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Re: Bertha, Agnes, and Gertrude
in reply to a message by Tara
Being a "bear," I like the French form "Berthe" (BEHR-t) :-D But Bertha, in English, is less than attractive, poor thing.Agnes has a medieval appeal to me. I wouldn't use it, but the nn Nessie is cute. I adore the variants Inez and Ines, BTW.Gertrude is a fun name because no one else likes it. The contrarian in me rebels. Besides, Gertie and Trudie are very cute. My dh had an Aunt Gertrude, so the name has a sentimental attachment for me.I know. I'm weird. I just find names like K8tlyn and Heydyn repellant. These names, in contrast, are refreshing.
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