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Olivia, Mélodie or Lucie?
Hi, I posted on here before, and I need your opinions again. My husband and I have short-listed 3 girls' names for our next daughter. She is due in April.We have 1 daughter at the moment - Clara IsabelleWhich is your favorite, and if you could, please say why.
Olivia, Mélodie or Lucie?As a side note, we are both French (if you hadn't guessed from the names).For a middle name, we are contemplating Sophie, if we chose Olivia. Sophia is an option if we chose either of the other two.Last name is DameryThankyou for your help!Regards,
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Is Olivia as popular in France as it is here? I like Olivia the best, but if it's really popular then I vote for Melodie (with the accent mark, I just don't know how to make them :-). But if popularity doesn't matter to you anyways, then I vote for Olivia. Congratulations :-)
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LucieI love Lucie.
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Lucie - my favourite! I would put this into the same catagory as Clara - simple and feminine (Melodie seems a bit trendy and Olivia too frilly imo - although I like them both, Lucie goes best with Clara)Clara Isabelle and Lucie Sophia alice x
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My vote is for Olivia :)
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I like Mélodie the best personally, but I am not sure about how good it sounds with your last name.Have you considered using Olivie? I like Olivia also; the only drawback is its popularity.In English (as you may know), Lucie is always a pet form, and looks informal or familiar -- so if a significant part of her experience is expected to be in the English-speaking world, you might consider using Lucienne as a full name. You could still call her Lucie, I suppose, if that would be normal in French. If she's going to live most of her life in France, I don't suppose it matters. Anyway, Lucienne Damery sounds very nice, imo, as well as Lucie Damery.All of these I like, in approximately this order:
Mélodie Sophia Damery
Lucienne Sophia Damery
Olivia Lucienne Damery
Olivie Sophia Damery
Lucie Sophia Damery
Lucie Olivia Damery - chazda
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Thankyou for your suggestions. Lucienne might be one for us to consider. For some reason, Olivie doesn't appeal to me like Olivia, but I'm not sure why.Thanks for your help!
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I like Lucie best. I would like Olivie more than Olivia. Melodie is nms.
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I think Mélodie Sophia Damery sounds really pretty.
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I was going to choose Melodie but, i really like Olivia and I think that Olivia goes best with your last name.
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As the names are listed, I don't like any of them.I prefer the name Olivianna, rather than Olivia. I think it's much prettier.I don't care for Mélodie (or Melody).I prefer Lucille with Lucie as a nickname. Lucie is fine for a 5-year-old, but not a 55-year-old, I think. I prefer Sophia with Sophie as a nickname.But, I don't think any of the names make a good combo, with your way of spelling the names, or my way of spelling the names.
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If you actually live in France, I'd say Mélodie. It's beautiful. If not, Olivia. Olivia Sophie is really pretty.
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I think Lucie goes best with Clara, but I dislike Lucie Sophia. On their own, of the three names, I like Mélodie best. Mélodie Sophia has a nice flow. I think Olivia is too popular- right now it isn't something I would use.Shannon
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