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[Opinions] Dante and his twin? (your lovely opinions needed!)
Hey! Well, I want to find a matching twin name with the name Dante. For some reason I was attracted to this name and decided that it was definitely a usable name for twins. But I can't really find the perfect name for the other twin. I want them to have a connection perhaps with where the history of the names originate. I did some research an came across the poet Dante and then that led me to a popular video game for which (by an odd coincidence) has a character who is named Dante and has a twin named Vergil. I have never really liked the name Vergil...but if you can make it sound good with a great middle name I would consider it. I'm an odd person and I would use any ideas from any place...even video games. So if you have any unique ideas please share them! =D
Also..The middles names I thought were cool for Dante was Ignatius and Zerachiel. Maybe you can match a twin with those? =D
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Thanks Everyone!I really liked everyones' opinions. Beatrice was a great name to consider if Dante has a twin sister...or a sister in generally. The connection between the two is just what I was looking for. Thanks Elphi! Also, the long list of choices I got was really cool, thanks guys. Honestly, I've got a lot of bad reactions from the name Vergil...but even though there were few good reactions they made me consider using this name more. The name Byron was mentioned a lot. The sound of the name rolls off nice but the meaning of it isn't compelling. The fact that he was a poet does match in theme...but the feng shui it has with Dante is off. =/ I think a good question here would be if a theme necessary? and, If the divine comedy should be that theme?...Eh...The divine comedy has some cool points when matching Dante with a twin name. It gives a sense of depth to a twin connection. But...for me I like it but I don't find it necessary. I complete agree with the fact that twin names should not be cute and matchey. I guess I just want the connection.Some of the suggestions I really liked:
Dante and Beatrice (because of the divine comedy tie)
Vergil Evander
Dante and Rowan
Monet (eh, a girl name?)

This message was edited 1/18/2007, 1:48 AM

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I really don't like Vergil ( is it vermin? not sure...) but it is interesting to see how they have paired it with Dante in a videogame. Vergil/ Virgil comes from Virgilius, who was an ancient Roman poet Dante liked. Dante let a fictitious version of Vergil guide him through hell and purgatory in The Divine Comedy. So they're not a bad pair, really.B/G:
Dante and Beatrice (she guided Dante through paradise in The Divine Comedy)
Dante and Gemma (his wife)
Dante and Florence ( D. was from F.)other Italian connection "names", boys and girls:
Dante and Venice
Dante and Verona
Dante and Roman
Dante and Siena
Dante and Remus (my favourite)Or, pair him up with another poet: Keats, Byron, (Percy) Bysshe Shelley.
I don't know, this is maybe getting overly cute.
I don't usually think twins should have themed names, but they can be ok if it is not too obvious, rhymey or silly.
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I think the Byron suggestion was a good one if your into themes, but I dont like Vergil at allAuthors / PoetsBlake ( William Blake)
Doyle( Arthur Conan Doyle- Sherlock Holmes)
Eliot ( T.S Eliot)
Hugo ( Victor Hugo)
Lewis ( C.S Lewis and Lewis Carroll )
Marlowe (Christopher Marlow)
Milton (John Milton)
Monet (Claud Monet)
Fraser ( Simon Frazer)
Hudson (Henry Hudson)Scientist
Dalton (John Dalton)
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I think if you're following the poetry line
Dante and Byron would be a fabulous twin combo.
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Dante Ignatius
Dorian Zerachiel
Im not sure if you like that name or not but it was a name that I liked so I figured I would put it down for you :)
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