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What do you think about the name Paxton for a little boy?Pax means peace in latin, which I love.What would you pair with Paxton for a middle name?
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I like Paxton but I think I prefer just plain Pax
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I don't care for it at all. Too much of a surname (unless it's a family name or you just have a huge crush on Bill Paxton :-/) and seems trendy, esp. since Angelina Jolie just named her son Pax. All her kids' names seemed trendy before but now they're uber-trendy, IMO. :(
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I went to school with a kid named Paxton. He moved here from a nearby town, and everybody giggled when he announced his name. For that reason, I don't like it.
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It's not my style, but its not bad and I like the meaning.
Maybe Paxton John. I think I would need it to have a short, clearly masculine name to balance it out.
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