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Re: Birth Announcements - What do you think?
Kasey Ann- Don't Kasey with a 'K' or for a girl. Ann is ok.
Gianna Gemma- Like Gianna a lot, but don't like Gemma. It's not a good combo.
Peyton Kay- Peyton is ok, but I prefer it for a boy. Kay is a pretty good nn, but doesn't sound that great with Peyton.
Angie- Don't like it.
Mariana- Pretty.
Cinthya- Bad spelling.
Mackenzie Rae- Cute sound, but I don't particularly care for Mackenzie...I love Rae for a mn (it's a family name for me).
Brandine Marie- Don't care for Brandine...Marie is pretty, but realllly boring as a mn imho.
Dekayla Khadishia- No.
Meghan Rose- Very pretty.
Navia Rosheera- Navia is has a pretty sound, but it certainly is nmsaa.
Chloe Gabriel- Love Chloe. Gabriel would be a nice name if it was Gabrielle. Gabriel is a boy's name.BOYS:
Austin Lee- Nice.
Mailk Anthony- Like Anthony...Mailk is like putting milk in the mail.
Johnie- Bad spelling, but cute for a nn.
Ernest Ceceil- nmsaa, but kind of a cool sound.
Noah Dominick- Like Noah a lot, but don't really like Dominick. It's a pretty good combo though.
Aidan Patrick- Like Aidan, but don't care for Patrick. Great combo though.
Memphis- Not a name to me.
Justice Andrew- Love Andrew. Justice is tolerable, but not really a name to me.
James Daniel- A good combo. I love James, but I don't really like Daniel at all.
Israel Hector- Ok...Israel is not really a name to me, but it's got a great sound. I really like Hector for some reason that I can't pinpoint.
Tyler James- Love James, but don't really care for Tyler.
Konnor James- Like Connor, but the 'K' spelling is horrible. Love James.
Hayden Gary James- Like Hayden and love James. Don't really like Gary at all's a nice combo though.
Matteo Benedict Pernella- Matteo is pretty cool...maybe the other mn's have a specific meaning to the parents?
Ernesto- Nice...I love Spanish names.
Jayce Allan- Don't like either names, but the combo sounds pretty good.
Rafael Euardo- Like it supposed to be Eduardo?
Oh- Seriously?
Poosevelte- lol, this name is really horrible.
Dequan Torres- nmsaa, but it looks pretty good next to Poosevelte.
Bryson Emerson- Don't like the sound of the combo and I don't like Bryson. Emerson is ok though, but nrms.
Lance Matthew- Don't like either names at all.
Devin James- Devin is ok; love James.
Danny- Ok nn, but nmsaa.
RaShawn Eddie- Eddie is a cute nn, but I don't like the combo.
Anthony- Nice.
Edry- Interesting...neutral on this one.
Phillip Mee- nmsaa.
Elio Alexander- Elio is ok...Alexander is nmsaa, I just don't like it.
Gaethan Samuel- Samuel is nice...Gaethan is nms.
Alexander David- David is ok, but I don't like Alexander. It's nmsaa.
Seth Jeramiah- Seth is ok. Jeramiah is nmsaa, and I don't really like the 'a'.
Joshua Beckham- Like it.
Robert OwnGibson- Robert is ok (love the nn Rob), but OwnGibson is kinda weird...maybe it a combo of specific last names that are important to the parents? At least it's a mn.
Joshua Logan Cole- Joshua is good. Logan is ok. I hate the name Cole.
Dylan Blake- Dylan is nice, but I don't like Blake. The combo is ok.
River Waters- Bad combo, lol. I like River though. At least Waters is the mn.
Ryan Harley- Ryan is ok, but a little dull to me. I don't like Harley much, but the combo's kinda cool.
Anthony Joseph- Nice.
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