WDYT of Cora?
I think this name is pretty (regardless of the fact that it's my middle name, my cousin's name, my Grandma's name...) I've seen it as Cora, Corah, Kora, and Korah (Korah being a masculine name, though). What do ya'll think?
I like it and only spelled Cora.
I love Cora, spelt Cora
I think it's very beautiful, although I've never met someone with this name before. It's one of my favourites too - sounds very feminine, so you needn't worry about Korah's being masculine.
I love it!
Korah is interesting, and I think I almost like it, but only for someonelse's kid.
Cora, on the other hand is boring to me, sorry. I much prefer Cara/Kara.
Cora is a gorgeous name but I only like that spelling.
Where did you get Korah (especially as masculine) from?
I've seen Cora, Kora, and Kore. I like it quite a bit, especially Cora. It's simple yet feminine, and you can't beat the Persephone association.
I've seen Cora, Kora, and Kore. I like it quite a bit, especially Cora. It's simple yet feminine, and you can't beat the Persephone association.
I got it straight out of the Old Testament. There are a lot of Psalms written to the "sons of Korah", who, I believe, was a priest. Maybe Evey could correct me if I'm wrong.
I got it straight out of the Old Testament. There are a lot of Psalms written to the "sons of Korah", who, I believe, was a priest. Maybe Evey could correct me if I'm wrong.