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[Surname] Re: Boutrous, Bova, Kirkendol, Looper, Pecile
BOVA and PECILE are italian surnames.

BOVA is calabrian (pronounciation: bohva) it comes from two villages: BOVA and BOVA MARINA (see Emidio DE FELICE - DIZIONARIO DEI COGNOMI ITALIANI)

PECILE is a name of North-East Italy, near the important cities of Udine and Trieste, and not very far from Venice about 150 kilometres.
The meaning of this surname is unknown. Toponimy?
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...which leaves Kirkendol and Looper. I was assuming that Kirkendol was an American version of some Nordic place-name. Typing it into my browser I found it on a website devoted to the surname Kuykendall, a Dutch name in New York in 1646. Apparently it's a place-name - all the information's there. Kirkendol is one of several variants.
Looper, I suspect, is another English language spelling of non-English (German?) surname.
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the above site confirms it as well, as many other do too. The original placename is said to be Kijkinstdal (or Kijkintdal). I don't think this place still exists with this name, but the meaning is clear to me: kijk in 't dal means 'look in the valley' where kijk could refer possibly to a watchtower (?). the latter is just a plain guess to understand the logic of giving the town a name like that. It could be (more logical) the name of a farm, one with a 'view in the valley', which is also a possible translation of the village's name.

This backs it all up:

[...Consequently, the name of Jacob's son was written as Luur Jacobsen in Dutch Reform Church records in 1650.
When he arrived in the New World in 1640, Jacob signed his full name as Jacob Luursen Van Wageningen, the word "van" meaning "from", thus establishing that he was from Wageningen, Holland, although some genealogists believe he was actually born in Land Van Kuyk, a county about 12 miles south of Wageningen. This area, probably known at the time as Kijk-in-t-dal, lies on a high bank above the Rhine river and it said to have a beautiful view of the Rhine valley. "Kijk" is an old Dutch word for "view" and it is pronounced as if it were spelled "Kuyk" or Kike." Mr. Van Laar, a New York State Archivist in 1919, maintained that in in the Dutch dialect of the Wageningen area, "Kijkinstdal" may have been spelled "Kuykendall" or Kuukendal." Other genealogists familiar with Dutch names support this view....]

The above text taken from the following website:
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I'd say Kirkendol means "the church in the valley" ...Scandinavian in origin ...
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