[Facts] Re: Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo
Is there any more detail for the Indian name? It is obviously being derived from bhU, to exist, cognate with English `be'. But, that's as far as I can figure out: the usual grammatical form (to the extent anything is usual with such a meaning) of `desire to exist' is the word bibhaviSA of feminine gender. A lot of words for `lord of ...' end in Isha, which is using a different sibilant than the S in the previous word.My guess, in the absence of your evidence, would have been that if this is a transliteration of male name of Indian origin, it may not be a Sanskrit coinage, but rather one in a NIA language from Sanskrit bhava (existence, world, a name for an old divine figure later identified with Shiva) + Isha (master, lord), which in Sanskrit would have given bhavesha instead of bhavIsha.
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Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo  ·  Miss Dove  ·  11/29/2006, 3:50 PM
Re: Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  11/29/2006, 4:52 PM
Re: Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo  ·  তন্ময় ভট  ·  11/30/2006, 9:54 AM
Re: Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo  ·  Miss Dove  ·  11/30/2006, 12:13 PM
Re: Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  11/30/2006, 10:25 AM
Re: Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo  ·  তন্ময় ভট  ·  11/30/2006, 12:55 PM
Re: Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  11/30/2006, 1:12 PM
Thanks n/t  ·  তন্ময় ভট  ·  11/30/2006, 1:22 PM
Re: Name meanings: Bhavisha, Elnieke, Neshalin & Hunwoo  ·  Miss Dove  ·  11/29/2006, 6:17 PM