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Brilliana and Rhodes
I found Brilliana here: Conway seems like a good namesake, and the name itself struck me in a good way. I like the sound, and the presumed meaning "brilliant". It does seem a little fanciful and a bit frilly, but I don't mind that today. I pronounce it BRIL-lee-an-ah.Wdyt of Rhodes for a boy? It means "rose", from Greek rhodon . It's a unisex name, but with so many feminine names meaning "rose", I figure boys at least deserve Rhodes to themselves. (There's also Cecil Rhodes, founder of Rhodesia (which is now Zimbabwe), although in his case Rhodes was his surname. And also see the mythological Rhode on Wikipedia: How would you pronounce Rhodes? Personally, I say it simply like the word "roads", with a silent D.

"Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of diseased mind" -- Terry Pratchett
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I pronounce it differently, as brill-ee-AHN-a. This makes more sense to me, as it matches Juliana, Adriana, Liliana etc. I find it too close to the word "brilliant", though.I definitely prefer Rhodes on a boy, but it sounds surname-y to me, even though it isn't :-/
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Rhodes is very nice. I like it. Brilliana is kind of obvious and therefore somewhat tacky to me.
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I don't care for Brilliana, because of the word brilliant being in it, and it reminds me of brillo (that stiff, gray sponge type thingy - not sure of the spelling). Plus, I'm not fond of namesakes outside of a family. Rhodes is just too close to the word roads (which is how I would pronounce the name), and I think of Rhode Island.
-Lissa Hannah-
As soon as tradition has come to be recognized as tradition, it is dead. - Allan Bloom
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I like Rhodes.I say it like "roads" as well, but I pronunce the D. I think it's really neat, but I'd use it as a middle name.I'm not so big a fan of Brilliana, but it's not horrible.Array
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Brilliana is nms. It's a little too frilly for my taste. It's so close to brilliant that it makes the bearer's parents seem a bit arrogant imo. They're so positive their child will be brilliant that they want everyone else to know too. I'd expect her to have a sister named Beautifullia.Aesthetically Rhodes is nms. I pronounce it identically to the word roads so it reminds me of roads and Rhodes Scholars. However, I do like the idea of giving a flower name to a boy. I personally have a weakness for Roosevelt.
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I like them both. But I think I would spell Briliana with one L.
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I don't like it too much, but it's ok. I don't like Rhodes.
Shane & Elizabeth
11/20/04 We are future parents to: Benjamin Luke, Alexander Sara Anneliese, Rachel Sophia
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Brilliana just reminds me of brilliant too much. I agree it is too frilly.Rhodes is quite nice. I do have a friend with this surname so its probably more of a surname to me.- Kitty
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Brilliana is very pretty! However, Rhodes is nmsaa.
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