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[Facts] Derivation of the name Androcles
Can someone please give me the derivation of the Greek name Androcles? I assume the first element, 'Andro-' means 'man', but what about the final element, '-cles'? Is it from 'kleos' = 'glory', or something else?
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Yep. In his list of Greek names and website corrections which Pavlos recently sent to our webmaster, Mike C., Pavlos included the etymology for the name "Androcles":Androcles : from "andros" (of a man) and "kleos" (glory).And, if anyone ought to know, it's Pavlos. He's Greek. :)-- Nanaea
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Thanks very much. This is a great web site (a refreshing change from all the "baby names" sites) and a great forum, and the URL is going at the top of my Favourites list.
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Êáëþò Þñèåò óôç ðáñÝá, ÁíäñïêëÞ!
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Thanks for stopping by, Androcles! Hope you stop by more often -- this is definitely a cool place to hang. :)-- Nanaea
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...and thats the double truth, Ruth :P
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Yep, that's the story, Maury.
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