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[Facts] real meaning of my name?
i wanna know if ny1 can help me out telling me the real meaning of my name Kamalzwita. as far as I know it means when Lotus asa flower is so beauiful instead of its awful surrounding it attracts every1 with its simpleness & wins every1'1 heart, similarly, kamalzwita is 1 who wins every1's heart by its simplicity, qualities n character.
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I cannot follow what you have written, and I have no idea which culture kamalzwita is from. However, kamala does mean lotus in Sanskrit, from the root kam, cognate with the root of Latin amo, meaning to desire.
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What does my name mean?
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What does Amy Tyler mean?
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Click on Amy. Click on Tyler. There is a Search facility on the Home page that you have ignored, and you also chose to hijack someone else's thread. Why>
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