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twin boys
We are in the process of adopting twin two-year-old boys from Eastern Europe. Their names are currently Sasha and Artur. We want to incorparate their birth names or a variation of their birth name. We have two older daughters: Evangeline Rose, "Evie", and Margaret Odessa. Both my husband and I love the name Leonardo nn Leo for one of the boys. We also like Henry and Oliver. Thanks.
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some ideas: Leonardo Alexander "Leo" (Sasha is a pet form of Alexander)
Sebastian Arthur "Bas" / "Bastian" / "Seb"(my personal fav) Leonardo Arthur "Leo"
Luca Sander Leonardo Arthur "Leo"
Oberon Alexander "Ron" / "Obi"(my fav) / no nn Leonardo Sasha "Leo"
Maximilian Artur "Max" / "Maxim"(my fav)Leonardo Arthur "Leo"
Alexander David "Alex" / "Lex" / "Xander" / "Sander" (maybe sometimes "Sasha"?) Leonardo Alexander "Leo"
Solomon Arthur "Sol"Leonardo Alexander "Leo"
Casimir Arthur "Cas"
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Thank you for all the great suggestions. Right now I'm leaning toward "Sasha Leonardo" and calling him "Leo". As for Artur, I like the name Arthur, possibly with Oberon, Casimir, or something similar as a mn.
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Sasha Leonardo "Leo" is a really good idea, I like the sound of it. Keeping Arthur as a fn is also a good idea, because it's already his name afterall (with an extra h). Arthur Oberon and Arthur Casimir would both be great :)Some other ideas for Arthur (And I'm guessing 'or something similar' means something about the same length):Arthur Erasmus (means 'beloved' :)
Arthur Valerian
Arthur Govannon
Arthur Salvador
Arthur Spiridon
Arthur Caspian
Arthur Eleazar
Arthur Rafael (maybe too Ninja Turtles with Leonardo?)
Arthur Mordecai
Arthur Christian
Arthur Jaromir
Arthur Octavian
Arthur Malachy
Arthur Constantine
Arthur Marlowe
Arthur Lucian
Arthur Firenze (It's listed as a girls name, but I prefer it for a boy)
Arthur Conrad
Arthur Gabriel
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Thanks, your help is really appreciated. I love Arthur Oberon, Arthur Erasmus,and Arthur Firenze.
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Although I wouldn't personally change their names, you could go for:Leonardo Artur "Leo"
Alexander Henry "Sasha"
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Congratulations!I think Leonardo Sasha and Henry Artur sound great together!
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Sasha is adorable but Artur is nms, it's kind of missing something. And it's hard to say, at least for me.I'm not very good at this, but here are some ideas:Arthur Leonardo, "Leo"
Henry Alexander, could go by "Sasha".
Oliver Leonardo
Sasha Henry, or Alexander Henry nn "Sasha"
I think Sasha would go really cute with names Evie and Margaret!
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What about either...
Leonardo Arthur "Leo" and Henry Alexander "Sasha" or Arthur Leonardo and Alexander Henry?
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I think Sasha is a great name, but I'd prefer Arthur over Artur. I would keep their existing names at least for middle names. Maybe you could rename Sasha Alexander but call him Sasha?
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I like Sasha too, but the little boy doesn't look like a Sasha to me. That's why we're thinking Leo; it seems to fit him better. As for Artur, I think we should call him Arthur with a good middle name.
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Leo is cute, too. I'd just be hesitant about completely removing names that they already have, even if they might be too little to really know them yet. Leonardo Sasha doesn't sound too bad, but not too great either, although it would probably depend on your last name. Or Leonardo Alexander I suppose too.And if you want to call the other one Arthur, I think Arthur Henry would be nice.
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What about Leonardo Arthur and Henry Aleksandr /Alexander (Sasha is a nn for Aleksandr)? I think they sound good together and that way you're using the names you love and still keeping their names as well. I also like Sasha Oliver, Leo Alexander, and Henry Arthur.
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I would have their first names be Alexander and Arthur and then pick middle names I liked.Alexander Oliver, Arthur Henry, etc.Or you could use Alexander and Arthur as the middle names.Henry Alexander
Henry Arthur
Oliver Alexander
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I like Sasha and Artur and wouldn't change them, but how about...Alexander Henry and Leonardo Artur
Alexander Oliver and Leonardo Henry
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Sasha and Artur are beautiful name. Be enough for them only name. Why two names?
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