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WDYTO Caspar?
Which spelling do you prefer: Caspar or Casper. Is it just too friendly ghost? Any middle name suggestions? :)
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While it does remind me of the ghost, I still like it. Casper is my fave spelling. I still prefer Jasper though, that's my fave boy name.
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Více preferuju Caspera.
I prefer more Casper.
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I like Caspar. I think the association with the ghost is getting old. In few years, I wouldn't expect it to be a problem at all. I like:
Caspar August
Caspar Brynn
Caspar Elias
Caspar Falk
Caspar Wolfe
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I prefer the spelling Caspar (also like Kaspar)
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I prefer Casper and it is too friendly ghost for me.combo ideas:Casper Jameson
Casper Martin
Casper Steen
Casper StellanLuxiana
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Too "friendly ghost" for me, yes.I prefer Jasper.
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Casper, and it's too Casper the Friendly Ghost.
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CasperI think the Friendly Ghost connection is beginning to fade bit by it. I personally like the name, but I doubt I'd use it. Casper August is cool.
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I perfer Casper. Its not too friendly ghost. As for middle name suggestions I actually prefer Casper as a middle name. Casper needs a more traditional middle name, imo
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I prefer the spelling Caspar. I don't think of the friendly ghost, but I wasn't really aware of him.
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Caspar. I don't associate it too much with the cartoon at all -- and I even grew up watching it.
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I love Casper/Caspar. I think I prefer the spelling Casper, but I don't care too much either way.Casper the Friendly Ghost isn't as popular as he used to be, so although most people will have heard of him, the association shouldn't be overwhelming. Unless, of course, Casper goes the way of My Little Pony and has a major cult revival, in which case you might be in for trouble.
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It's a cool name, but some people will still think of the friendly ghost. At least he was friendly! But if it worries you have you considered Jasper or Caspian?
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I love Caspian, but part of me thinks it's more 'out there' than Caspar and I doubt I'd ever have the guts to use either. For some reason, I strongly dislike Jasper although it's practically the same as Caspar . . .
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I also prefer Caspar to Jasper. Don't worry too much about the reference, but it could always work as a mn
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