Ok, Ok - i can hear the stifled laughter and vomit sounds from here!! Kenzo is the name of Janey's baby on the british comedy sitcom 'My Family' and although it is totally not my style at all - honestly!! - i cant get it out of my head. I cant decide whether it is the cruelest name to inflict on a child ever or if i quite like it in a quirky/modern/Dexter-ish type way...hhhhmmmmm....tough one...wdyt??
I have the same dilemma! I love the name every time they mention it on My Family, and I do think it has a kind of Dexter-ish appeal to it, but I also think people would have a lot of trouble remembering it/spelling it/pronouncing it etc. If I ever met a child named Kenzo, I would assume the parents were very upper-middle class, fairly trendy types.
I know!! I really cant decide if i utterly loathe it or if i really like it...i always keep quiet when we watch it though because the one time i mentioned it my mum gave me such a look!
Sounds like it should be the name of an anime character