[Games] Keepskuh's Congrats -- Final
Here are your final families..
What do you think of the names you gave them? (Optional: make a story about your family; how are all the kids doing? Do they have pets, etc.)
I had great fun hosting the game!
Thank you all for playing!
Avalon ~` &
LN: Shephard
DH: Channing John (59)
DW: Darcy Elizabeth (58)
DD: Daley Cameron Shephard-Mercer (38)
-----DH: Omri Lowell Mercer (39)
-----DD: Lola Bailey Mercer (17)
-----DD: Rowan Alexia Mercer (14)
DD: Ayla Genevieve Shephard-Dallon (36)
-----DH: Josiah William Dallon (42)
-----DD: Cassidy Elysia Dallon (14)
-----DS/DS: Casey Glen "Case" Dallon and Nolan Baxter Dallon (12)
DS/DS: James Dominic "Jamie" Shephard / William Jason "Liam" Shephard (35)
-----DW(J): Jane Amie Burgess-Shephard (35)
-----DD/DD/DS: Addison Catherine Shephard / Imogen Kiersten Shephard / Trevelyan Jonny Shephard "Trev" (12)
-----DD: Poppy Isabel Shephard (9)
-----DW(W): Mary Auberta Orrick-Shephard (35)
-----ADS: Matthew Donnan Henrik Shephard (1)
AS: Ezra Damon Jared (33)
-----DW: May Valkyrie Carter-Shephard (36)
-----DS: Finnegan Cai "Finn" Shephard (9)
-----DS: Judd Hayden Shephard (5)
-----ADD: Emma Viktória Cybele Shephard (4)
DD: Sophia Meadow Leia “Sophie” Shephard-Kimball (30)
-----DH: Cleveland Merrick Kimball (34)
-----DD: Dallas Isabella “Allie” Kimball (5)
-----ADD: Manon Clara Dever Kimball (1)
Channing and Darcy Shephard and their family:
Daley and Omri Mercer with Lola (1) and Rowan (14)
Ayla and Josiah Dallon with Cassidy (14), Case (12) and Nolan (12)
Jamie and Jane Shephard with Addison (12), Imogen (12), Trev (12) and Poppy (9)
Liam and Mary Shephard with Matthew (1)
Ezra and May Shephard with Finn (9), Judd (5) and Emma (4)
Sophie and Cleveland Kimball with Dallas (5) and Manon (1)
Eleanor ~ ^
LN: Hale
DH: Anthony Edwin (69)
DW: Juliet Beatrice (67)
DD: Poppy Mulan Hale-Mercer (38)
-----DH: Asher Ishmael Mercer (39)
-----DD: Ella Avon Mercer (17)
-----DS: Jesse Clyde Mercer (14)
DD: Ayla Parry (36)
-----DH: Dominic William Noel (39)
-----DD: Laura Belinda Noel (14)
-----DS/DD: Denver Jonny Noel / Lola Catherine Noel (12)
DD/DD: Daley Therese Hale-Qamra / Noa Musetta Hale-Hanh (35)
-----DH(D): Omri Kishan Qamra (35)
-----DD: Isra Ayoka Qamra (12)
-----DD: Anna Aysel Qamra (9)
-----DH(N): Lake Baxter Hanh (35)
-----ADS: Joshua Andrew Dalton Hanh (5)
AD: Indiana Edolie Metea Hale-Everett (33)
-----DH: Josiah Aloysius Everett (35)
-----ADD: Olivia Lala Louanne Everett (12)
-----DS/DS/DD/DS: Cole Teague Everett / Harrison Troy Everett / Rowan Abbie Everett / Milo Wallace Everett (9)
-----DS: Nolan Lander Everett (5)
DS: Erik Silas Harper Hale (30)
-----DW: Imogen Jean Kimball-Hale (26)
-----ADD: Laura Sanne Jacoba Hale (11)
-----DD: Mary Isabella Hale (5)
Anthony and Juliet Hale with their family:
Poppy and Asher Mercer with Ella (17) and Jesse (14)
Ayla and Dominic Noel with Laura (14), Denver (12) and Lola (12)
Daley and Omri Qamra with Isra (12) and Anna (9)
Noa and Lake Hanh with Joshua (5)
Indiana and Josiah Everett with Olivia (12), Cole (9), Harrison (9), Rowan (9), Milo (9) and Nolan (5)
Erik and Imogan Hale with Laura (11) and Mary (5)
ellie321 (
LN: Cahill
DW: Elizabeth (61)
DH: James (60)
DD: Parker Lilia Cahill-Avedis (38)
-----DH: Benji Irving Avedis (39)
-----DD: Cassidy Diella Avedis (17)
-----DD: Addison Elysia Avedis (14)
DD: Ava Genevieve Cahill-Gitel (36)
-----DH: Casey Arvid Gitel (39)
-----DS: Nolan Winter Gitel (14)
-----DS: Aaren Baxter Gitel (12)
DD: Clare Therese Cahill-Vasha (35)
-----DH: Finnegan Alawi Vasha (35)
-----DD: Hazel Catherine Vasha (12)
-----DS: Cleveland Anders Vasha (9)
------ADD: Ana Sara Whitley Vasha (4)
AD: Laura Yvonne Cahill-Meridian (33)
-----DH: Judd Wallace Meridian (35)
-----DS: Addison Cai Meridian (9)
-----DS: Jericho Hayden Meridian (5)
-----ADS: Oliver Titus Csongor Meridian (4)
DD: Lola Meadow Cahill-Hajari (30)
-----DH: Thorsten Shae Hajari (34)
-----ADS: Adrian Adelio Reeves Hajari (8)
-----DD/DD: Noa Camille Hajari and Ryan Isabella Hajari (5)
James and Elizabeth Cahill with their family:
Parker and Benji Avedis with Cassidy (17) and Addison (14)
Ava and Casey Gitel with Nolan (14) and Aaren (12)
Clare and Finnegan Vasha with Hazel (12), Cleveland (9) and Ana (4)
Laura and Judd Meridian with Addison (9), Jericho (5) and Oliver (4)
Lola and Thorsten Hajari with Adrian (8), Noa (5) and Ryan (5)
Enlatiah ~ %
LN: Denton
DH: Cooper Elijah (66)
DW: Natasha Hope (62)
DD: Pearl Bridie Denton-Mercer (38)
-----DH: Andrew Ronan "Drew" Mercer (39)
-----DD: Isabelle Lina "Belle" Mercer (17)
-----DS: Matthew Raleigh "Matt" Mercer (14)
DS: Cassidy Brandon "Cass" Denton (36)
-----DW: Aimee Mikaia Piper-Denton (36)
-----DD: Hope Alaura Denton (14)
-----DS/DS: Noah Vlad Denton and Wyatt Baxter Denton (12)
DS/DD: Addison Rome Denton and Ayla Raisie Denton-Burgess (35)
-----DW(Ad): Sophia Kiersten "Sophie" Hastin-Denton (35)
-----DD: Cassandra Amie "Cassie" Denton (12)
-----DD: Lola Celerina Denton (9)
-----DH(Ay): Jesse Glen Burgess (35)
-----ADS: Ren Nick Miland Burgess (6)
AD: Clover Desdemona Opal Denton-Marek (33)
-----DH: Indy Cai Marek (35)
-----DS/DD: Denver Troy Marek // Cheyenne Sorena Marek (9)
-----ADD: Feng Guan-Yin Fedora Marek (7)
-----DD: Emilia Danielle "Lia" Marek (5)
DS: Helios Cruz Silas Denton (30)
-----DW: Genevieve Camille "Evie" Anders-Denton (26)
-----DD/DS: Cassidy Isabella Denton // Josiah Brend Denton (5)
-----ADD: Ashley Hannah Jacoba Denton (1)
Cooper and Natasha Denton and their family:
Pearl and Drew Mercer with Belle (17) and Matt (14)
Cass and Aimee Denton with Hope (14), Noah (12) and Wyatt (12)
Addison and Sophie Denton with Cassie (12) and Lola (9)
Ayla and Jesse Burgess with Ren (6)
Clover and Indy Marek with Denver (9), Cheyenne (9), Feng (7) and Lia (5)
Helios and Evie Denton with Cassidy (5), Josiah (5) and Ashley (1)
Estel ~ *
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (62)
DW: Lydia Grace (61)
DS: Denver Talmai Thompson (38)
-----DW: Florence Myrtle “Flo” Virote-Thompson (38)
-----DS: Indiana Ronan “Indy” Thompson (17)
-----DD: Nevada Mikaia “Nevi” Thompson (14)
DS: Ezekiel Madden "Zeke" Thompson (36)
-----DW: Constance Elysia “Connie” Argyle-Thompson (36)
-----DD: Parker Nadia Thompson (14)
-----DS/DS: Henry Giona Thompson and James Kayonga “Jamie” Thompson (12)
DS/DS: Bailey Jason Thompson and Ilya Vidor Thompson (35)
-----DW(B): Elisabeth Catherine “Liz” Baxter-Thompson (35)
-----DS: Andrew Glen Thompson (12)
-----DS: Asher Everett Thompson (9)
-----DW(I): Rose Auberta Burgess-Thompson (35)
-----ADD: Charlotte Julianna Avon “Carly” Thompson (6)
AD/AD/AS: Hazel Metea Jessenia Thompson-Pavan / May Gwenllian Karina Thompson-Meridian and Lincoln Wynne Moses "Lin" Thompson (33)
-----DH(H): Israel Abdullah Pavan (35)
-----DD/DD: Clare Sorena Pavan and Hope Valkyrie Pavan (9)
-----DS: Noah Kamali Pavan (5)
-----DH(M): Matthew Carter Meridian (33)
-----DD/DD/DS/DS: Aimee Isabel Meridian / Ella Rain Meridian / Ezra Teague Meridian and Lewis Aja Meridian (9)
-----ADS: Qiu Tsai-Shen Poppy Meridian (1)
-----DW(L): Kristin Aysel Marek-Thompson (29)
-----DS: Jesse Hayden Thomspon (6)
DS: Judd Silas Canute Thompson (30)
-----DW: Eve Isabelle Kimball-Thompson (29)
-----ADD: Sara Claudia Badu Thompson (9)
-----DD/DD: Allison Camille "Ally" Thompson and Laura Danielle Thompson (5)
Wil and Lydia Thompson and their family:
Denver and Flo Thompson with Indy (17) and Nevi (14)
Zeke and Connie Thompson with Parker (14), Henry (12) and Jamie (12)
Bailey and Liz Thompson with Andrew (12) and Asher (9)
Ilya and Rose Thompson with Carly (6)
Hazel and Israel Pavan with Clare (9), Hope (9) and Noah (5)
May and Matthew Meridian with Aimee (9), Ella (9), Ezra (9), Lewis (9) and Qiu (1)
Lin and Kristin Thompson with Jesse (6)
Judd and Eve Thompson with Sara (9), Ally (5) and Laura (5)
Glukumalon ~` (
LN: Kadinsky
DH: Jonas Martin (63)
DW: Lara Juliet (60)
DS: Beauregard Leone "Beau" Kadinsky (38)
-----DW: Genevieve Lina Mercer-Kadinsky (38)
-----DS: Milo Landis Kadinsky (17)
-----DD: Esther Nadia Kadinsky (14)
DS: Henry Newton Kadinsky (36)
-----DW: Jane Belinda Dallon-Kadinsky (36)
-----DD: Pearl Mikaia Kadinsky (14)
-----DD/DS: Hazel Kiersten Kadinsky // Finnegan Baxter Kadinsky (12)
DD/DS: Clare Therese Kadinsky-Themba and Charles Peers Kadinsky (35)
-----DH(Cl): Aaren Burgess Themba (35)
-----DS/DD/DD: Maverick Glen Themba// Poppy Derica Themba// Kaisa Catherine Themba (12)
-----DD: Ayla Charisse Themba (9)
-----DW(Ch): Bonnie Catherine Orrick-Kadinsky (35)
-----ADS: Kibo Nelson Jamar Kadinsky (10)
AD: Marie Karina Yvonne Kadinsky-Meridian (33)
-----DH: Judd Wallace Meridian (35)
-----DD/DD/DS: Dallas Isabel Meridian // Jaime Bree Meridian // Addison Troy Meridian (9)
-----DS: Nevada Hayden Meridian (5)
-----ADD: Emi Kanae Julianna Meridian (5)
DD: Nava Carmen Olencia (30)
-----DH: Esra Didier Hajari (34)
-----DS: Thorsten Anders Hajari (5)
-----ADS: Kaito Naoki Titus Hajari (2)
Jonas and Lara Kadinsky and their family:
Beau and Genevieve Kadinsky with Milo (17) and Esther (14)
Henry and Jane Kadinsky with Pearl (14), Hazel (12) and Finnegan (12)
Clare and Aaren Themba with Maverick (12), Poppy (12), Kaisa (12) and Ayla (9)
Charles and Bonnie Kadinsky with Kibo (10)
Marie and Judd Meridian with Dallas (9), Jaime (9), Addison (9), Nevada (5) and Emi (5)
Nava and Esra Hajari with Thorsten (5) and Kaito (2)
Jenni ~ @
LN: Foster
DH: Caleb Ryan (63)
DW: Jennifer Brielle (62)
DS: Finn Axel Foster (38)
-----DW: Ayla Kamilah Mercer-Foster (38)
-----DS: Addison Chantry Foster (17)
-----DS: Dallas Jamaica Foster (14)
DS: Indy Newton (36)
-----DW: Ryan Alexia Banji-Foster (36)
-----DS: Nevada Raleigh Foster (14)
-----DD/DS: Lake Tawana Foster and Ford Kishan Foster (12)
DS/DS: Harrison Vidor and Torsten Rome (35)
-----DW(H): Constance Lola Hastin-Foster (35)
-----DD: Parker Kiersten Foster (12)
-----DD: Charlotte Rain Foster (9)
-----DW(T): Aphra Ratana Baxter-Foster (35)
-----ADD: Leilani Iseul Fedora Foster (8)
AD/AD: Bailey Annick Karina Foster-Zan and Imogen Edolie Opal Foster-Troy (33)
-----DH(B): Andrew Carter Zan (35)
-----DS/DD: Owen Teague Zan and Isabelle Charisse Zan (9)
-----DD/DD: Ella Meridian Zan and Kristin Aysel Zan (5)
-----DH(I): Christopher Everett Troy (33)
-----DD: Elisabeth Kachina Troy (9)
-----ADS: Sebastián Matías Jamar Troy (3)
DS: Lincoln Cruz Montenegro Foster (30)
-----DW: Aimee Telyn Lander-Foster (26)
-----DD/DS: Clare Kimball Foster and Asher Merrick Foster (5)
-----ADD: Nika Maria Angelique Foster (2)
Caleb and Jennifer Foster with their family:
Finn and Ayla Foster with Addison (17) and Dallas (14)
Indy and Ryan Foster with Nevada (14), Lake (12) and Ford (12)
Harrison and Constance Foster with Parker (12) and Charlotte (9)
Torsten and Aphra Foster with Leilani (8)
Bailey and Andrew Zan with Owen (9), Isabelle (9), Ella (5) and Kristin (5)
Imogen and Christopher Troy with Elisabeth (9) and Sebastián (3)
Lincoln and Aimee Foster with Clare (5), Asher (5) and Nika (2)
Keepskuh ~ $
LN: Parker
DH: Corey Charles (62)
DW: Sally Margaret (60)
DD: Rowan Aston Brede Parker-Seghen (38)
-----DH: Daley Ishmael Seghen (39)
-----DD: Parker Myrtle Bailey Seghen (17)
-----DD: Rose Alaura Belinda Seghen (14)
DD: Pearl Parry Therese (36)
-----DH: Andrew Pepin Ethanael Noel (39)
-----DD: Isabelle Elysia Noel (14)
-----DS/DD: Matthew Baxter "Matt" Noel // Kristin Catherine "Kris" Noel (12)
DS/DS: Aaren Dominic Peers and Maverick Rome Crevan (35)
-----DW(A): Hope Auberta Burgess-Parker (35)
-----DS/DS: Ezra Ember Glen Parker and Matthew Baxter Chars Parker (12)
-----DD: Grace Isabel Rain Parker (9)
-----DW(M): Clare Irisa Hastin-Parker (35)
-----ADS: David Pol Adelio Parker (10)
AS/AD/AD: Judd Tamary Johnson / Casey Jessenia Opal / Jaime Aveline Merry (33)
-----DW(Ju): Allison Aysel Everett-Parker (31)
-----DS: Heath Aloysius Cai Parker (9)
-----DD/DD: Amber Camille Jean Parker and Paola Kimball Luz Parker (5)
-----DH(C): Noah Fineen Carter (34)
-----DD: Allison Meridian Carter (9)
-----ADS: Carlos Alvaro Merlin “Charlie” Carter (2)
-----DH(Ja): Jesse Wallace Troy (33)
-----DD: Lola Danielle Troy (6)
DS: Billy Harper Montenegro Parker (30)
-----DW: Isra Telyn Anders-Parker (26)
-----ADD: Fanni LaCienega Louanne Parker (6)
-----DS: Omri Lander Merrick Parker (5)
Corey and Sally Parker with their family:
Rowan and Daley Seghen with Parker (17) and Rose (14)
Pearl and Andrew Noel with Isabelle (14), Matt (12) and Kris (12)
Aaren and Hope Parker with Ezra (12), Matthew (12) and Grace (9)
Maverick and Clare Parker with David (9)
Judd and Allison Parker with Heath (9), Amber (5) and Paola (5)
Casey and Noah Carter with Allison (9) and Charlie (2)
Jaime and Jesse Troy with Lola (6)
Billy and Isra Parker with Fanni (6) and Omri (5)
LisaK ~ &
LN: Collins
DH: Thomas Eoin (60)
DW: Bridget Maeve (58)
DD: Florence Lilia Collins-Colwyn (38)
-----DH: Benito Lowell Colwyn (39)
-----DD: Nava Lina Colwyn (17)
-----DS: Milo Saul Colwyn (14)
DS: Lemuel Brandon Collins (36)
-----DW: Emilia Ceri Collins "Lia" (36)
-----DS: Josiah William Collins "Joe" (14)
-----DS/DD: Fabian Javier Collins and Esther Kiersten Collins (12)
DS/DD: Henry Dominic Collins and Ava Katherine Collins-Burgess (35)
-----DW(H): Mary Amie Orrick-Collins (35)
-----DD/DS/DS: Imogen Lola Collins // Nolan Glen Collins // Trevelyan Baxter Collins (12)
-----DS: Lincoln Everett Collins (9)
-----DH(A): Casey Jonny "CJ" Burgess (35)
-----ADD: Martina Leila Benecia Burgess (7)
AS/AD: Charles Jared Wynne Collins and Clare Aveline Karina (33)
-----DW(Ch): Hazel Rain Marek-Collins (33)
-----DD: Kaisa Isabel Collins (9)
-----DS/DD: Addison Merrick Collins and Jaime Arline Collins (5)
-----DH(Cl): Hemming Ramiro Meridian (35)
-----DS/DS/DS: Aaren Teague Meridian // Cassidy Troy Meridian // Finnegan Cai Meridian (9)
-----ADS: Keoni Dalton Oklahoma Meridian (3)
DD: Sophia Leia Carmen Collins-Lindley (30)
-----DH: Judd Akiva Lindley (36)
-----ADD: Mbali Julianna Cher Lindley (11)
-----DS/DD: Ole Didier Lindley // Ayla Camille Lindley (5)
Thomas and Bridget Collins and their family:
Florence and Benito Colwyn with Nava (17) and Milo (14)
Lemuel and Lia Collins with Joe (14), Fabian (12) and Esther (12)
Henry and Mary Collins with Imogen (12), Nolan (12), Trevelyan (12) and Lincoln (9)
Ava and CJ Burgess with Martina (7)
Charles and Hazel Collins with Kaisa (9), Addison (5) and Jaime (5)
Clare and Hemming Meridian with Aaren (9), Cassidy (9), Finnegan (9) and Keoni (3)
Sophia and Judd Lindley with Mbali (11), Ole (5) and Ayla (5)
What do you think of the names you gave them? (Optional: make a story about your family; how are all the kids doing? Do they have pets, etc.)
I had great fun hosting the game!
Thank you all for playing!
Avalon ~` &
LN: Shephard
DH: Channing John (59)
DW: Darcy Elizabeth (58)
DD: Daley Cameron Shephard-Mercer (38)
-----DH: Omri Lowell Mercer (39)
-----DD: Lola Bailey Mercer (17)
-----DD: Rowan Alexia Mercer (14)
DD: Ayla Genevieve Shephard-Dallon (36)
-----DH: Josiah William Dallon (42)
-----DD: Cassidy Elysia Dallon (14)
-----DS/DS: Casey Glen "Case" Dallon and Nolan Baxter Dallon (12)
DS/DS: James Dominic "Jamie" Shephard / William Jason "Liam" Shephard (35)
-----DW(J): Jane Amie Burgess-Shephard (35)
-----DD/DD/DS: Addison Catherine Shephard / Imogen Kiersten Shephard / Trevelyan Jonny Shephard "Trev" (12)
-----DD: Poppy Isabel Shephard (9)
-----DW(W): Mary Auberta Orrick-Shephard (35)
-----ADS: Matthew Donnan Henrik Shephard (1)
AS: Ezra Damon Jared (33)
-----DW: May Valkyrie Carter-Shephard (36)
-----DS: Finnegan Cai "Finn" Shephard (9)
-----DS: Judd Hayden Shephard (5)
-----ADD: Emma Viktória Cybele Shephard (4)
DD: Sophia Meadow Leia “Sophie” Shephard-Kimball (30)
-----DH: Cleveland Merrick Kimball (34)
-----DD: Dallas Isabella “Allie” Kimball (5)
-----ADD: Manon Clara Dever Kimball (1)
Channing and Darcy Shephard and their family:
Daley and Omri Mercer with Lola (1) and Rowan (14)
Ayla and Josiah Dallon with Cassidy (14), Case (12) and Nolan (12)
Jamie and Jane Shephard with Addison (12), Imogen (12), Trev (12) and Poppy (9)
Liam and Mary Shephard with Matthew (1)
Ezra and May Shephard with Finn (9), Judd (5) and Emma (4)
Sophie and Cleveland Kimball with Dallas (5) and Manon (1)
Eleanor ~ ^
LN: Hale
DH: Anthony Edwin (69)
DW: Juliet Beatrice (67)
DD: Poppy Mulan Hale-Mercer (38)
-----DH: Asher Ishmael Mercer (39)
-----DD: Ella Avon Mercer (17)
-----DS: Jesse Clyde Mercer (14)
DD: Ayla Parry (36)
-----DH: Dominic William Noel (39)
-----DD: Laura Belinda Noel (14)
-----DS/DD: Denver Jonny Noel / Lola Catherine Noel (12)
DD/DD: Daley Therese Hale-Qamra / Noa Musetta Hale-Hanh (35)
-----DH(D): Omri Kishan Qamra (35)
-----DD: Isra Ayoka Qamra (12)
-----DD: Anna Aysel Qamra (9)
-----DH(N): Lake Baxter Hanh (35)
-----ADS: Joshua Andrew Dalton Hanh (5)
AD: Indiana Edolie Metea Hale-Everett (33)
-----DH: Josiah Aloysius Everett (35)
-----ADD: Olivia Lala Louanne Everett (12)
-----DS/DS/DD/DS: Cole Teague Everett / Harrison Troy Everett / Rowan Abbie Everett / Milo Wallace Everett (9)
-----DS: Nolan Lander Everett (5)
DS: Erik Silas Harper Hale (30)
-----DW: Imogen Jean Kimball-Hale (26)
-----ADD: Laura Sanne Jacoba Hale (11)
-----DD: Mary Isabella Hale (5)
Anthony and Juliet Hale with their family:
Poppy and Asher Mercer with Ella (17) and Jesse (14)
Ayla and Dominic Noel with Laura (14), Denver (12) and Lola (12)
Daley and Omri Qamra with Isra (12) and Anna (9)
Noa and Lake Hanh with Joshua (5)
Indiana and Josiah Everett with Olivia (12), Cole (9), Harrison (9), Rowan (9), Milo (9) and Nolan (5)
Erik and Imogan Hale with Laura (11) and Mary (5)
ellie321 (
LN: Cahill
DW: Elizabeth (61)
DH: James (60)
DD: Parker Lilia Cahill-Avedis (38)
-----DH: Benji Irving Avedis (39)
-----DD: Cassidy Diella Avedis (17)
-----DD: Addison Elysia Avedis (14)
DD: Ava Genevieve Cahill-Gitel (36)
-----DH: Casey Arvid Gitel (39)
-----DS: Nolan Winter Gitel (14)
-----DS: Aaren Baxter Gitel (12)
DD: Clare Therese Cahill-Vasha (35)
-----DH: Finnegan Alawi Vasha (35)
-----DD: Hazel Catherine Vasha (12)
-----DS: Cleveland Anders Vasha (9)
------ADD: Ana Sara Whitley Vasha (4)
AD: Laura Yvonne Cahill-Meridian (33)
-----DH: Judd Wallace Meridian (35)
-----DS: Addison Cai Meridian (9)
-----DS: Jericho Hayden Meridian (5)
-----ADS: Oliver Titus Csongor Meridian (4)
DD: Lola Meadow Cahill-Hajari (30)
-----DH: Thorsten Shae Hajari (34)
-----ADS: Adrian Adelio Reeves Hajari (8)
-----DD/DD: Noa Camille Hajari and Ryan Isabella Hajari (5)
James and Elizabeth Cahill with their family:
Parker and Benji Avedis with Cassidy (17) and Addison (14)
Ava and Casey Gitel with Nolan (14) and Aaren (12)
Clare and Finnegan Vasha with Hazel (12), Cleveland (9) and Ana (4)
Laura and Judd Meridian with Addison (9), Jericho (5) and Oliver (4)
Lola and Thorsten Hajari with Adrian (8), Noa (5) and Ryan (5)
Enlatiah ~ %
LN: Denton
DH: Cooper Elijah (66)
DW: Natasha Hope (62)
DD: Pearl Bridie Denton-Mercer (38)
-----DH: Andrew Ronan "Drew" Mercer (39)
-----DD: Isabelle Lina "Belle" Mercer (17)
-----DS: Matthew Raleigh "Matt" Mercer (14)
DS: Cassidy Brandon "Cass" Denton (36)
-----DW: Aimee Mikaia Piper-Denton (36)
-----DD: Hope Alaura Denton (14)
-----DS/DS: Noah Vlad Denton and Wyatt Baxter Denton (12)
DS/DD: Addison Rome Denton and Ayla Raisie Denton-Burgess (35)
-----DW(Ad): Sophia Kiersten "Sophie" Hastin-Denton (35)
-----DD: Cassandra Amie "Cassie" Denton (12)
-----DD: Lola Celerina Denton (9)
-----DH(Ay): Jesse Glen Burgess (35)
-----ADS: Ren Nick Miland Burgess (6)
AD: Clover Desdemona Opal Denton-Marek (33)
-----DH: Indy Cai Marek (35)
-----DS/DD: Denver Troy Marek // Cheyenne Sorena Marek (9)
-----ADD: Feng Guan-Yin Fedora Marek (7)
-----DD: Emilia Danielle "Lia" Marek (5)
DS: Helios Cruz Silas Denton (30)
-----DW: Genevieve Camille "Evie" Anders-Denton (26)
-----DD/DS: Cassidy Isabella Denton // Josiah Brend Denton (5)
-----ADD: Ashley Hannah Jacoba Denton (1)
Cooper and Natasha Denton and their family:
Pearl and Drew Mercer with Belle (17) and Matt (14)
Cass and Aimee Denton with Hope (14), Noah (12) and Wyatt (12)
Addison and Sophie Denton with Cassie (12) and Lola (9)
Ayla and Jesse Burgess with Ren (6)
Clover and Indy Marek with Denver (9), Cheyenne (9), Feng (7) and Lia (5)
Helios and Evie Denton with Cassidy (5), Josiah (5) and Ashley (1)
Estel ~ *
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (62)
DW: Lydia Grace (61)
DS: Denver Talmai Thompson (38)
-----DW: Florence Myrtle “Flo” Virote-Thompson (38)
-----DS: Indiana Ronan “Indy” Thompson (17)
-----DD: Nevada Mikaia “Nevi” Thompson (14)
DS: Ezekiel Madden "Zeke" Thompson (36)
-----DW: Constance Elysia “Connie” Argyle-Thompson (36)
-----DD: Parker Nadia Thompson (14)
-----DS/DS: Henry Giona Thompson and James Kayonga “Jamie” Thompson (12)
DS/DS: Bailey Jason Thompson and Ilya Vidor Thompson (35)
-----DW(B): Elisabeth Catherine “Liz” Baxter-Thompson (35)
-----DS: Andrew Glen Thompson (12)
-----DS: Asher Everett Thompson (9)
-----DW(I): Rose Auberta Burgess-Thompson (35)
-----ADD: Charlotte Julianna Avon “Carly” Thompson (6)
AD/AD/AS: Hazel Metea Jessenia Thompson-Pavan / May Gwenllian Karina Thompson-Meridian and Lincoln Wynne Moses "Lin" Thompson (33)
-----DH(H): Israel Abdullah Pavan (35)
-----DD/DD: Clare Sorena Pavan and Hope Valkyrie Pavan (9)
-----DS: Noah Kamali Pavan (5)
-----DH(M): Matthew Carter Meridian (33)
-----DD/DD/DS/DS: Aimee Isabel Meridian / Ella Rain Meridian / Ezra Teague Meridian and Lewis Aja Meridian (9)
-----ADS: Qiu Tsai-Shen Poppy Meridian (1)
-----DW(L): Kristin Aysel Marek-Thompson (29)
-----DS: Jesse Hayden Thomspon (6)
DS: Judd Silas Canute Thompson (30)
-----DW: Eve Isabelle Kimball-Thompson (29)
-----ADD: Sara Claudia Badu Thompson (9)
-----DD/DD: Allison Camille "Ally" Thompson and Laura Danielle Thompson (5)
Wil and Lydia Thompson and their family:
Denver and Flo Thompson with Indy (17) and Nevi (14)
Zeke and Connie Thompson with Parker (14), Henry (12) and Jamie (12)
Bailey and Liz Thompson with Andrew (12) and Asher (9)
Ilya and Rose Thompson with Carly (6)
Hazel and Israel Pavan with Clare (9), Hope (9) and Noah (5)
May and Matthew Meridian with Aimee (9), Ella (9), Ezra (9), Lewis (9) and Qiu (1)
Lin and Kristin Thompson with Jesse (6)
Judd and Eve Thompson with Sara (9), Ally (5) and Laura (5)
Glukumalon ~` (
LN: Kadinsky
DH: Jonas Martin (63)
DW: Lara Juliet (60)
DS: Beauregard Leone "Beau" Kadinsky (38)
-----DW: Genevieve Lina Mercer-Kadinsky (38)
-----DS: Milo Landis Kadinsky (17)
-----DD: Esther Nadia Kadinsky (14)
DS: Henry Newton Kadinsky (36)
-----DW: Jane Belinda Dallon-Kadinsky (36)
-----DD: Pearl Mikaia Kadinsky (14)
-----DD/DS: Hazel Kiersten Kadinsky // Finnegan Baxter Kadinsky (12)
DD/DS: Clare Therese Kadinsky-Themba and Charles Peers Kadinsky (35)
-----DH(Cl): Aaren Burgess Themba (35)
-----DS/DD/DD: Maverick Glen Themba// Poppy Derica Themba// Kaisa Catherine Themba (12)
-----DD: Ayla Charisse Themba (9)
-----DW(Ch): Bonnie Catherine Orrick-Kadinsky (35)
-----ADS: Kibo Nelson Jamar Kadinsky (10)
AD: Marie Karina Yvonne Kadinsky-Meridian (33)
-----DH: Judd Wallace Meridian (35)
-----DD/DD/DS: Dallas Isabel Meridian // Jaime Bree Meridian // Addison Troy Meridian (9)
-----DS: Nevada Hayden Meridian (5)
-----ADD: Emi Kanae Julianna Meridian (5)
DD: Nava Carmen Olencia (30)
-----DH: Esra Didier Hajari (34)
-----DS: Thorsten Anders Hajari (5)
-----ADS: Kaito Naoki Titus Hajari (2)
Jonas and Lara Kadinsky and their family:
Beau and Genevieve Kadinsky with Milo (17) and Esther (14)
Henry and Jane Kadinsky with Pearl (14), Hazel (12) and Finnegan (12)
Clare and Aaren Themba with Maverick (12), Poppy (12), Kaisa (12) and Ayla (9)
Charles and Bonnie Kadinsky with Kibo (10)
Marie and Judd Meridian with Dallas (9), Jaime (9), Addison (9), Nevada (5) and Emi (5)
Nava and Esra Hajari with Thorsten (5) and Kaito (2)
Jenni ~ @
LN: Foster
DH: Caleb Ryan (63)
DW: Jennifer Brielle (62)
DS: Finn Axel Foster (38)
-----DW: Ayla Kamilah Mercer-Foster (38)
-----DS: Addison Chantry Foster (17)
-----DS: Dallas Jamaica Foster (14)
DS: Indy Newton (36)
-----DW: Ryan Alexia Banji-Foster (36)
-----DS: Nevada Raleigh Foster (14)
-----DD/DS: Lake Tawana Foster and Ford Kishan Foster (12)
DS/DS: Harrison Vidor and Torsten Rome (35)
-----DW(H): Constance Lola Hastin-Foster (35)
-----DD: Parker Kiersten Foster (12)
-----DD: Charlotte Rain Foster (9)
-----DW(T): Aphra Ratana Baxter-Foster (35)
-----ADD: Leilani Iseul Fedora Foster (8)
AD/AD: Bailey Annick Karina Foster-Zan and Imogen Edolie Opal Foster-Troy (33)
-----DH(B): Andrew Carter Zan (35)
-----DS/DD: Owen Teague Zan and Isabelle Charisse Zan (9)
-----DD/DD: Ella Meridian Zan and Kristin Aysel Zan (5)
-----DH(I): Christopher Everett Troy (33)
-----DD: Elisabeth Kachina Troy (9)
-----ADS: Sebastián Matías Jamar Troy (3)
DS: Lincoln Cruz Montenegro Foster (30)
-----DW: Aimee Telyn Lander-Foster (26)
-----DD/DS: Clare Kimball Foster and Asher Merrick Foster (5)
-----ADD: Nika Maria Angelique Foster (2)
Caleb and Jennifer Foster with their family:
Finn and Ayla Foster with Addison (17) and Dallas (14)
Indy and Ryan Foster with Nevada (14), Lake (12) and Ford (12)
Harrison and Constance Foster with Parker (12) and Charlotte (9)
Torsten and Aphra Foster with Leilani (8)
Bailey and Andrew Zan with Owen (9), Isabelle (9), Ella (5) and Kristin (5)
Imogen and Christopher Troy with Elisabeth (9) and Sebastián (3)
Lincoln and Aimee Foster with Clare (5), Asher (5) and Nika (2)
Keepskuh ~ $
LN: Parker
DH: Corey Charles (62)
DW: Sally Margaret (60)
DD: Rowan Aston Brede Parker-Seghen (38)
-----DH: Daley Ishmael Seghen (39)
-----DD: Parker Myrtle Bailey Seghen (17)
-----DD: Rose Alaura Belinda Seghen (14)
DD: Pearl Parry Therese (36)
-----DH: Andrew Pepin Ethanael Noel (39)
-----DD: Isabelle Elysia Noel (14)
-----DS/DD: Matthew Baxter "Matt" Noel // Kristin Catherine "Kris" Noel (12)
DS/DS: Aaren Dominic Peers and Maverick Rome Crevan (35)
-----DW(A): Hope Auberta Burgess-Parker (35)
-----DS/DS: Ezra Ember Glen Parker and Matthew Baxter Chars Parker (12)
-----DD: Grace Isabel Rain Parker (9)
-----DW(M): Clare Irisa Hastin-Parker (35)
-----ADS: David Pol Adelio Parker (10)
AS/AD/AD: Judd Tamary Johnson / Casey Jessenia Opal / Jaime Aveline Merry (33)
-----DW(Ju): Allison Aysel Everett-Parker (31)
-----DS: Heath Aloysius Cai Parker (9)
-----DD/DD: Amber Camille Jean Parker and Paola Kimball Luz Parker (5)
-----DH(C): Noah Fineen Carter (34)
-----DD: Allison Meridian Carter (9)
-----ADS: Carlos Alvaro Merlin “Charlie” Carter (2)
-----DH(Ja): Jesse Wallace Troy (33)
-----DD: Lola Danielle Troy (6)
DS: Billy Harper Montenegro Parker (30)
-----DW: Isra Telyn Anders-Parker (26)
-----ADD: Fanni LaCienega Louanne Parker (6)
-----DS: Omri Lander Merrick Parker (5)
Corey and Sally Parker with their family:
Rowan and Daley Seghen with Parker (17) and Rose (14)
Pearl and Andrew Noel with Isabelle (14), Matt (12) and Kris (12)
Aaren and Hope Parker with Ezra (12), Matthew (12) and Grace (9)
Maverick and Clare Parker with David (9)
Judd and Allison Parker with Heath (9), Amber (5) and Paola (5)
Casey and Noah Carter with Allison (9) and Charlie (2)
Jaime and Jesse Troy with Lola (6)
Billy and Isra Parker with Fanni (6) and Omri (5)
LisaK ~ &
LN: Collins
DH: Thomas Eoin (60)
DW: Bridget Maeve (58)
DD: Florence Lilia Collins-Colwyn (38)
-----DH: Benito Lowell Colwyn (39)
-----DD: Nava Lina Colwyn (17)
-----DS: Milo Saul Colwyn (14)
DS: Lemuel Brandon Collins (36)
-----DW: Emilia Ceri Collins "Lia" (36)
-----DS: Josiah William Collins "Joe" (14)
-----DS/DD: Fabian Javier Collins and Esther Kiersten Collins (12)
DS/DD: Henry Dominic Collins and Ava Katherine Collins-Burgess (35)
-----DW(H): Mary Amie Orrick-Collins (35)
-----DD/DS/DS: Imogen Lola Collins // Nolan Glen Collins // Trevelyan Baxter Collins (12)
-----DS: Lincoln Everett Collins (9)
-----DH(A): Casey Jonny "CJ" Burgess (35)
-----ADD: Martina Leila Benecia Burgess (7)
AS/AD: Charles Jared Wynne Collins and Clare Aveline Karina (33)
-----DW(Ch): Hazel Rain Marek-Collins (33)
-----DD: Kaisa Isabel Collins (9)
-----DS/DD: Addison Merrick Collins and Jaime Arline Collins (5)
-----DH(Cl): Hemming Ramiro Meridian (35)
-----DS/DS/DS: Aaren Teague Meridian // Cassidy Troy Meridian // Finnegan Cai Meridian (9)
-----ADS: Keoni Dalton Oklahoma Meridian (3)
DD: Sophia Leia Carmen Collins-Lindley (30)
-----DH: Judd Akiva Lindley (36)
-----ADD: Mbali Julianna Cher Lindley (11)
-----DS/DD: Ole Didier Lindley // Ayla Camille Lindley (5)
Thomas and Bridget Collins and their family:
Florence and Benito Colwyn with Nava (17) and Milo (14)
Lemuel and Lia Collins with Joe (14), Fabian (12) and Esther (12)
Henry and Mary Collins with Imogen (12), Nolan (12), Trevelyan (12) and Lincoln (9)
Ava and CJ Burgess with Martina (7)
Charles and Hazel Collins with Kaisa (9), Addison (5) and Jaime (5)
Clare and Hemming Meridian with Aaren (9), Cassidy (9), Finnegan (9) and Keoni (3)
Sophia and Judd Lindley with Mbali (11), Ole (5) and Ayla (5)
Estel ~ *
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (62)
DW: Lydia Grace (61)
DS: Denver Talmai Thompson (38)
-----DW: Florence Myrtle “Flo” Virote-Thompson (38)
-----DS: Indiana Ronan “Indy” Thompson (17)
-----DD: Nevada Mikaia “Nevi” Thompson (14)
DS: Ezekiel Madden "Zeke" Thompson (36)
-----DW: Constance Elysia “Connie” Argyle-Thompson (36)
-----DD: Parker Nadia Thompson (14)
-----DS/DS: Henry Giona Thompson and James Kayonga “Jamie” Thompson (12)
DS/DS: Bailey Jason Thompson and Ilya Vidor Thompson (35)
-----DW(B): Elisabeth Catherine “Liz” Baxter-Thompson (35)
-----DS: Andrew Glen Thompson (12)
-----DS: Asher Everett Thompson (9)
-----DW(I): Rose Auberta Burgess-Thompson (35)
-----ADD: Charlotte Julianna Avon “Carly” Thompson (6)
AD/AD/AS: Hazel Metea Jessenia Thompson-Pavan / May Gwenllian Karina Thompson-Meridian and Lincoln Wynne Moses "Lin" Thompson (33)
-----DH(H): Israel Abdullah Pavan (35)
-----DD/DD: Clare Sorena Pavan and Hope Valkyrie Pavan (9)
-----DS: Noah Kamali Pavan (5)
-----DH(M): Matthew Carter Meridian (33)
-----DD/DD/DS/DS: Aimee Isabel Meridian / Ella Rain Meridian / Ezra Teague Meridian and Lewis Aja Meridian (9)
-----ADS: Qiu Tsai-Shen Poppy Meridian (1)
-----DW(L): Kristin Aysel Marek-Thompson (29)
-----DS: Jesse Hayden Thomspon (6)
DS: Judd Silas Canute Thompson (30)
-----DW: Eve Isabelle Kimball-Thompson (29)
-----ADD: Sara Claudia Badu Thompson (9)
-----DD/DD: Allison Camille "Ally" Thompson and Laura Danielle Thompson (5)
Wil and Lydia Thompson and their family:
Denver and Flo Thompson with Indy (17) and Nevi (14)
Zeke and Connie Thompson with Parker (14), Henry (12) and Jamie (12)
Bailey and Liz Thompson with Andrew (12) and Asher (9)
Ilya and Rose Thompson with Carly (6)
Hazel and Israel Pavan with Clare (9), Hope (9) and Noah (5)
May and Matthew Meridian with Aimee (9), Ella (9), Ezra (9), Lewis (9) and Qiu (1)
Lin and Kristin Thompson with Jesse (6)
Judd and Eve Thompson with Sara (9), Ally (5) and Laura (5)
Thanks :)
Thank you so much for you story, I had great fun reading it!
I'm so glad you liked the game :)
Thank you so much for you story, I had great fun reading it!
I'm so glad you liked the game :)
miss_smiley ~ *
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew (62)
DW: Elise Matilda (61)
DD: Lola Cameron Smith-Mercer (38) This flows quite well and I like Cameron, but more for a boy. Lola, I wouldn't use
-----DH: Thorsten Mackenzie Mercer (39) Thorsten sounds too made up for me but I have a guilty pleasure with Maxckenzie!
-----DD: Noa Lina Mercer-Smith (17) I love Noah on a boy, I don't like Noa or Lina
-----DS: Daley Zach Mercer-Smith (14) I like Zach and Daley has an unusual sound but I wouldn't use it
DD: Anna-Mae Lotus Smith-Dallon (36) - I like Anna-Mae and Lotus could grow on me
-----DH: Miska Thad Dallon (41) Thad is nice as a nn for Thaddeus, I don't like Miska, it sounds feminine
-----DS: Lemuel Miska Dallon (14) - No!
-----DS/DS: Owen Javier Dallon and Erik Jonny Dallon (12) - Owen and Erik are nice, Javier is too Spanish sounding for me and Jonny is a nn
DS/DD: Casey Joey Smith and Imogen Rena Smith-Baxter (35) - Love all of these!
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew (62)
DW: Elise Matilda (61)
DD: Lola Cameron Smith-Mercer (38) This flows quite well and I like Cameron, but more for a boy. Lola, I wouldn't use
-----DH: Thorsten Mackenzie Mercer (39) Thorsten sounds too made up for me but I have a guilty pleasure with Maxckenzie!
-----DD: Noa Lina Mercer-Smith (17) I love Noah on a boy, I don't like Noa or Lina
-----DS: Daley Zach Mercer-Smith (14) I like Zach and Daley has an unusual sound but I wouldn't use it
DD: Anna-Mae Lotus Smith-Dallon (36) - I like Anna-Mae and Lotus could grow on me
-----DH: Miska Thad Dallon (41) Thad is nice as a nn for Thaddeus, I don't like Miska, it sounds feminine
-----DS: Lemuel Miska Dallon (14) - No!
-----DS/DS: Owen Javier Dallon and Erik Jonny Dallon (12) - Owen and Erik are nice, Javier is too Spanish sounding for me and Jonny is a nn
DS/DD: Casey Joey Smith and Imogen Rena Smith-Baxter (35) - Love all of these!
Lissy to Tessy
Lissy ~ *
LN: Bradley
DH: Gregory Scott (62)
DW: Samantha Joelle (59)
DD: Lola Xandy Bradley-Colwyn (38)
-----DH: Jericho Dave Colwyn (39)
-----DD: April Bailey Colwyn (17)
-----DS: Daley Zach Colwyn (14)
DS: Benji Tameron Bradley (36)
-----DW: Constance Ceri Piper-Bradley (36)
-----DD: Nevada Leane Bradley (14)
-----DS/DD: Henry Orrick Bradley and Elisabeth Kiersten Bradley (12)
DD/DS: Esther Aglaia Bradley-Burgess and Lars Crevan Bradley (35)
-----DH(E): James Ember “Jamie” Burgess (35)
-----DD/DD: Maria Amie Burgess and Isabelle Derica Burgess (12)
-----DS: Lewis Ramiro Burgess (9)
-----DW(L): Ava Catherine Baxter-Bradley (35)
-----ADD: Samantha Abigail Rhonda Bradley (1)
AS: Aaren Wynne Jared Bradley (33)
Lissy ~ *
LN: Bradley
DH: Gregory Scott (62)
DW: Samantha Joelle (59)
DD: Lola Xandy Bradley-Colwyn (38)
-----DH: Jericho Dave Colwyn (39)
-----DD: April Bailey Colwyn (17)
-----DS: Daley Zach Colwyn (14)
DS: Benji Tameron Bradley (36)
-----DW: Constance Ceri Piper-Bradley (36)
-----DD: Nevada Leane Bradley (14)
-----DS/DD: Henry Orrick Bradley and Elisabeth Kiersten Bradley (12)
DD/DS: Esther Aglaia Bradley-Burgess and Lars Crevan Bradley (35)
-----DH(E): James Ember “Jamie” Burgess (35)
-----DD/DD: Maria Amie Burgess and Isabelle Derica Burgess (12)
-----DS: Lewis Ramiro Burgess (9)
-----DW(L): Ava Catherine Baxter-Bradley (35)
-----ADD: Samantha Abigail Rhonda Bradley (1)
AS: Aaren Wynne Jared Bradley (33)
This message was edited 10/8/2006, 8:23 AM
Thanks! This was really fun! :D