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Birth Announcements - What do you think?
Here are some local birth announcements. What do you think of these names?GIRLS:
Lillian Elizabeth
Olivia Rae
Breanne Marie
Kaylen Noelle
Blythe Elizabeth
Lucinda Annabelle
Sophia Nicola
Abigail Rose
Ashley Elizabeth Calla
Hope Marie
Nalaniah Virginia
Angelica Maria
James DellaBOYS:
Jaden Alexander
Andrew Esteban
Rocco Nikolas
Wyatt Layne
James Daniel
Jace Mykill
Brandon Steven
Jackson Roger
Cody Michael
Marco Andres
William Gray
George Jacob
Connor Alec
Aidan David
Logan Neil
Carson Thomas
Logan Timothy
Andrew JacobParent name that caught my eye:
I like:
Breanne Marie (I prefer the spelling Brianna)
Abigail Rose
Ashley Elizabeth
Marie (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Maria (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
James (I only like this name for a boy)Alexander
James Daniel
Brandon Steven
Jackson Roger
George Jacob
Carson Thomas
Logan Timothy
Andrew Jacob---
Other comments:
Attack of the trendy name: Kaylen and Jace.
Here we go: boy's name for a girl: James.
The spelling makes all the difference: Mykill (I'm assuming this is a horrific spelling of Michael?).
Just plain "what were they thinking!?": Nalaniah, Neolani, Layne, and Gray.Edit: Added and removed a comment.

-Lissa Hannah-
Check out my profile for the names of my !'s, ?'s, ~'s, and /'s.

This message was edited 6/2/2005, 10:02 AM

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Lillian Elizabeth - nms but love Lily
Olivia Rae - gorgeous
Breanne Marie - prefer Brianna
Kaylen Noelle - nice
Blythe Elizabeth - like Blythe
Lucinda Annabelle - nms
Sophia Nicola - too many a's but i like both names
Abigail Rose - ok
Ashley Elizabeth Calla - love Calla
Hope Marie - doesn't flow well
Nalaniah Virginia - nms
Angelica Maria - too many a's again
Neolani - ok
James Della - not for a girlBOYS:
Jaden Alexander - cute
Andrew Esteban - nms
Rocco Nikolas - nice
Wyatt Layne - nice
James Daniel - ok
Jace Mykill - mykill?
Brandon Steven - too many e/on's
Jackson Roger - ok
Cody Michael - love Cody
Marco Andres - nice
William Gray - nms
George Jacob - ok
Connor Alec - prefer Alex
Aidan David - nice
Logan Neil - ok
Carson Thomas - lovely
Logan Timothy - ok
Andrew Jacob - ok
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I like:Elizabeth
Nicola - sooo nice to see this used instead of Nicole!
Hope Alexander
TimothyS xx--
Many terrorists go to America legally and hang around on expired visas (some for as long as 10 -15 years). At Blockbuster you're two days late with a video rental and those people are all over you. I think we should put Blockbuster in charge of US immigration.
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Lillian Elizabeth-gorgeous, love it
Olivia Rae-LOVE Olivia, HATE Rae
Breanne Marie-arrgh, tryndee to the max
Kaylen Noelle-LOVE Noelle, Kaylen is tryndee, misspelt and cutsey
Blythe Elizabeth-Elizabeth is lovely, Blythe is not a name
Lucinda Annabelle-Lucinda is nmsaa, Annabelle is lovely
Sophia Nicola-LOVE Sophia, love Nicola, but not together. Sophie Nicola or Sophia Nicole would be much better
Abigail Rose-beautiful
Ashley Elizabeth Calla-love Elizabeth and Calla, hate Ashley
Hope Marie-okay
Nalaniah Virginia-WTF is Nalaniah?? Virginia is nmsaa
Angelica Maria-hate
Neolani-MISSPELLED! It's NOElani
James Della-James on a girl makes me cry. Della is badBOYS:
Jaden Alexander-Jaden is horrendous and trynndeigh, Alexander is lovely
Andrew Esteban-love Andrew, hate Esteban
Rocco Nikolas-hate
Wyatt Layne-hate
James Daniel-love!
Jace Mykill-HATE, and WTF is Mykill???
Brandon Steven-doesn't flow at all
Jackson Roger-HATE

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Mykill is horrifically violent imo. :-/I like:
Lillian Elizabeth - Like both names, but together they have way too many L sounds for me
Olivia Rae - Prefer Raye or Raya for a girl
Blythe Elizabeth
Lucinda Annabelle - Like both names, but this combo is a little frilly for me
Sophia Nicola - Like both names, but 3-3 syllable pattern plus the double -a endings combine to make the combo flow badly to me
Abigail Rose
Hope Marie
Angelica Maria - A little frilly, but not too badJaden Alexander
Andrew Esteban - Prefer Estéban
Rocco Nikolas - Like both names, but together they have to many K sounds to my ears
James Daniel
Brandon Steven - Like both names, but not together because of the double -n endings
Jackson Roger - Is it just me, or are parents misspelling my surname less often nowadays? (Yes, I do realise I've just cursed into existence a spate of Jaxons, Jaxxons, Jaxsons, Jaksons, Jacsons, and Jaqsons)
Cody Michael
Marco Andres - Prefer Andrés
William Gray
George Jacob
Aidan David - Like both names, but not together because of the back-to-back den and day sounds

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Many of these names are surprisingly refreshing! :)I like:
Lillian Elizabeth
Olivia Rae
Blythe Elizabeth
Lucinda Annabelle
Sophia Nicola
Abigail Rose
Hope Marie
Angelica MariaRocco Nikolas - fn is trendy because of Madonna, but the combo is cool
James Daniel
Marco Andres
William Gray
George Jacob
Other comments:
James Della - on a girl?! yikes
Jace Mykill - Ok the fn is bad enough but that kre8tiv spelling of Michael is the worst ever.."my kill"?? that's asking for trouble! :b
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I hate James on a girl and Aidan on a boy.
Rocco makes me think of Rocco the porn star. Even if there wasn't a porn star named Rocco it's still an ugly overly macho name.
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