[Games] Re: Reverse Adoption Agency
in reply to a message by Casey
Bob and Cheryl have two biological children - thirteen year old Max and eleven year old Elijah. Cheryl is a structural engineer and Bob is a college
professor. They would like to adopt an older sibling group of no more than four with at least one girl. Damian Johnathan (14)
Carissa Lynn (12)
Braedan Jack (12)
Damian, Carissa and Braedan have been in foster care since their father dies in a car accident two years ago. Damian is very protective of his younger siblings, and will not allow them to be seperated, so they have lived the past year and a half in a group home. The move to a loving family will do them good. Nishimura
Richard and Tamara are a childless couple. Both work with disabled children. They would like to adopt a young child with a disability.

Serria Malia (4)
Serria was diagnosed with Down Syndrome when she was born. Her mother was young, and could not cope with Serria's disability. Serria was palced in foster care when she was a year and a half. She has been to three foster home's, and just started preschool this past september. We were hoping she would be able to walk throuhg the doors, but she is still having some delayed development of her leg muscles. Serria is very loving, and will thrive in a happy and loving home environment.

Elias and Shifra have a six year old adopted son, Joaquin. Elias is a doctor and Shifra is a teacher. They would like to adopt an infant girl from South
America. Both plan on alternating taking time off with the new additon. Ana Esmeralda (2 months)
Ana is from Argentina, born to a mother who could not keep her. Ana is happy in the Argentine orphange, but will be better off growing up in a loving home. Ana is very healthy. Durkheim
Adam and Vicki had five biological children - fourteen year old Laura, eleven year old Patty, nine year old Jessica, eight year old Marion, and six year old
Steven - before a botched cesarian made it potentially hazardous for Vicki to get pregnant. Adam is a minister and Vicki is a stay at home mother. They
would like to adopt a boy from Africa around their son's age. Simba Mosi (5)
Simba has been in an orphange since the care workers found him wondering the streets 2 years ago. five is his approximate age, as he did not know. Simba has some behavioural problems, and was suffering from Malnutrition when he arrived. He may also have some learning disabilities, btu the orphange was not equipped to asses these problems.

Dayaram and Gauri are the adopted parents of three year old twins Kalyani and Aseem. Dayaram is a doctor and Gauri is an environmentalist. They
would like to adopt another infant from India.

Kiri Lalit (4 months)
Kiri comes form an orphange in Bombay. Kiri has a cleft lip that will benifit from the proper care and surgery. She is a sweet girl, always gigling, and her eyes are always dancing. The orphange is not sure how she arrived, they seemed to have misplaced her records. Pryce
Ian and Lucy are looking to have an open adoption. Both are construction workers. They would like to interact with the birth mother both before and after
the infant is born. Arianna Marissa (16)
Ari is a soon to be teen mom. She does not know whether it will be a boy or girl, but if it is a boy she will name him Travis Brady, and if it is a girl she choose Marissa Alayna. She thinks the Pryce souple is exactly the kind of family she wishes for her little girl.
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Reverse Adoption Agency  ·  Casey  ·  10/6/2004, 4:45 PM
Re: Reverse Adoption Agency  ·  Kitty  ·  10/10/2004, 8:42 AM
Re: Reverse Adoption Agency  ·  SnoGurl  ·  10/7/2004, 1:02 PM
Re: Reverse Adoption Agency  ·  Isla  ·  10/6/2004, 11:17 PM