came to me. It has this romantic and creative element to it whilst still having a strong sound to it.WDYT of Keats? Any combo suggestions?
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I can tollerate is a mn, but, as much as I love Keats'poems, it's too surnamey as a fn. Also, are you sure you 'd want to name your son after someone who led a rather short and unhappy life, and died at the age of 26?
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I love Keats and it definately sounds great with Darcy :)
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Darcy and Keats go together wonderfully. I vastly prefer Darcy, though: firstly, because I like reclaiming surnames from the girls, and secondly, because the -s ending for Keats sounds kind of pretentious.
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Keats? Hmm. I just got used to it as a nn for Katherine. I'm not the most flexible of name-nerds, so I'm having trouble switching gears. After reflection, Keats as a formal name sounds a tad too pretentios to me. Keep in mind that I've suggested names like Erasmus and Archimedes to others. I think what I'm stuck on with Keats is the stereotype of the English poet as fop. There's an image of a flouncy-lacey-dandy in my head that is preventing me from liking it. That, and the female nn-thing above. This disappoints me personally because it means that I'm buying into the terrible image that sensitive, poetic men are weak. Sorry, but there it is. I love other names that most people think are weak or too effeminate. But I just can't bring myself to warm up to Keats as a boy's formal name. I'll think about it and get back to you tomorrow. Sorry. :-(P.S. I just had a thought. What about using Keats as a nn for Kester? (It's the Scottish form of Christopher.)

This message was edited 11/19/2007, 10:27 AM

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