Re: Your opinion -- what are the most beautiful Scottish/Gaelic names for girls?
in reply to a message by Sarena
I love loads of them (being half Scottish and half Irish, they kind of reflect my roots as well):
Many of those not in BtN's database can be found at :-)
Ailíse - AY-leesh-a
Aine (Áine) - AWN-yuh
Aoibheann "even"
Bronagh BROE-na
Caoimhe KEEV-uh
Éibhleann AYV-len
Laoise LEESH-uh
Liadan (Líadan) LEE-a-din
Marsaili MAR-sa-lee
Niamh "neeve"
Orlaith (Órlaith), Orlagh AWR-la
Saoirse SEER-shuh
Saorla SAYR-la
Séighín SHAY-in (sounds like Shane)
Many of those not in BtN's database can be found at :-)
Ailíse - AY-leesh-a
Aine (Áine) - AWN-yuh
Aoibheann "even"
Bronagh BROE-na
Caoimhe KEEV-uh
Éibhleann AYV-len
Laoise LEESH-uh
Liadan (Líadan) LEE-a-din
Marsaili MAR-sa-lee
Niamh "neeve"
Orlaith (Órlaith), Orlagh AWR-la
Saoirse SEER-shuh
Saorla SAYR-la
Séighín SHAY-in (sounds like Shane)