Maeghan and Raeghan, we have found some children who we think you'll love:
Annemarie Irene "Annie" (6) is from Germany. She was treated very badly by her stepfather after her mother died, so
Annie is very shy and doesn't speak a lot. We hope that she will get more talkactive with your twins
Maeghan and Raeghan.
Cadwgawn Deasun (9) is from
Ireland. His parents died in a train crash, and the rest of his family did not want to keep him as he is deaf. He has a dog named
Luned Guinevere "Lu" who keeps him company. He speaks sign language and has also started to learn how to lip read.
Immanuel Moses (9) and
David Noah (4) are brothers from
America. Their father murdered their mother and then killed himself.
Immanuel is very sad and shocked and
David misses his parents because he can not really understand what happened to them.
Immanuel is loves playing soccer.
Zella Theresia (3) is from the Germany. Her mother was raped and then had her, so
Zella has been in a foster home basically since birth.
Zella is smart and loves to do puzzles, even ones that are very complicated for a three-year old.
Laren Kliment (7) is from Russia. He has been raised by his grandfather who died a few months ago. Laren has a mild version of dyslexia and doesn't speak any English, but we think he will learn soon enough.
Please let us know how
Zella and Laren are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)