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[Facts] Maughing?
Rolling on the floor Maughing?
What does the M stand for?
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SelwynThe way I explain it is "Read The Fooking Message".I must admit, though, that fook is a legitimate word in the martial arts (a particular blocking style in Wing Chung Kung Fu, to be precise), but it's close enough to the actual word one REALLY wants to use.Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)Aside to Nanaea , the fook block looks kinda like a dog's paw when the pooch drapes it over something, like your wrist, its muzzle, etc. Thought you might be interested.
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That word you use "fook" always cracks me up, Phyllis. :) I dunno much 'bout martial arts -- when I was a kid I took judo lessons at the local Y but never really graduated beyond the white belt (or yellow belt, can't remember which color) coz I lost interest. I mean, honestly, I could already beat up any of those other kids in the class, and I was the littlest as well as the only girl.I don't generally get into physical altercations these days, coz I'm supposed to be a respeckt'bull adult now. ;) But chick fights always used to crack me. Some clueless chick would get in my face and do a typical "chick fight" move, like grab my hair, and then I'd surprise her by loosening her teeth for her with a few pops to the jaw. :)-- Nanaea
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I wonder what Tura Satana is up to these days...
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I dare e-mail her and ask her, yourself. ;)
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No dare needed, I was a fan since seeing "Faster Pussycat" in my college years. All I need now are the e-mails of Blaze Starr and Syd Barrett :P
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So...? Didja do it? Did you write to Tura Satana? You've got to tell me if she writes back. Maybe I'll write to her, myself, coz she still rocks, even after all these years.-- Nanaea
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Sure did :) Will keep you posted.
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Still, it's just not as good without the mud.
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Backward Truths?For some strange reasons, that calls to mind the following...That "Mud" is "Dum" spelled backwards.
That "Dog" is "God" spelled backwards.
That "Evil" is "Live" spelled backwards.
That "Live Dog" is "God Evil" spelled backwards.
That "Mom" is "Wow" spelled upside-down.Just a few stoopid somethings to ponder this evening...-- Nanaea
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I'm off this week and going thru stress de-programming :)A few stoopid somethings are just the thing...
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"RTFM" is going to be my standard response now to people who ignore the message which appears on one's screen everytime one hits the "Post a Message" button.It means "Read The Friendly Message".Well, actually... that's the nice version. The word "friendly" can also be substituted for another word begining with the letter "f". :)-- Nanaea
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A new piece of highly specialized net slang is born!
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I figure it saves time trying to explain something to someone who's probably not going to read what you've written, anyway.And if the person to whom the RTFM is directed hasn't got a clue as to what it means... Eh! It won't be the only thing to which they haven't got a clue. :)-- Nanaea
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