[Games] Re: Congratulations (m)
in reply to a message by Elizaveta
The McAlister family of Eugene, Oregon
H: James Matthew (31) – Black hair, Royal blue eyes – Co-owns a veterinary practice
W: Luciana Naomi “Lucia” (30) – Dirty-blonde hair, Hazel eyes – Successful artist (painter) and volunteers at the local orphanage.
AD: Liliana Grace (21) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
--D: Sophia Emmanuelle (7) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Rosabella Noemi "Rose" (14) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AS: Samuel Tyrone (17) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Charlie Robert “Che” (11 months) – Brown hair, Green eyes
We would like to change Samuel Tyrone's name to Derek Tyrone and Charlie Robert's name to Robert Charles as Samuel decided he wants new names to start their new lives.
We did get Liliana to get to enroll in college an after one more semester she'll be graduating with a BS in Chemistry, though she stills loves to paint she wanted to have something else in case she can't support herself on that or if something happens to her hands. Sophia just went into school last year and is enjoying it though she says she misses being home with her mom and I. Rose is doing great in school and has two close friends who come over often and just as often have Rose come to their houses. James and I noticed that Rose missed her grandmother so as a surprise we paid to have Grandma Marie moved to a nursing home near our house. Rose was estatic when she found out and now reguarly visits Marie after school.
When James and I thought about adopting again I was hoping to help out another teenage mother like Liliana but when James saw a teenage father, Samuel (now Derek), he immediately decided that was who we'd have to adopt. I'll admit I was a bit leary, after all isn't it always the father that leaves not the mother? I feel guilty for it now but I couldn't help but think that maybe he'd just used the baby as a way out of the life he'd had. I tried to keep an open mind and after meeting him the first time I was glad I hadn't made my feelings more public. He was the most caring tender father I had ever seen, more protective of his little Che then a mother I'd met. When I asked to hold Che you could almost see the war between logic and love in his eyes. Obviously I am extremely happy with our choice. After Derek and Che (I doubt any of the family will stop calling him 'Che' until he is old enough to decide he wants to be called Robert) got settled in Derek started warming up to the rest of the family, though he could see he was wary and holding back a lot of himself for fear of getting hurt. He warmed up quickest to Rose, partically becuase Che was so taken with her but mainly becuase Rose was so taken with Che. She'd hold him whenever she was home and always had time to play with him. So all in all everything is going great.

H: James Matthew (31) – Black hair, Royal blue eyes – Co-owns a veterinary practice
W: Luciana Naomi “Lucia” (30) – Dirty-blonde hair, Hazel eyes – Successful artist (painter) and volunteers at the local orphanage.
AD: Liliana Grace (21) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
--D: Sophia Emmanuelle (7) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Rosabella Noemi "Rose" (14) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AS: Samuel Tyrone (17) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Charlie Robert “Che” (11 months) – Brown hair, Green eyes
We would like to change Samuel Tyrone's name to Derek Tyrone and Charlie Robert's name to Robert Charles as Samuel decided he wants new names to start their new lives.
We did get Liliana to get to enroll in college an after one more semester she'll be graduating with a BS in Chemistry, though she stills loves to paint she wanted to have something else in case she can't support herself on that or if something happens to her hands. Sophia just went into school last year and is enjoying it though she says she misses being home with her mom and I. Rose is doing great in school and has two close friends who come over often and just as often have Rose come to their houses. James and I noticed that Rose missed her grandmother so as a surprise we paid to have Grandma Marie moved to a nursing home near our house. Rose was estatic when she found out and now reguarly visits Marie after school.
When James and I thought about adopting again I was hoping to help out another teenage mother like Liliana but when James saw a teenage father, Samuel (now Derek), he immediately decided that was who we'd have to adopt. I'll admit I was a bit leary, after all isn't it always the father that leaves not the mother? I feel guilty for it now but I couldn't help but think that maybe he'd just used the baby as a way out of the life he'd had. I tried to keep an open mind and after meeting him the first time I was glad I hadn't made my feelings more public. He was the most caring tender father I had ever seen, more protective of his little Che then a mother I'd met. When I asked to hold Che you could almost see the war between logic and love in his eyes. Obviously I am extremely happy with our choice. After Derek and Che (I doubt any of the family will stop calling him 'Che' until he is old enough to decide he wants to be called Robert) got settled in Derek started warming up to the rest of the family, though he could see he was wary and holding back a lot of himself for fear of getting hurt. He warmed up quickest to Rose, partically becuase Che was so taken with her but mainly becuase Rose was so taken with Che. She'd hold him whenever she was home and always had time to play with him. So all in all everything is going great.