recent birth announcements
Dakoda-Prefer Dakota
Tayvin Victor-Unique
Coty Jaylee-Prefer Cody and Jaylee is really pretty-for a girl
Calyn-If you pronounce it CAL-lin, than I like it better spelled Callyn. If it is prounced KAY-lin, than I prefer Kaylin, Kaylyn, or maybe Caylin or Caylyn.
Sajen-Probably from a foreign family, so I will give it credit, because it may be more popular in another country
Grasyn Caroline-Caroline is nice, don't like Grasyn
Tru Lei-are you serious? unless it is foreign, and the sounding is a mere coincedence, this is extremely cruel
Kaiydence Kimberly-It's nice, but the spelling Kaiydence instead of Cadence is kind of stupid and way to Drayn'Deigh for me
Kahyliyn LaDawn-again, too Drayn'Deigh
Jonnah Lee-prefer Jonah
Tayvin Victor-Unique
Coty Jaylee-Prefer Cody and Jaylee is really pretty-for a girl
Calyn-If you pronounce it CAL-lin, than I like it better spelled Callyn. If it is prounced KAY-lin, than I prefer Kaylin, Kaylyn, or maybe Caylin or Caylyn.
Sajen-Probably from a foreign family, so I will give it credit, because it may be more popular in another country
Grasyn Caroline-Caroline is nice, don't like Grasyn
Tru Lei-are you serious? unless it is foreign, and the sounding is a mere coincedence, this is extremely cruel
Kaiydence Kimberly-It's nice, but the spelling Kaiydence instead of Cadence is kind of stupid and way to Drayn'Deigh for me
Kahyliyn LaDawn-again, too Drayn'Deigh
Jonnah Lee-prefer Jonah
I hate it when I have to squint and sound out a name, just to figure out what it's supposed to be.
That said, Victor and Caroline are refreshing. I like Caelin, Caelan, and even Kaylin (good connection), but not Calyn. I also like Cadence, Jonah (for a boy only), and Leigh, but not Kaiydence, Jonnah, or Lee (though it's much better than the others!). Grasyn just looks greasy.
That said, Victor and Caroline are refreshing. I like Caelin, Caelan, and even Kaylin (good connection), but not Calyn. I also like Cadence, Jonah (for a boy only), and Leigh, but not Kaiydence, Jonnah, or Lee (though it's much better than the others!). Grasyn just looks greasy.
These hurt my eyes.
same here
Kre8yve spelling!