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Unreal nicknames
Does anyone like some nicknames for names that are actually of no relation to the real name?
For example:
I like Lorelei and I like Leila (pro. Lyla) for a nickname, but Leila really has nothing to do with the name Lorelei (or at least not to my knowledge).Others I do this way:
Aphrodite -> Hattie (obviously)
Aurora -> Aura
Camilla -> Calla
Calanthe -> Callie
Esmeralda -> Esme
Keturah -> Ketta
Estella -> Ella (some would argue Stella)
November -> Nova
Obvious ones(though I'm not sure if these count since they are mostly word names):
Harmony -> Mona (pro. Monna)
Treasure -> Azure
Escapade -> Essie
Keraden -> Keren (pro. Kiran)
Promise -> Missi Anyway, do you have any? Wdyt of mine?-Seda*

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson

This message was edited 3/3/2005, 1:11 PM

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I do that, too!Sapphira - Sara
Keturah - Kitty
Nehemiah - Nemo
Priscilla - Risa
Mahalia - Haylie
Tirzah - Teri
Hezekiah - Zeke (I know, really nn for Ezekiel)
I know there are others, but I don't have them written down. :-)
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Mikhail -> Mitya -> Mitty (a cousin)
Claude -> Coco
Theodore -> Dory
Zacharie -> Carie (CAH-ree)
Elisabeth -> Lily
Mariana -> Ana
Jacobine -> Coco
Alice -> Mal - me :)
_________________________________________________Alice xProud Big Sister to Sophie and Isabel
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i never thought of Lily w/'s a nice change from the normal ones (Liz, Lizzie, Libby, Beth, Eliza, etc.)
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I love feminine nicknames on boysEmmanuel "Emma"
Callum "Callie"
Alasdair "Ali or Alas (said Alice)"
Caspian "Cassie"
Oscar "Cas" or maybe "Cara" (i just thought of that)I once met a boy called Aidan and his family called him Dinny because of the sound at the end of Aidan, i thought that was yuck.Family ones:
Christian nn "Chin"
Guy "Guyby" (Guy-bee)
Isabella "Belly" (Cause she loves food)
Aidan "Aidy"My brothers name is Christian and my cousin Eliza couldnt say it when she was young so she said ChiChin which just got shortened to "Chin". Thats pretty much what he is called by me (even though he is almost 18!)
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Me too!Emmanuel "Emma"
Callum "Callie"

I forgot about those!
I was frazzled this afternoon; forgive me.
My favourites are:
Anders -> Anny (pro. like Annie)
Adiwyn or Adrian or Adriel or Adonis (you get the idea)-> Addy
And like you said.. Emma.
I wouldn't even hesitate to call Emilian "Emilie". Call me cruel. See if I care. My son is Keren! :p
(note: that wasn't to you; that was to the protesting public)-Seda*PS: Dinny is yuck.

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
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I love Adrian nn Addy and Addison nn AddyEmilian nn Emilie is very nice!! BTW i love Keren it looks so nice!
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Thanks on the Keren one!
Addison is my maiden name. I like that even more. I wish I had another son sometimes(so I could name him that), but I wouldn't dare know what to do then! Life is mad enough as it is.-Seda*

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
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I don't know if I understand what you mean by "nicknames for names that are actually of no relation to the nn." Almost all of the nns people have mentioned are just sounds from the name (Estella to Ella) or sounds from the name with a suffix added (November to Nova). I'm not trying to be critical, I just want to understand why these nns dont seem (to you) to come from the names. Thanks :)
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The etymology of the nickname has nothing to do with the real name.
Ella may sound as if it could come from Estella, but in actually the names has nothing in common except the sound (and okay, they're both English, but that's irrelevant). Likewise, Nova has nothing to do with November. Nova means "new" and November gets it's name from "novem" which is Latin for "nine"(it was the 9th month on the Roman calendar). The names Nova and November have nothing to do with one another. They only sound the same.Understand now?-Seda*

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
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Hehe, I always try to find some strange nicknames for names. I think you actually started me on it since I had been looking for nicknames for Harmony & Sterling.I think all of your nicknames work, I like them. I especially like Aura for Aurora & Nova for November. : )
Hmm, some that I think could work:Jocelyn -> Jossie (JAHS-ee)
Illeana -> Lena (LEE-na)
Azura -> Zura
Raina -> Rai (RAY)
Angeline -> Lina (LEE-na)
Mererid -> Merry ; )Dominic -> Nico (NEE-ko)
Antonius -> Antone
Kieran -> Kai
Oh yeah, the bassist for my favorite band is named Reginald, but his band mates decided he looked like Garfield, and from that he became Fieldy. Hehe, just thought I'd add that.

This message was edited 3/3/2005, 12:01 PM

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Jocelyn -> Jossie
A long time favourite for me, though I spell it Jossy, because of the Y in Jocelyn.Azura -> Zura
My baby... ♥
Mererid -> Merry ; )
WOOHOO!Kieran -> Kai
I've never thought of this!-Seda*

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson

This message was edited 3/3/2005, 1:03 PM

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I put Jossie (JAHS-ee) because I also like the name Josie (JO-zee).I just thought of Kai for Kieran, I think it could it work. : )

This message was edited 3/3/2005, 1:41 PM

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I think so too...*Aphrodite* (aka Hattie)

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
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Weird nicknames are common in Jewish families, because people tend to do nns for nns. For example, Yehiel will become Chiel (kheel) who will become Chielek who will become Leki.Nns can also appear by association: Beila (Yiddish for Bella) for Rahel, because the Biblical Rahel was very beautiful.They can also appear by translation: Zahava -> Golda -> GoldiOr by closeness in sound: Raisel for Rahel or even Rivka.Or plain weird ones: Tzeitel for Sarah.Or nns corresponding to the oldest/youngest son/daughter: idea of first & royalty for the oldest one (Bechor, Bechora, Risha, Hanu...), idea of cuteness or little for the youngest (Bubbele, Tokle...)Or nns corresponding to characteristics: Fruma, Boli (sweet as honey), Mensch (brave and good man)...
Risha nn for Rishona:
Hanu: "empress, lady" in Khazar
Bubbele nn for Bubbe:
~~ Claire ~~
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today i was thinking it would be cute to name a daughter Vanessa Elizabeth and call her Nessabelle. (Belle is of no relation to Elizabeth that I am aware of.)
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I always think of Belle being a nn for Elizabeth because Isabel/Isabelle/Isabella are variations of some sort of the name Elizabeth I think ...
_________________________________________________Alice xProud Big Sister to Sophie and Isabel
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how true!
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that is cute...*Aphrodite* (aka Hattie)

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
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We call my friend Laura "Lou". I'm not sure how common that is, but the two names don't seems to be that similar.
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That's the case with my cousin Lindsey and my friend Lucy too. It seems to be a L theme.
They get Lindsey Lu and Lucy Lu and them all other nicknames people than think of that show alliteration. Hehe..I guess it's because they are fun to say.-Seda*

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
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I get called Lou and Lulu too. I've never heard of another Lauren/Laura doing that though!
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Yes, I tend to like nicknames like these when it seems like the obvious nicknames aren't that great. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Alexander, nn Zane. I really like Alexander and plan on using it, but I dislike Alex (too girly) and Xander (too pretentious). Also, I think that the less obvious nicknames are often the ones that stick, for some reason, at least in my experience.
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Ambrosia - Rosie
Aw..that's sweet.Scarlett - Carly
I've never even noticed that!Isadora - Sadie

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
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I like Niamh (NEEV) nn Nina.
All of yours seem to work quite well.
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