Quite Possibly the Most Horrifying birth announcement to ever grace a local paper ...
My best friend called me earlier today, because when she say this in her town paper (shes lives two towns away) she just had to tell me.
A local woman gave birth to healthy twin girls ... Hannibel Rose and Dannielynn Hope ... I am at a loss. Especially considering that this woman seems to have done her homework.(Hannibel Rose was the name that Anna Nicole Smith first gave her daugther; the girl's name was changed after Daniel's death).
A local woman gave birth to healthy twin girls ... Hannibel Rose and Dannielynn Hope ... I am at a loss. Especially considering that this woman seems to have done her homework.(Hannibel Rose was the name that Anna Nicole Smith first gave her daugther; the girl's name was changed after Daniel's death).
That is really quite bad...quite frankly a bit sick
Too twisted for words!!!!
That's disturbing. But the name Hannibel and its similarity to Hannibal is even more disturbing, I believe. :-/
Oh what a story they'll have to tell:
There was this woman, she didn't do much of anything except have huge fake boobs. She married this really old senile man for his money, though she swore she really loved him. He died (she probably helped him along a bit) and she had to go to court to keep this guy's money from his own son. EShe slept with every man that would hold still for her, ate pills like popcorn, could barely put a sentence together and generally did nothing but be trailer trash for fun and profit. And she had a baby girl and probably didn't know for sure who the father was, and named her Hannibel Rose, which is a lot like Hannibal, as in Lecter, then her son od'ed on drugs and she quick changed the baby's named to Dannielynn Hope, then died of an OD herself a few months later.
So that's how we got our names. Wanna come paly at our house?
There was this woman, she didn't do much of anything except have huge fake boobs. She married this really old senile man for his money, though she swore she really loved him. He died (she probably helped him along a bit) and she had to go to court to keep this guy's money from his own son. EShe slept with every man that would hold still for her, ate pills like popcorn, could barely put a sentence together and generally did nothing but be trailer trash for fun and profit. And she had a baby girl and probably didn't know for sure who the father was, and named her Hannibel Rose, which is a lot like Hannibal, as in Lecter, then her son od'ed on drugs and she quick changed the baby's named to Dannielynn Hope, then died of an OD herself a few months later.
So that's how we got our names. Wanna come paly at our house?
Ditto *shudders*
Exactly what I thought of
I agree
I don't think Dannielynn Hope is bad in itself, but from what I just read they are both horriblenames.