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Re: Delphine (I really need some help with this one)
I think Delphine is lovely (though I prefer it as a mn for some reason), esp. with the nn Della. I think it sounds great with Xanthe, August, and Anneliese. But Alcyone seems to 'stick out' a little bit to me, but if Alcyone is brought back in then Anneliese almost seems boring next to the others. Some mn suggestions:
Delphine Elise
Delphine Gisele
Delphine Adele
Delphine Camille
(it's easier to pair with other French names,
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For some reason, Delphine seems to sound alot better as a mn, rather than with a I think thats why I'm finding it so hard.I guess Alcyone is a bit more out there...I've met Xanthe's and Anneliese's, but no Alcyones. And I guess Anneliese could be considered a bit boring next to the It's the only girls name that makes the SSA list. I see your point, but I love the names so what can ya do. I'm not really concerned so much with the names fitting, because with my ecclectic style thats pretty much impossible, but more that they don't sound hideous and there are no unforseen problems with using them together. Thanks for your suggestions :)
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