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[Facts] positive energy to NY... :-( n/t
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Wow, omg! This was a long time ago! This is so far out....
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Thanks, Pavlos.:)
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I'm still numb from this! After repeated calls, I managed to get thru this morning to my sister's office in NJ about 8 miles west of the Trade Center. She said she had seen the collapse of one of the towers from her office window, and her husband (who's safe but now marooned in the City) had witnessed the impact of the second jet hitting the buildings. Later I heard that my nephew, who works off Wall Street, was okay too. Thank God!But thousands of people are NOT okay, and thousands of families never will be. Everyone please pray for those who were lost or injured and for their families!- Daividh
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I'm glad to hear that your family is okay :)
vote up1vote down positive energy to NY... :-(We watched the news all day at school. A lot of people at my school have relatives and friends in the New York area and also at the Pentagon. Our whole school stopped to pray for all of the people in these areas and their family members.Both my Bible and Science teacher have realtives in New York . And my History teacher has a good friend working at the Pentagon. One of my friends' father was going to be flying to LA today, i think...
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My condolences to everyone affected by this disaster. I have been watching the news throughout the morning, jaw agape. It's absolutely shocking. I have little doubt that your president will take lethal action against those responsible, if they can be identified.
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Wow this is just amazing... I cant believe something like this could happen! But I give my positive energy to everyone in NY! I feel so bad for anyone with family anywhere where these plans crashed! I know that the national guard is in lockdown all over the country! I have a friend who is in the Navy and I talked to him and he said he was suppose to find out weather he was going to war at 1300 hours Cali time! I havent heard anything from in since soo.....
My half sister's husband is also in the army and they are in Germany and she said they where at war well will be as soon as they find out with who! So I dont know what to think! I know they closed down everything around here and I am in Minnesota! I wish everyone luck!
Love- Gia
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I wish I could donate blood, but I'm on a medication that prevents it.The afternoon/evening classes have been cancelled here in Milwaukee, and I've already encountered the "They must've done it, so lets attack them" attitude. Makes me sick when so-called educated people jump to a conclusion and break a few proverbial necks.Please don't call these [insert appropriate invective] animals because most animals don't kill unless it's to defend themselves, defend their offspring, food, or to create a situation that the male can increase his chance for the gene pool. I don't see anything in the above description that would include the assault on the grade school in Pennsylvania or the attacks in New York. *psychic fireballs heading for the spirits of the commissioners of these attrocities*I have friends in the Pittsburgh area where I spent the first 10 years of my life, and I also have a few relatives in New York. I wish the worst on those who decided to do this to the innocent people, far worse than anything that any of you on the board can remotely imagine.Sorry about my major rant here and thank you for letting me do this (especially you, Mike C., since this is your board).Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria [who's not so euphoric])
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No offense, Phyllys. By "animals" I did not mean any particular race, religious group, or any other kind of people. I just meant that animals kill, while it is true they are doing it for survival, without regard for other animals feelings. That is how I view those responsible because if you ask the sickos responsible they feel they are protecting their way of life and are killing for survival. I feel they should be hunted down and hanged from a very tall tree, cut the rope and use it on the next one. It is a cheap form of execution and they are not worth any more resources spent on them then necessary. Prayers for all families and friends, my cousin is in NY right now also but I am pretty sure she is o.k.
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Yep, I agree with you 100 percent about how animals shouldn't be confused with the kind of human scum who did this. I think a lot of people just naturally tend to call human scum "animals", because of religious indoctrination from childhood telling people all the time that human beings are "higher" than the animals. Whereas human beings are really animals, too. I don't think that a lot of people mean any disrespect to non-human animals -- it's just a bad habit of an expression.People just have to get used to using the term "human scum". I'm certainly used to using it. :)-- Nanaea
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NanaeaI've been using the phrase "insert invective" because I can't think of a better way of putting it. I have a relatively large vocabulary, and I can't think of a word or phrase that is low enough to describe what I'm thinking of to describe these (insert invective). Combined, even your Satanicness, the Oh Greek One, and the Krusty the Klown Kollege Graduate don't have a word or phrase low enough for how I'm thinking of describing them. I've lit two magickally charged yartzeit candle for those who won't ever see their families on this plane of existance again.Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Thanks, Pavlos & Tracie. I've got a cousin who works on Wall Street, and I don't know what's become of him. I'm at work right now, and we've all been listening to the radio. The lower end of Manhattan is completely engulfed in smoke.I may be shutting down the library early today, because I've got so many staff members with friends and family who work in the city. Keep sending the positive energy. We need it.-- Nanaea
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My love and warm wishes to you and your family and friends in NY. I hope you get a rainbow at the end of this storm. I have an aunt that works in a Federal Bldg. in D.C., I'm not sure what's become of her either. :*(SJ
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I think the news said they were evacuating all Federal buildings in D.C. I'm sending positive energy for your aunt, SJ.They're bringing New York survivors out to Long Island hospitals here. I've just notified my staff that anyone who wants to go to the nearest hospital to donate blood can go now.-- Nanaea
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Thanks, Nan . I just heard word from my grandma that my aunt and uncle are both at home safe. Here in St. Louis , they have shut down all the malls and suspended all after school activities, which started first with the school I graduated from I'm guessing because we are extremely close to St. Louis-Lambert Airport. My brother was due to come home from the Navy for the weekend, but he's not anymore because the military has declared a state of Delta. They came into our liar, Nan , now we have to destroy them.Sarahjeanne
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Glad your aunt and uncle are safe; I just got word that my cousin is okay, too.Yep, "If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy." Except the ones who did this were by no means guests, and they did a helluva lot worse than simply annoy.As soon as the people responsible for this have been identified, they need to be hunted down and made to pay. The thing is, most terrorists don't care whether they live or die, anyway -- and the ones who did these heinous acts were on a suicide mission, anyway.So what needs to be done is to destroy something that they *do* care about -- something that is close to their heart and that they love very, very dearly.I'd have no inhibitions whatsoever about doing that, but I don't know if our government would do it, because the U.S. always wants to be perceived as being "the good guys".Lucky for the terrorists that there aren't more Satanists running this country.-- Nanaea
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NanaeaI know an Irish Satanist who's just as enraged as you are (her mother's family is from Northern Ireland and they are Catholic, so it gives you an idea about how well she understands the p.o.v.) She's adding a bit of her energies (from what I understand).The ones that I'm worried about are the rank-and-file Muslims (especially those living in the U.S.) who DON'T condone this sort of crap. I fear that they will bear the injuries that the rest of the country want to give the ones who actually ordered/pulled off this attack.Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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I know what you mean...It's nice to hear that you know other Satanists, Phyllis. :)I know what you mean about how a lot of Muslims do NOT condone these crimes. I'm concerned for the people who own and operate my favorite Afghanistani restaurant on Long Island -- Kabul Restaurant in the town of Huntington. And then there's the Kabul Restaurant on West 54th St. in Manhattan. I've chatted with the young women employed there about the Taleban's religious fundamentalist control in Afghanistan, and they've told me how the Taleban is "crazy" over there in their treatment (enslavement, actually) of women.I would no sooner confuse these good people with the cowardly scum who destroyed the WTC, than I would have others confuse philosophical Satanists with devil-worshippers.Sorry if I'm dwelling too much on the whole thing. We're all still pretty numb here in New York, and talking helps I guess. Even though I'm on Long Island, we've been isolated because all the highways and bridges leading towards Manhattan (and off the island) were closed yesterday and early today. And the ferries were all booked up and on a strictly "first come, first served" basis. So Long Islanders have essentially been trapped on the island. It gives one a kind of claustrophobic feeling, knowing that there's no way off the island if there had been some kind of emergency. I wonder if the terrorists even realized how vulnerable the entire Long Island population has been these past couple of days?-- Nanaea
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As if the country didn't hate FL enough for not being able to vote!...we find out that the terrorists may have trained here in Florida!!Don't feel badly for dwelling on this matter. I couldn't imagine being trapped like that. They make being stranded on an island look so nice in the movies.My boyfriend and I tried to give blood yesterday, but the people at Florida Blood Service told us to come back tomorrow (today). They had so many people, even in little ol' Plant City trying to donate, they couldn't accomadate all of them in one day. Also, my favorite country station is out at the Buccaneer's Stadium and the Tropicana Field with Florida Blood Service "Blood Mobile" taking donations. Yesterday there was a four hour wait! The radio stations even said that there is usually an outpour of people trying to help give blood when a tragedy first happens, but then people stop after it's not front page news, say two weeks from now, and that's when they need blood, too. I've got an appointment for this afternoon to donate.
God Bless All Who've Helped
***ALSO: If you have an American flag-show it. We don't have one at out house and the Wal-Mart is sold out we're using red, white, and blue ribbon on our mailbox. And my toenails are painted red,white, and blue, too, since I always wear sandals. It makes me feel better, and maybe it will lift a few others' spirits.
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The country's gotta get over the Florida thing. You prove that there are cool people in Florida, 'Cole. :)
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Thanks, SJ.
I watched the news an hour ago, and the Prime Minister of England was giving a press conference on the attack. After stating what precautions his country were taking, he made a very touching statement. He said that this act was not one on the United States, but one on the free, democratic world, and that they will stand shoudler to shoulder with us during this time. It's nice to know that though we can hold our own in the U.S ., that someone has our backs. And you're right, SJ- they came onto our terf. And to reword the words of our President, "This is a test of our strength, and we will not fail to pass it."
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Nanaea,I am watching very closely if you aren't able to watch please feel free to email me and I will do my best to keep you up-to-date.
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Thanks, Tracie. :) I can't do e-mail from work, but my lifemate is watching the news at home. Everyone here is just numb with shock. It's almost incomprehensible.
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Prayers to NY and the familiesPrayers for God's soothing peace to the families who have lost their loved one's. And prayer's for the wrath of God on those animals responsible for this.
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"the wrath of God on those animals responsible for this." Lol this would never fly today seeing as animals=essentially Muslims. Hello, political correctness!
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All my thoughts and prayers too...My heart goes out to all of those involved in this horrible tragedy. How utterly devastating and terrifying.Mega (((hugs))) to everyone,Melissa
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Thanks, Melissa. Andrea, who posts on this board, lives in the Bronx. I hope she didn't have any reason to venture into Manhattan today. :(
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The Governor of Florida declared a state of emergency and closed all state institutions, including schools soon after his brother left Florida this morning. I was in English class when I found out about the attack on the World Trade Center. I didn't find out until after they closed classes about the attack on the Pentagon. Both my Uncle and my Aunt work at the Pentagon, and we haven't heard from them yet. My cousin, their daughter, is at a college in Pennsylvania. I don't know if it's near where the fourth plane crashed or not.I don't have to imagine what other families are going through right now, waiting for word from thier loved ones, because I am experiencing it myself. My thoughts and prayers are with those people and their families who are going through the same thing as my family and I.*** Also, if you can, donate blood to your local red cross. I heard that hospitals are shipping blood from all over to those injured in this travisty. It;s at least one thing we can do to keep us from feeling helpless in this matter.
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It's crazy and awfulWe spent pretty much the whole day watching the news (I'm in high school). It's so bizarre. My friend started crying when she heard about it - I don't blame her.One student in the town's middle school had both parents on one of the planes that crashed. I don't know who it is, but I feel horrible for them. Losing both parents so suddenly, and in such an awful's small compared to the whole tragedy, but it's all I can really comprehend at this point.Good luck to everyone, especially families of the many victims.
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I am devastated by what happened there. The US are very dear to me, I have spent some of the best years of my life there. I cannot fathom who could possibly gain or profit from this act. I only hope humanity will not suffer further from its repercussions during the years to come.
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Hoping your folks are okay, 'Cole. Am sending positive energy your way.-- Nanaea
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Good news under the circumstances...My uncle called my grandmother, who lives here in Florida, around 11pm this morning. He is fine, thank God, and my aunt happened to be on a business trip to Dallas, TX. Though she was nowhere near the attack, I've no doubt she is upset that she can't go home right now.Thank you everyone who has been praying and "sending positive energy" to not just me, but to all the victims of this monstrous occurance. God Bless!As if the WTC attack wasn't enough, my brother said that there was a bomb threat at his school today. Someone wrote it on the bathroom wall. It was the 6th bomb threat this year for the high school. And we only started 5 weeks ago! Three were for the whole county and the rest were from just our school. It's scary how "scum" developes at such an early age.
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Way cool that your family is okay, 'Cole! America is going to be just fine -- and strong -- in the face of this. These terrorists will NOT destroy our way of life. I already see all of America -- people of different backgrounds and beliefs -- coming together. New York may be down for the moment, but we're not out.-- Nanaea
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My condolences to you and your family, 'Cole . My sister and I have already made our appointments for this afternoon to donate blood at the Red Cross.SJ
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