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What do you think of Sayuri?
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Like Sayuri Nitta from Memoirs of a Geisha?
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I love Sayuri! It is great, most japanese names are actually:) FirChlis
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It is very pretty and I like it.
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While Sayuri is not my favorite (is way too popular in Japan), I'd like japanese names to get used a bit more outside of Japan also for non-japanese children. Why wouldn't something simple "I thought the name was beautiful" or "I liked the meaning" be a valid reason to use a japanese name ...In Japan they're using quite a few foreign names (of course adapted to their alphabet) like Maria, Marina, Karin, Karen, Naomi, Kai, Lisa (as Risa), Lina (as Rina), Lena (as Rena), Alice (as Arisu), Alica (as Arisa) etc.The only japanese name i can think of that is used outside of Japan is Ken (and that only because it's the same as the Kenneth short form :)
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I think it is cute. I like the meaning of it. I am currently into nature names :)
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I think its beautiful and I'd definitely consider using it (probably as a mn). I think it had a lovely meaning, makes a nice alternative for Lily, its sounds beautiful and very feminine. My favourite combo was Mia Sayuri a while back and I still really like it. I agree with Mirfak though, I think if I heard it as a fn for a child today, it would seem like a copycat of TomKat's little girl, Suri.
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When I first saw the name I thought it looked Japanese and when I looked it up I saw that it was. I don't have much of an opinion though since I'm not familiar with it. It does remind me of a masculine name since Yuri is part of the name.
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I like Sayuri a lot. The name sounds very pretty. Though I think it is to Japanese to use for a not Japanese child.
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Very pretty name.If I saw it used for a non-Japanese girl today, I'd think the parents were semi-copycatting Tom and Katie Cruise's name for their daughter, Suri.
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I adore it
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Sounds nice and nice meaning. It's a change from the abundance of Lily. Though as far as Japanese names go there are others I much prefer, maybe because of 'yuri' in Sayuri reminds me of the Russian male name, Yuri (form of George), because it sounds nearly identical. But if you don't mind that association, there's nothing that particularly puts me off the name, except I just wouldn't use as Japanese name unless I had a connection to Japan; for if you have a Japanese name people assume you are at least part Japanese. If you don't mind explaining why that name, then use it. :)OK, I think I have rambled enough...
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