Your Information
Last Name: Smith
Your name and age:
Elise Matilda, 26
Your spouse and age:
Brandon Matthew, 28
Children and ages:
Travis and
Tallulah, 3
Pets and types: none
Location: England
Do you travel: Yes
Child(ren) Information
Amount of children (max. 8): 6
Gender: both
Ages(nb-18): 0 - 7
Country(ies): England,
Africa, Turkey and Spain
Do you want:
--twins: yes
--triplet: yes
--pregant teens: no
--father/mother & child: no
--sibling: yes
--single child(ren): no
Will you take children with problems
--If yes how mild or sereve: yes, mild-severe
WIll you take children with pets: no
--If yes take type: