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[Games] CAF with initials, descrive appearence
DW MR (44)
DH EL (46) DD NJ (19)
DS CF (17)
DD GH (14)
DD PL (11)
DD/DS RP & JM (6) descrive their appearence; haircolor, interests etc.
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Ok, Natalie lives in the dorm, not the door. Sorry. :)
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LN: Douglas
DW: Melissa Renee (44)-- SAHM, slender, pale skin, wavy light brown
hair, dresses conservatively, is very sweet and polite, but knows
how to handle the kids (or husband) when they get out of line
DH: Edward "Ed" Lee (46) -- Businessman, committed husband and
family man, tall, dark hair, brown eyes, friendly, smart, serious
but knows how to tell a jokeDD: Natalie Jane (19) -- a little stuck up, long dark hair, in her
sophomore year at the University, not sure what she wants to major
in yet though, living in the door, has had same boyfriend for 3
DS: Christian Fletcher (17) -- Quiet and shy, very smart, looking
forward to graduating and going away to school (Ivy League),
nervous about being so far away from home but excited also, loves
to read and write, sandy blond hair, tall and skinny, sweet smile
Name--Dad wanted Fletcher for the first name but Mom wasn't keen on
it so they compromised
DD: Grace "Gracie" Helene (14) -- Long straight brown hair, petite,
blue eyes, graceful, sweet, smart, happy, friendly
Name--Got her name, Grace, after having a difficult start in life.
She was 7 weeks premature and had a lengthy stay in the NICU. Mom
& Dad knew it was by God's grace that she was with them. Her
middle name is after Grandma Helene (Huh-LEEN) who died 2 years
before Gracie's birth.
DD: Paige Lynette (11) -- The family's "spitfire" she's active, full
of energy, athletic, a dancer, always talking, always going, loves
to be around people, but also has a firey temper. Name--Lynette is
Mom's best friend's name.
DD/DS: Rylee Peyton & Jamison Marcus (6) -- The twins were a
surprise, and continue to be every day. The same size, small, with
dirty blond hair and brown eyes, both are spunky and raring to go
at any moment. Rylee talks just a little more than Jamison, but
only because he's probably busy thinking up his next 'evil' plot (lol). Names--Mom and Dad had a hard time agreeing on their names,
but feel these names now fit them perfectly. But don't tell Rylee
that her name is a "boy's name" and never call Jamison "Jamie".
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LN Drake
DW Melanie Rebecca (44) - Mel
DH Edward Louis (46) - Edward DD Niam Jessamyn (19) - Niam
DS Caden Fletcher (17) -Cade
DD Greta Harriett (14) - Greta
DD Piper Larissa (11) - Piper
DD/DS Reece Poppy & Jackson Marcus (6) - Reece + Jack
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LN Danbrook
DW Marilyn Rosa (44)
DH Edward Lawrence (46) DD Noelle Jocelyn (19)
DS Christian Francis (17)
DD Gretchen Hope (14)
DD Paula Leigh (11)
DD/DS Rose Pamela & Jacob Michael (6) Marilyn, Ward, Noelle, Chris, Gretchen, Paulie, Rosie, Jake
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LN Donaldson
DW Max Rupert Donaldson (44) Dark brown curly hair, Blue eyes. Loves sport, gardening, classical music and playing piano.
DH Emma Lucy Donaldson (46) Blonde straight hair, Blue eyes. Loves shopping, cooking, gardening and singing.DD Nancy Jessica Donaldson (19) Light brown curly hair, Blue eyes. Loves shopping, talking on the phone, looking at guys, music and singing.
DS Charlie Frank Donaldson (17) Dark brown curly hair, Blue eyes. Loves watching tv, playing guitar, eating, skate boarding and playing play station.
DD Gabriella Hope Donaldson (14) Blonde straight hair, Blue eyes. Loves singing, music, playing violin, looking at boys, shopping and going to the movies.
DD Poppy Louise Donaldson (11) Dark brown straight hair, Blue eyes. Loves animals, going horse riding, going to the movies, shopping and playing piano.
DD/DS Ruby Paris Donaldson / Jack Moses Donaldson (6) Blonde curly hair, Blue eyes. Loves animals, watching tv, shopping and watching her older sisters' every moves!! / Blonde curly hair, Blue eyes. Loves watching tv, sports, playing play station, animals and annoying his older siblings!!appearence; haircolor, interests etc.
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LN Denny
DW Margaret Ruth (44) (Meg - 5'4", black hair blue eyes, enjoys crafts.)
DH Edward Laurence (46) (Ted - 5'8", dark brown hair (curly), brown eyes, enjoys reading and writing)DD Norah Josephine (19) (5'2", dark brown hair, blue eyes, is interested in nature and is currently at university studying Geography)
DS Charles Frederick (17) (Charlie - 5'6", black hair (curly), brown eyes, shy, interested in all things science, wants to train to be a doctor)
DD Grace Harriet (14) (5', light brown hair, blue eyes, interested in horses)
DD Poppy Leah (11) (4'7", brown hair, blue eyes, interested in reading and animals)
DD/DS Rosamund Penelope & Jonathan Mark (6) (Rosa - 3'8" black hair. blue eyes, interested in anything to do with princesses and fairies, Jon - 3'10" black hair, brown eyes, interested in cars and trains)
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LN D - Darling
DW MR (44) Marion Rebecca
Black hair, brown eyes, olive skin, 5'11"
Likes scuba diving, forien cinema, and italian food
DH EL (46) Edmund Lawrence
Thinning light brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin, 5'9", glasses
Likes running in marathons, boat shows, and ThoreauDD NJ (19) Natasha Jane
Black hair, brown eyes, pale skin, 5'5"
Studying biology in university and plays volley-ball on the team, likes drinking far too much for her parents liking
DS CF (17) Calvin Fredrick
Black hair, blue eyes, olive skin, 6'0", reading glasses
Likes driving, movies, and skateboards
DD GH (14) Georgia Hope
Brown hair, blue eyes, olive skin, 5'1", braces
Likes Ashton Kutcher, make-overs, and popcorn
DD PL (11) Perdita Lorraine
Black hair, brown eyes, pale skin, 4'10", braces, glasses
Likes drawing, Barbies, and recess
DD/DS RP & JM (6) Ramona Pauline + Jonathan Mark
Ramona - Blonde hair, brown eyes, olive skin 3'9", four missing teeth
Likes Play-Doh, My Little Ponies, soccer, and school
Jonathan - Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin 4'0", two missing teeth
Likes soccer, stickers, and cars
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