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I really like this name (ray-gan) for a girl, I have liked it for ages. BUT its the name of one of Shakespear's evil characters in King Lear and Linda Blair's character on The Exorcist, is the name still usable or should I steer clear?
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Actually, if you want to pronounce it "Ray-gan", I'd spell it Reagan or Raegan. A great many people pronounce Regan as either "REE-gan" or "REGG-an". :)
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I have a male cousin named Reagan (ree-gan) and I went to school with a femle Regan (ray-gan)
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I don't mind it when prn. REE-gan, but Regan (and all the other spellings) is masculine and trendy to me. The negative associations certainly don't help, either. :-/
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I love it (its actually a GP for me as I generally am more traditional) and I really didn't have any idea about the literary references, so I think its safe. HOwever I'm not totally positive as I'm fairly young and just might not have been exposed to the references yet.
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Also a gp of mine. I really like it. I'm a Shakespeare fan but funnily enough, I can still love Regan and Ophelia just the same. So they're both gps, but it's not an overly obvious connection. As for The Exorcist, I don't even think of that but then, I'm not much into horrors. It's the same as the Damien argument. Some would use it, some wouldn't. No name is perfect and I think Regan is unusual enough to avoid constant referencing. That said, I prefer it prn Ree-gan, but Ray-gan is also nice :)Btw, I love your daughters' names, especially Skye Louise! Skye is a favourite, though I don't usually like Louise much, it does seem spunky next to Skye :) And, I have a good friend named Hayley :)

This message was edited 7/12/2007, 8:48 AM

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You're welcome :):)
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