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[Facts] A Brief Note....
Ok the attorneys are almost finished with their meeting and then it's lunch time for me so I have to leave with a parting message:
after browsing this site and message board for the last hour I've reached a few conclusions that any educated or non-educated person can clearly see...1) there are daily posters on this site (you know who you are) that have some serious deep-rooted psychological problems. No offense lots of people have psychological problems that can and should be treated. 2)These same daily posters have formed their own little clique and are unduly hostile to newcomers just looking for some assistance. 3) The webmaster needs to put a stop to such nonsense which I know can be done.
Cheryl if you would really like to assist my best friend and I, you can email any suggestions you might have as I will not be returning here. Otherwise I will find a much better site, rather with friendly people, to get the names I'm looking for. The site is wonderful, most of the people on the message board are rude. I'm sorry for the offense that will be taken from this but I believe rude people need to be told that they are rude or they'll never be able to change.
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Raven/Cyn/Catherine, anyone with a rudimentary computer-literacy can see you are the same person (postings under the same IP)
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Whether or not you're this infamous Raven, I don't know. But its a shame that you feel that you have to permanently withdraw from the board. I read back a little and I know that lots of hurtful and spiteful things were said on both sides. I know I'm new here and don't wish to be an upstart or anything but, "can't we all just get along?" I thought this was a place where namaniacs could get together and exchange knowledge and information. Just because people have differing information or opinions doesn't have to mean WWIII. I don't know how it all got started because I wasn't able to read back that far, but perhaps if the person who initiated the rudeness (and you know who you are) would just post a heartfelt apology, I feel sure that the other party or parties would be big enough to forgive him or her. Just a suggestion from the new kid on the block. No offense intended to anyone. I think I'm probably old enough to be mother to most of the regulars so I feel the role of peacemaker or maternal mediator is appropriate.
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How old are you, Cheryl? I know it's not a polite question to ask, but you did volunteer that you're "probably old enough to be mother to most of the regulars" here, so I'm kinda curious. :)-- Nanaea
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I'll be 46 in a week. I'm usually the oldest person in chat rooms and on message boards. I guess most people my age, and past their child-bearing years, have little or no interest in names.
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We'll have to get Daividh's feedback on thisWell, you sure beat me, but you're not *quite* old enough to be my mom. :) I'm not so sure if you beat Daividh, though. Right now he holds the "old timer" record here on this board -- both age-wise, and longtime member-wise. :)-- Nanaea
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Sorry, Cheryl...I'm not old enough to be Nan's Mom : ) either, but I do have a coupla years on you. And I'm still very much into names. Welcome, and stick around -- this place needs more adult leadership!!- Dave
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Daividh theoretically is old enough to be my father (assuming his plumbing was operational at the age of ~11):P
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Don't you remember , Little Paulie? We won 2nd place in the science fair and a lifetime supply of Liquid Plumber...; P
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Response to Catherine and a note to the othersCatherine:
You obviously started this whole mess by insulting people for absolutely no reason. If you can't hold a conversation without calling people arses or biotches (??) then you aren't welcome here.The others:
I don't like having to delete posts. If you want to flame each other then keep it contained to the original thread. It's not inviting for new visitors to arrive here and see this mayhem, and it's not a good reflection on my site. Thx.
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Mike C.#1. Consider it done on my end.#2. AMEN!!!Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Amen to that , oh great Bapu! If anyone's really insistent on flamin, they can always go to the Bollywood board and dump on the resident towelheads, dotheads, or diaperheads (their choice). Me, I'll be over there checkin out pix of Anu Aggarwal...
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Or one could always toddle over to the Kylie Nicole "One Brain Cell Fighting for Dominance" Memorial Board. I see you've already managed to find the place, Sing Singh. :):P
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Oops! That wasn't you! Hahahaha!Cheryl is "Ann Landers"! LOL!(Cheryl, those posters over there are myself and a bunch of friends. It's not for real -- it's a kinda parody of stuff that was going on over on another names board a month ago. :)-- Nanaea
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Oh okay! I thought it was for real because I come across posts and guestbook entries like this all the time. They are usually written by teens or twenty-somethings and, some of them are so inane, it causes me to seriously question the educational system in this country. These young folks will soon be our countries leaders. Think on that.
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Not to worry...Yep, one sees a lot of idiocy on teevee, as well. But I'm not *too* worried about our country's future, though, as I tend to encounter a lot of bright, motivated, hard-working teens all the time through my line of work. These kids whom I'm seeing all the time are the ones who are going to grow up to be our country's leaders.Sarahjeanne, on this message board, is one of those kind of teens. :)Heheh, I'll bet your grandma probably shook her head in dismay over the kids growing up in our own generation. ;)-- Nanaea
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Just out of curiosity (and a bit of nosiness), Nanaea, what is your line of work? I don't ever remember reading about what you do. FYI, I myself am a student- an elemetary education major to be exact.
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I'm a public library administrator. Glad to hear you're majoring in education, 'Cole. I think you'll make a fine teacher. :)-- Nanaea
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P.S.This time it was just a guess, of course. :)-- Nanaea
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Your anwer covers everything :)
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Makes sense, Mike. Will do. :)
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PLEEEEZE don't leave us, Raven!!!! It was so much fun! Oh yeah, and......and I see you still haven't figured out how we knew it was you. Ask the "attorneys" to give you a buck so you can go buy a clue.
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P.S. Mind your IP, next time you decide to play troll on a message board, "Catherine".
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On no! Don't go!But if you really have to leave may I suggest this website... will LOVE you there. Bon chance!
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