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For a long time I've really liked the name Diana, probably because it reminds me of Diana Barry in "Anne of Green Gables". I am currently reading a biography of Princess Diana however and I can't help but wonder, do you think that the name Diana seems to be rarely used nowadays because people still strongly associate it with her? She was such a powerful personality that she might still seem to "own" the name. WDYT?
Also, what middle names do you like with Diana?
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I prefer Diantha, because I know a Diana, and it is strongly associated with middle aged people for me. I don't associate it much with the princess, but then I don't live in the UK.Diana Emily
Diana Isabelle
Diana Elizabeth
Diana Grace
Diana Chloe
Diana Lauren
Diana Hailey
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I normally associate it with Princess Diana but that's a great association, IMO, and it shouldn't deter anyone from ever using it. I think it's beautiful, classy and timeless. I've had it on my list for quite some time now and its one of the very few timeless classics on my list because unusual names tend to catch my eye more. Some mn suggestions:Diana Mireille - This was literally the first thing that came to mind a second ago and I really like it.
Diana Beatrix
Diana Belle
Diana Cadence
Diana Ceridwen
Diana Coralie
Diana Delphine - Thought this was kinda cute with the DD initials but it might not appeal to others.
Diana Faith
Diana Jacinthe
Diana Katherine
Diana Lenore
Diana Lucia
Diana Maris
Diana Mercy
Diana Pearl
Diana Scarlett
Diana Willow
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I love the name Diana but I prefer to spell it Dianna I had the choice of naming my necie and I named her Dianna Kay I named her Dianna after Princess Diana
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I love Diana--I immediately think of Tracy Lords' little sister in The Philadelphia Story, who is just an utter scream. :D She was named Diana, but her elder sister changed it to Dinah, hehe. Both names are really fabulous.I don't think Princess Di really owns the name in the sense that Alanis and Uma are owned. There are plenty of other Dianas throughout history to graft onto. I think it's less used these days simply because it still feels a little dated to some people. The worse for them--I'd love to meet one. :)Array
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I loved Diana Barry in Anne of Green Gables. I have always liked Diana. I'm not sure why it isn't as big, maybe because it was big in most of our mother's time?Diana could hold a longer middle name with me.Diana Katharine
Diana Penelope
Diana Mathilde
Diana Margaret
Diana ElinorThose came to mind.
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The name itself is gorgeous, however personally I do associate it with Lady Di. I don't think she "owns" it, but since I don't have a good opinion of her she has partly "spoiled" the name for me.
Diana Helen
Diana Julia
Diana Claire
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Diana is a baautiful name. It is #120 on the popular list. Alot of people do associate Diana with the princess. However, if someone else were to have the name I think they would own it as well. I also loved Anne of Green Gables :)Diana Rosamund
Diana Rosalie
Diana Pearl
Diana Jules
Diana Rosalind
Diana Elise
Diana Helene
Diana Camille
Diana Emilia
Diana Amelia
Diana Liliana
Diana Camelia
Diana Grace
Diana Hope
Diana Kate
Diana Katelyn
Diana Faye
Diana Faith
Diana Patrice
Diana Violet
Diana Sophia
Diana Lissette
Diana Angeline
Diana Anise
Diana Jean
Diana Carys
Diana Sky
Diana Alexis
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