That word you use "fook" always cracks me up, Phyllis. :) I dunno much 'bout martial arts -- when I was a kid I took judo lessons at the local Y but never really graduated beyond the white belt (or yellow belt, can't remember which color) coz I lost interest. I mean, honestly, I could already beat up any of those other kids in the class, and I was the littlest as well as the only girl.
I don't generally get into physical altercations these days, coz I'm supposed to be a respeckt'bull adult now. ;) But chick fights always used to crack me. Some clueless chick would get in my face and do a typical "chick fight" move, like grab my hair, and then I'd surprise her by loosening her teeth for her with a few pops to the jaw. :)
-- Nanaea