What do you think of the name Jessie for a girl's name? Do you think it stands alone alright? What are some names that Jessie can be a nickname for... I know of Jessica, Jessalyn and Jessamyn. I don't care for those names but LOVE Jessie!
:~) Kelly
:~) Kelly
I used to babysit for a girl called Jessie, nn for Jessica. She'd be about 23 now.
Jessie sounds a bit to nicknamey for my tastes
My great grandmother was named Jessie Helen (she went by Helen).
I love Jessie too and have considered it as nickname for Jessa. I love Jessa-will ask opinions about it later. Jessica is very pretty but I'm a bit tired of it.
I do know a 21 year old girl named Jesse. That is her given name-with the male spelling. She's very pretty and spunky!
I do know a 21 year old girl named Jesse. That is her given name-with the male spelling. She's very pretty and spunky!
I think it's cute but I do only like it as a nickname. But I did meet a Jessie once (not short for anything) and she was well into her 70's. After meeting her, Jessie did seem to take on somewhat of a classic charm, with the likes of names like Millie and Betsy. I may be the only one that thinks that though. I know it's mostly associated as a nickname for Jessica (a name I love).
SIRIUSDOG: *whimpers*
From m15m. A summary of a scene in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
SIRIUSDOG: *whimpers*
From m15m. A summary of a scene in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
I know a girl that is plain old "Jessie" (no formal name). I think she is Jessie Christine, actually. Jessie is a beautiful name and for some reason I actually like it for a girl, but not a boy. However, people constantly called her "Jessica", thinking it was her real name, and she'd always have to correct them and say, "It's just Jessie".
I don't care for Jessie as a formal name, as I think it's just plain too nickname-y sounding, and I find it immature (I can't see an adult woman named Jessie). I prefer Jessica with Jessie as a nickname, but I do not think the formal name decision should revolve around a nickname, as the child may not even like the nickname Jessie, and will want to go by her formal name or a different nickname, and you may just settle upon a name you do not fully like.
Edit: Changed wording.
-Lissa Hannah-
Check out my profile for the names of my !'s, ?'s, ~'s, and /'s.
Edit: Changed wording.
-Lissa Hannah-
This message was edited 6/20/2005, 8:17 PM
If you aren't confident in using it for a girl how about just Jesse for a boy?
I love Jessie too! And I hate to admitt it(guilty pleasure); I love it spelled Jessey. *hides*
I like Jessie Esmeralda the best for a combo. What about you?
Umm..let's see.
Jessenia and Jessamine and Jessa (maybe Jessa could stand alone). I like Jessie by itself though. This is the only unisex name I prefer on a girl.

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
I like Jessie Esmeralda the best for a combo. What about you?
Umm..let's see.
Jessenia and Jessamine and Jessa (maybe Jessa could stand alone). I like Jessie by itself though. This is the only unisex name I prefer on a girl.

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
This message was edited 6/20/2005, 4:48 PM