Dakota and Cheyenne, along with Indiana and Montana, seem to show up pretty regularly in the Australian BA's people post on here. I wonder why that is?
I agree with all your ideas of American names. Qiana could also be considered a variation of Kiana, which is Hawaiian, and thus you might call that aspect of it totally American too. Not to say that Hawaii isn't its own distinct culture.
I wouldn't call Bubba a real name, but yeah, you'd never run across a British or French person called Bubba. (Lucky them, right?)
All the over-the-top combos we see in Sabrina's BA's, like Trinity Angel Hope or My Treasure Son (just made those up) seem uniquely American. At least I honestly cannot imagine anybody else doing that.
Wynona/Wenona would also strike me as uniquely American. It's a Native American word/name, and also the Judds' singer would lend Americanicity to it.