What do you think of Luther? Is it better as a first name or a middle name? I like Luther Isaiah... Is there a good nickname for Luther?
See my PPs in my profile. :)
See my PPs in my profile. :)
It's completely tied to Martin Luther King, in my eyes. Even though he's a fantastic namesake, I prefer politics to be kept away from children's names. Jmho. Isaiah Luther would be better.
"My universe is laced around your wrist; I am the bracelet you sport."
"My universe is laced around your wrist; I am the bracelet you sport."
I like Luther, I dont think Luther Isaiah works however.
Lu (Lou) is about the only nn I can think of.
"Lord, Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The Things I Can and The Wisdom To Tell The Difference..."
Lu (Lou) is about the only nn I can think of.
"Lord, Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The Things I Can and The Wisdom To Tell The Difference..."
Don't like it as a first or mn
Allison Meghan Elizabeth
My favorite girl names Catherine,Amelia,Athena,Ingrid,Finola
My favorite boy names
Lachlan, Gabriel,Elias,John, James
I'm kind of reminded of Lex Luthor, but not so much that it taints the name for me. I'm more reminded of Martin Luther King, Jr, or Martin Luther.
I like the name. It's classic and it has a history, while still being unusual nowadays. I like it as both a fn and a mn but prefer it, somewhat, as a fn. Luther Isaiah is a nice combo.
Nicknames could be:
I like the name. It's classic and it has a history, while still being unusual nowadays. I like it as both a fn and a mn but prefer it, somewhat, as a fn. Luther Isaiah is a nice combo.
Nicknames could be:
I think of Martin Luther
And while he was a good man in some ways, he did some horrible things. Its not really my style. I think that there is quite a bit of teasing potential in it. I would use Luke as a nn, though. Luther Isaiah is a fine name, though I prefer it as a middle name. Joseph Luther/Josiah LUther/Benjamin Luther.
"I suppose not. But then you're on the side of the gods, and this bastard sounds like a giant albino cockroach on a day pass from Hell."
Little Ozzie from Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
And while he was a good man in some ways, he did some horrible things. Its not really my style. I think that there is quite a bit of teasing potential in it. I would use Luke as a nn, though. Luther Isaiah is a fine name, though I prefer it as a middle name. Joseph Luther/Josiah LUther/Benjamin Luther.
Little Ozzie from Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
I think Luther would be best as a middle name. I think it sounds great, but since I'm Catholic, I probably wouldn't use it. ;)
Luther Isaiah sounds fine to me. I think Benjamin Luther would be nice, too.
"What are these parents thinking?...Let's name her Madison--she'll live in her own world: 16 square miles surrounded by reality." -- Susan Lampert Smith
Luther Isaiah sounds fine to me. I think Benjamin Luther would be nice, too.
Luke Perry's real name is Luther. Maybe Lu/Lou?
Oh me too!
