Twin Combo I Like
I love that the two names mean "delicate" and "peace", respectively, and then in history, the famous name bearers were seductive, bold, daring, edgy women. I think it's such a cool dichotomy, and plus they both share Biblical/Aramaic origins...
what do you guys think?
I love that the two names mean "delicate" and "peace", respectively, and then in history, the famous name bearers were seductive, bold, daring, edgy women. I think it's such a cool dichotomy, and plus they both share Biblical/Aramaic origins...
what do you guys think?
Why not add Jezebel to the mix...haha
Cute :) I really like Delilah
I've always liked to pair names, and you did a great job! ^__^
*Lovin* it!
I've played with this pairing before, but couldn't commit. Seein someone else like it makes me love it all over again. Two thumbs up!
I've played with this pairing before, but couldn't commit. Seein someone else like it makes me love it all over again. Two thumbs up!
I love Salome, not too keen on Delilah, but it's pretty too.
I love Delilah, but Salome isn't my cup of tea.