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Quite Possibly the Most Horrifying birth announcement to ever grace a local paper ...
My best friend called me earlier today, because when she say this in her town paper (shes lives two towns away) she just had to tell me.A local woman gave birth to healthy twin girls ... Hannibel Rose and Dannielynn Hope ... I am at a loss. Especially considering that this woman seems to have done her homework.(Hannibel Rose was the name that Anna Nicole Smith first gave her daugther; the girl's name was changed after Daniel's death).
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Quite Possibly the Most Horrifying birth announcement to ever grace a local paper ...  ·  kizuko  ·  8/2/2007, 8:09 PM
That is really quite bad...quite frankly a bit sick nt  ·  Sleeping Beauty  ·  8/3/2007, 10:31 AM
Too twisted for words!!!!  ·  Kayfi  ·  8/3/2007, 4:54 AM
Ditto *shudders*  ·  Cambria  ·  8/3/2007, 1:00 PM
Exactly what I thought of (nt)  ·  Kristen  ·  8/3/2007, 2:03 AM
I agree nt  ·  Egyptian Princess  ·  8/2/2007, 8:16 PM