[Facts] Re: Cinderella can you help me ? :D
Hi you, i'm Dutch too, so maybe i can help...Kasterre in our language is prounced Kast-ER-re, with the accent on ER, but to explain in english:
-Kast is pronounced as Cast (as in: he 'casted' a spell, like witches)
-Er, (i can explain this better by taking the part "ster" from the name) is pronounced as "Steh-R", kinda like Stair, but with a stronger R..
-Re is pronounced as "Ruh", or even Reh, but with a strong 'eh' sound..Hope that helped!
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Cinderella can you help me ? :D  ·  Kasterre  ·  11/10/2004, 12:16 AM
sorry I wasn't here but Indy did a good job! :D nt  ·  Cinderella  ·  11/13/2004, 11:54 AM
Re: sorry I wasn't here but Indy did a good job! :D nt  ·  Kasterre  ·  11/14/2004, 3:15 AM
Re: Cinderella can you help me ? :D  ·  Indy  ·  11/10/2004, 8:39 AM
Re: Cinderella can you help me ? :D  ·  Anon.  ·  11/11/2004, 9:27 AM
Re: Cinderella can you help me ? :D  ·  Kasterre  ·  11/12/2004, 3:58 AM
Re: Cinderella can you help me ? :D  ·  Kasterre  ·  11/10/2004, 9:20 PM
Glad i could help! nt  ·  Indy  ·  11/11/2004, 6:52 AM