Firstly, thankyou for making a fool of yourself. Your sulky little huff at my very polite post is entirely childish.
Secondly, I *didn't* write as if you'd never see the message - c'mon, I addressed it to you and spoke directly to you, why would I bother if I didn't think you'd see it? If you're referring to the "this poster won't come back" thing, you misunderstood - I was taking about the
Chelsea character who started the thread in the first place. Don't go blaming me if you misread my post.
Thirdly, as I
said, I knew you hadn't been around long enough to know about the don't-reply rule, so there's no need to act all offended. I wasn't telling you off, I was letting you know so you wouldn't do it in the future. While you might have wanted to talk about the book, this board is
not for off-topic conversation and even if the poster had replied you would have immediately been told to take it elsewhere anyway.
80% of being an adult is about learning society's "unwritten" rules and following them. Welcome to the real world.