[Facts] Re: False alarm...must have been a gal!
Cool Greek etymology, nevertheless, Pav!Btw, Cheryl , Pavlos is a name you'll see a lot around here, as well. In addition to being one of our board's "OnomaMasters" (a title created by Board Administrator Mike C.), Pavlos is also our Master Anagrammatist and Resident Greek. :)-- Nanaea
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The real ethnicity of the name Cheryl  ·  cheryl  ·  8/30/2001, 9:11 PM
The Original Cheryl may have been a guy :)  ·  Pavlos  ·  8/31/2001, 1:48 AM
False alarm...must have been a gal!  ·  Pavlos  ·  8/31/2001, 2:12 AM
Re: False alarm...must have been a gal!  ·  Nanaea  ·  8/31/2001, 6:00 AM
A "man-at-arms magistrate" and "inserted Greek"? n/t  ·  Pavlos  ·  8/31/2001, 6:56 AM
Welcome to BtN, Cheryl!  ·  Nanaea  ·  8/30/2001, 9:42 PM
Re: Welcome to BtN, Cheryl!  ·  Cheryl  ·  8/30/2001, 10:04 PM
Re: Welcome to BtN, Cheryl!  ·  Nanaea  ·  8/30/2001, 10:21 PM