[Games] Elizaveta's Congrats/Adoption Agency Round 3
I’m sorry, but I will be taking no more late sign-ups.
This is round three of five for my congrats/adoption agency game. It has been four years and you’ve decided to adopt more children. I will be listing 25 forms this round. Otherwise the final people to reply to this post get stuck with only one choice for whom they get to adopt. This should give every single person playing a bigger selection of children to pick from.
Choose the five forms you would most like to adopt starting with the ones you want most to the ones you want least. Remember that no siblings will be separated from each other, no multiples will be separated from each other, and no teen mothers/fathers will be separated from their children. Just use their full names to indicate which child(ren) you would like to adopt.
Remember this game is first come first serve. So the sooner you reply the more likely you are to get number one or two on your list. If number one is already adopted, you’ll get number two. If number two is already adopted, you will get number three and so on and so forth. I will reply back to everyone saying which child(ren) you get to adopt this round. In turn, you reply back to me saying if you would like to rename the child(ren) that you adopted or not. You can also give me an update on your family if you would like. I won’t list the final families until after the last round to save room on the original posts. Thank you for playing, and I hope you have fun.
Bex, DLB, Ebba, estel, Harrysgirl, Juls, Keepskuh, Lawruh, LexyRose, lulu, Miss Lissa, miss_smiley, Rachel, rainbow_Maya, Rosethorn08, Samantha, sarah lee, Tate and X Mar are playing.
Example Choices:
1 – Single Child: Landon Ryan
2 – Pregnant Teen: Gabriela Dulce Cortez
3 – Sibset: Lucia Maria and Angela Giada San Marco
4 – Single Child: Amber Morgan Croft
5 – Pregnant Teen: Muni Fatima Yacine
NOTE TO EVERYONE: I’ve color coded all of sibsets, multiples, and teen mothers with their child(ren). Any children that have black titles are single.
Single Child
Landon Ryan from USA – Single Child
8 years old
Brown hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Somewhat of a bully, he is often the biggest kid on the play ground, doesn't have a lot of friends.
Problems? He feels that he must be a bully all the time so people will pay attention to him.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Was taken by Child Protective Services because the home that he was living in was not safe.
Lucas Andrew Adams “Luke” from Scotland – Single Child
10 years old
Blonde Hair, Gray Eyes, Caucasian
Outgoing, Talkative, Active
Problems? Yes, he’s dyslexic.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents divorced and neither could care for him.
Amber Morgan Croft from Australia – Single Child
15 years old
Dirty blonde hair, Brown hair, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
Amita Samara from USA – Single Child
12 years old
Red hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Very Sweet and loving, kind of shy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Amity’s parents died in a car accident
Darcy Hamish from England – Single Child
2 years old
Blonde hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Shy but sweet, enjoys music and animals
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Father died in a car crash, mother died in childbirth and his grandmother who cared for him died.
Lucine Margarid Sarkisian from Armenia – Single Child
3 years old
Black hair, Green eyes, Armenian
Loud, talkative, very smart
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Death of parents from disease.
Theodore Leif “Teddy” from England – Single Child
7 years old
Blonde hair, Deep blue eyes, Caucasian
Teddy is a sweet little boy who is always looking out for others. He has many friends, and likes to draw and play the drums.
Problems? Yes, he is dyslexic, and is a little behind in some of his classes, but is otherwise fine. He receives tutoring in reading. His math skills are above average.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Teddy’s parents are terminally ill, and there are no guardians being appointed. Teddy wants to have a new family that won't let him forget his old one.
Hannah Josephine Edwards “Hanny Jo” from USA – Single Child
6 years old
Blonde hair, Light blue eyes, Caucasian
Caring, happy
Problems? She has down's syndrome.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her parents didn’t want her because of her disability.
Misty Emma Rose from Canada – Single Child
1 ½ years old
Black hair, Dark brown eyes, Caucasian
Energetic, smiley and outgoing
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Mother died 2 months ago, father can't take care of her.
James Maeleachlinn from Scotland – Single Child
7 years old
Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Intelligent, into sports especially "American football", has a great sense of humor and a compassionate heart.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: He never knew his father and there is no name listed on the birth certificate. And his mother died of cancer.
Mary Katherine from USA – Single Child
8 years old
Blond hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
A little bit shy, sweet and smiley
Problems? Yes, she is blind
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents died in a car crash when she was 6 years old.
Lily Emily Hayes from Australia – Single Child
9 years old
Dark Blonde Hair, Brown Eyes, Caucasian
Lovable, Independent, Caring
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Mother could no longer care for her.
David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child
10 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: His parents both died. He is an orphan.
Lucia Maria San Marco from Italy – Sibset with Angela
15 years old
Dark brown hair, Green eyes, Italian
Sarcastic, funny, intelligent and self assured
Problems? Yes, she’s in treatment for mild obsessive compulsive disorder.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Death of parents in car accident
Angela Giada San Marco from Italy – Sibset with Lucia
9 years old
Black hair, Green eyes, Italian
Friendly, bubbly, enjoys singing and dancing
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Death of parents in car accident
Amar Jayant Panth from India – Sibset with Kaveri and Sunil
7 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Indian
Shy, does what he is told, very attached to his brother & sister.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption? All of the relatives are deceased. They were found trying to fend for themselves.
Kaveri Rupinder Panth from India – Sibset with Amar and Sunil
9 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Indian
Clever, quiet, protective of Amar.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption? All relatives are deceased. They were found trying to fend for themselves.
Sunil Chetana Panth from India – Sibset with Amar and Kaveri
12 Years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Indian
The leader of the siblings, outgoing, cunning, protective of his siblings.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: All relatives are deceased. They were found trying to fend for themselves.
Elsa Kristina Herbertsen from Sweden – Sibset with Mia
13 years old
Brown hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Thrill seeker, sporty
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
Mia Emma Herbertsen from Sweden – Sibset with Elsa
10 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Sporty, smart
Problems? Yes, she’s deaf in her right ear.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
Koen Willem from the Netherlands – Sibset with Bas
5 years old
Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Adventurous, playful, selfish
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Their parents died, and they don't have any living relatives willing to take care of them.
Bas Robbert from the Netherlands – Sibset with Koen
4 years old
Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Creative, cheerful, brave
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Their parents died, and they don't have any living relatives willing to take care of them.
Ashton Taylor from USA – Multiples: triplet to Keaton and Preston
8 years old
Brown hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Hot-tempered, rough, playful
Problems? Yes, social problems, because he fights a lot. It's very difficult for him to make friends.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Taken out of their home by child care, because their mother left her children alone all the time, their father is dead.
Keaton Tobias from USA – Multiples: triplet to Ashton and Preston
8 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Smart, sly, stoic
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Taken out of their home by child care, because their mother left her children alone all the time, their father is dead.
Preston Tristam from USA – Multiples: triplet to Ashton and Keaton
8 years old
Brown hair, Gray eyes, Caucasian
Charismatic, vain, cocky
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Taken out of their home by child care, because their mother left her children alone all the time, their father is dead.
Lily Margaret Phillips from USA – Multiples: twin to Rose
1 ½ years old
Red hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Bubbly and smiley
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents didn't want twins.
Rose Annabelle Phillips from USA – Multiples: twin to Lily
1 ½ years old
Red hair, rown eyes, Caucasian
Bubbly and smiley
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents didn't want twins.
Pregnant Teens
Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Olive Skin tone
Athletic, dreams of playing violin
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Single Father kicked her out.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single Boy
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 4 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Not sure yet, thinking about Gabriel and Jonah.
Martha Hope Douglas from Ghana – Pregnant Teen
14 years old
Black hair, Dark brown eyes, African
Shy, affectionate, arty
Problems? Yes, a history of abuse and being in and out of care has led her to self-harm and she has suffered from Anorexia in the past.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Needs more stability than a foster care placement where she is at the minute. The baby has been diagnosed with Downs Syndrome.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single boy
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 3 months pregnant
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Nuka James Douglas
Zara Veronica Pablito from Italy – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Dark brown hair, Black eyes, Olive toned skin
Outgoing, loves sports
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her family disowned her.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single girl
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 7 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Anna Margareta
Isabelle Theodora Robinson from England – Pregnant teen
16 years old
Red hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, private
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her family died in a plane crash.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single girl
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 7 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Kylie Olivia
Teen mothers/fathers and their child(ren)
Samuel Tyrone Jones from USA – Teen father of Charlie
17 years old
Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Interracial
Protective, caring, enjoys music and hanging out with friends, wrestles and plays lacrosse
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Put in foster care because of neglect at age 14.
Charlie Robert Jones “Che” from USA – Son to teen father Samuel
11 months old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Interracial
Smiles a lot, likes to play on tummy, learning to walk
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Father is in foster care program.
Shannon Ceilidh O’Malley from Ireland – Teen mother to Aisling
17 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Tough, loud, vulnerable
Problems? Yes, has depression and finds it hard to make and keep friends.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Drug addict parents meant Shannon has been in and out of children’s homes all her life.
Aisling Eilidh O’Malley from Ireland – Daughter to teen mother Shannon
1 year old
Red hair, Gray eyes, Caucasian
Very wary of strangers, but with people she knows, happy and cheerful.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: With her mother, who is in a children’s home.
This is round three of five for my congrats/adoption agency game. It has been four years and you’ve decided to adopt more children. I will be listing 25 forms this round. Otherwise the final people to reply to this post get stuck with only one choice for whom they get to adopt. This should give every single person playing a bigger selection of children to pick from.
Choose the five forms you would most like to adopt starting with the ones you want most to the ones you want least. Remember that no siblings will be separated from each other, no multiples will be separated from each other, and no teen mothers/fathers will be separated from their children. Just use their full names to indicate which child(ren) you would like to adopt.
Remember this game is first come first serve. So the sooner you reply the more likely you are to get number one or two on your list. If number one is already adopted, you’ll get number two. If number two is already adopted, you will get number three and so on and so forth. I will reply back to everyone saying which child(ren) you get to adopt this round. In turn, you reply back to me saying if you would like to rename the child(ren) that you adopted or not. You can also give me an update on your family if you would like. I won’t list the final families until after the last round to save room on the original posts. Thank you for playing, and I hope you have fun.
Bex, DLB, Ebba, estel, Harrysgirl, Juls, Keepskuh, Lawruh, LexyRose, lulu, Miss Lissa, miss_smiley, Rachel, rainbow_Maya, Rosethorn08, Samantha, sarah lee, Tate and X Mar are playing.
Example Choices:
1 – Single Child: Landon Ryan
2 – Pregnant Teen: Gabriela Dulce Cortez
3 – Sibset: Lucia Maria and Angela Giada San Marco
4 – Single Child: Amber Morgan Croft
5 – Pregnant Teen: Muni Fatima Yacine
NOTE TO EVERYONE: I’ve color coded all of sibsets, multiples, and teen mothers with their child(ren). Any children that have black titles are single.
Single Child
Landon Ryan from USA – Single Child
8 years old
Brown hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Somewhat of a bully, he is often the biggest kid on the play ground, doesn't have a lot of friends.
Problems? He feels that he must be a bully all the time so people will pay attention to him.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Was taken by Child Protective Services because the home that he was living in was not safe.
Lucas Andrew Adams “Luke” from Scotland – Single Child
10 years old
Blonde Hair, Gray Eyes, Caucasian
Outgoing, Talkative, Active
Problems? Yes, he’s dyslexic.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents divorced and neither could care for him.
Amber Morgan Croft from Australia – Single Child
15 years old
Dirty blonde hair, Brown hair, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
Amita Samara from USA – Single Child
12 years old
Red hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Very Sweet and loving, kind of shy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Amity’s parents died in a car accident
Darcy Hamish from England – Single Child
2 years old
Blonde hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Shy but sweet, enjoys music and animals
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Father died in a car crash, mother died in childbirth and his grandmother who cared for him died.
Lucine Margarid Sarkisian from Armenia – Single Child
3 years old
Black hair, Green eyes, Armenian
Loud, talkative, very smart
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Death of parents from disease.
Theodore Leif “Teddy” from England – Single Child
7 years old
Blonde hair, Deep blue eyes, Caucasian
Teddy is a sweet little boy who is always looking out for others. He has many friends, and likes to draw and play the drums.
Problems? Yes, he is dyslexic, and is a little behind in some of his classes, but is otherwise fine. He receives tutoring in reading. His math skills are above average.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Teddy’s parents are terminally ill, and there are no guardians being appointed. Teddy wants to have a new family that won't let him forget his old one.
Hannah Josephine Edwards “Hanny Jo” from USA – Single Child
6 years old
Blonde hair, Light blue eyes, Caucasian
Caring, happy
Problems? She has down's syndrome.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her parents didn’t want her because of her disability.
Misty Emma Rose from Canada – Single Child
1 ½ years old
Black hair, Dark brown eyes, Caucasian
Energetic, smiley and outgoing
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Mother died 2 months ago, father can't take care of her.
James Maeleachlinn from Scotland – Single Child
7 years old
Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Intelligent, into sports especially "American football", has a great sense of humor and a compassionate heart.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: He never knew his father and there is no name listed on the birth certificate. And his mother died of cancer.
Mary Katherine from USA – Single Child
8 years old
Blond hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
A little bit shy, sweet and smiley
Problems? Yes, she is blind
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents died in a car crash when she was 6 years old.
Lily Emily Hayes from Australia – Single Child
9 years old
Dark Blonde Hair, Brown Eyes, Caucasian
Lovable, Independent, Caring
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Mother could no longer care for her.
David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child
10 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: His parents both died. He is an orphan.
Lucia Maria San Marco from Italy – Sibset with Angela
15 years old
Dark brown hair, Green eyes, Italian
Sarcastic, funny, intelligent and self assured
Problems? Yes, she’s in treatment for mild obsessive compulsive disorder.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Death of parents in car accident
Angela Giada San Marco from Italy – Sibset with Lucia
9 years old
Black hair, Green eyes, Italian
Friendly, bubbly, enjoys singing and dancing
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Death of parents in car accident
Amar Jayant Panth from India – Sibset with Kaveri and Sunil
7 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Indian
Shy, does what he is told, very attached to his brother & sister.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption? All of the relatives are deceased. They were found trying to fend for themselves.
Kaveri Rupinder Panth from India – Sibset with Amar and Sunil
9 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Indian
Clever, quiet, protective of Amar.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption? All relatives are deceased. They were found trying to fend for themselves.
Sunil Chetana Panth from India – Sibset with Amar and Kaveri
12 Years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Indian
The leader of the siblings, outgoing, cunning, protective of his siblings.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: All relatives are deceased. They were found trying to fend for themselves.
Elsa Kristina Herbertsen from Sweden – Sibset with Mia
13 years old
Brown hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Thrill seeker, sporty
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
Mia Emma Herbertsen from Sweden – Sibset with Elsa
10 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Sporty, smart
Problems? Yes, she’s deaf in her right ear.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
Koen Willem from the Netherlands – Sibset with Bas
5 years old
Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Adventurous, playful, selfish
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Their parents died, and they don't have any living relatives willing to take care of them.
Bas Robbert from the Netherlands – Sibset with Koen
4 years old
Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Creative, cheerful, brave
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Their parents died, and they don't have any living relatives willing to take care of them.
Ashton Taylor from USA – Multiples: triplet to Keaton and Preston
8 years old
Brown hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Hot-tempered, rough, playful
Problems? Yes, social problems, because he fights a lot. It's very difficult for him to make friends.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Taken out of their home by child care, because their mother left her children alone all the time, their father is dead.
Keaton Tobias from USA – Multiples: triplet to Ashton and Preston
8 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Smart, sly, stoic
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Taken out of their home by child care, because their mother left her children alone all the time, their father is dead.
Preston Tristam from USA – Multiples: triplet to Ashton and Keaton
8 years old
Brown hair, Gray eyes, Caucasian
Charismatic, vain, cocky
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Taken out of their home by child care, because their mother left her children alone all the time, their father is dead.
Lily Margaret Phillips from USA – Multiples: twin to Rose
1 ½ years old
Red hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Bubbly and smiley
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents didn't want twins.
Rose Annabelle Phillips from USA – Multiples: twin to Lily
1 ½ years old
Red hair, rown eyes, Caucasian
Bubbly and smiley
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents didn't want twins.
Pregnant Teens
Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Olive Skin tone
Athletic, dreams of playing violin
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Single Father kicked her out.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single Boy
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 4 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Not sure yet, thinking about Gabriel and Jonah.
Martha Hope Douglas from Ghana – Pregnant Teen
14 years old
Black hair, Dark brown eyes, African
Shy, affectionate, arty
Problems? Yes, a history of abuse and being in and out of care has led her to self-harm and she has suffered from Anorexia in the past.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Needs more stability than a foster care placement where she is at the minute. The baby has been diagnosed with Downs Syndrome.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single boy
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 3 months pregnant
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Nuka James Douglas
Zara Veronica Pablito from Italy – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Dark brown hair, Black eyes, Olive toned skin
Outgoing, loves sports
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her family disowned her.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single girl
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 7 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Anna Margareta
Isabelle Theodora Robinson from England – Pregnant teen
16 years old
Red hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, private
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her family died in a plane crash.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single girl
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 7 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Kylie Olivia
Teen mothers/fathers and their child(ren)
Samuel Tyrone Jones from USA – Teen father of Charlie
17 years old
Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Interracial
Protective, caring, enjoys music and hanging out with friends, wrestles and plays lacrosse
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Put in foster care because of neglect at age 14.
Charlie Robert Jones “Che” from USA – Son to teen father Samuel
11 months old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Interracial
Smiles a lot, likes to play on tummy, learning to walk
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Father is in foster care program.
Shannon Ceilidh O’Malley from Ireland – Teen mother to Aisling
17 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Tough, loud, vulnerable
Problems? Yes, has depression and finds it hard to make and keep friends.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Drug addict parents meant Shannon has been in and out of children’s homes all her life.
Aisling Eilidh O’Malley from Ireland – Daughter to teen mother Shannon
1 year old
Red hair, Gray eyes, Caucasian
Very wary of strangers, but with people she knows, happy and cheerful.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: With her mother, who is in a children’s home.
This message was edited 7/28/2006, 12:17 PM
sorry...this is meant to go below
The Hill family of Eastern Ohio, USA
H: Richard Andrew “Rich” (44) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes -- Realtor
W: Anna-May Louise “May” (44) – Blond hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
S: Lukas Loren (Beres) “Loren” (23, adopted) – Light blond hair, Ice blue eyes
D/D: Beth Charlotte (16) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Cara Louise (16, deaf) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Keoni Malakai (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Alejandro Miguel "Ale" (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Alana Jennifer (13, adopted) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
S: Connor Jackson (9, adopted) -- Black hair, Blue eyes
AD: Esperanza Noemi "Anza" (9) – Dark brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Martha Hope (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
AS: Wekesa James "Kesi" (newborn) - Black hair, brown eyes, African
Our family has been doing wonderfully. Loren bought a house just down the road and is working on securing a job at a horse barn nearby. He comes by regularly to help out around the house. Beth and Cara are doing well in their respective high-schools. Beth (the quieter one) attends a high-school for deaf children and likes it very much. Cara (ever the outgoing one) attends a regular private high-school. Keoni loves being a part of the family and he recently made it onto the Varsity soccer team. Ale is still pretty quiet, but he is starting to do well in school and actually took part in a debate during class. Ale is very interested in learning about his heritage and we wouldn't be surprised if he ended up going back to Mexico. Alana misses Loren very much (she was very close to him), but is doing all right. She is homeschooled by May because her reclusive personality made her the target of much teasing in elementary school. Connor is very outgoing and he loves to hang out with his older brothers, especially Keoni. Anza wants a girl her age around, so we are looking for a girl to adopt who is nine or ten.
The Hill family of Eastern Ohio, USA
H: Richard Andrew “Rich” (44) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes -- Realtor
W: Anna-May Louise “May” (44) – Blond hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
S: Lukas Loren (Beres) “Loren” (23, adopted) – Light blond hair, Ice blue eyes
D/D: Beth Charlotte (16) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Cara Louise (16, deaf) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Keoni Malakai (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Alejandro Miguel "Ale" (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Alana Jennifer (13, adopted) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
S: Connor Jackson (9, adopted) -- Black hair, Blue eyes
AD: Esperanza Noemi "Anza" (9) – Dark brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Martha Hope (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
AS: Wekesa James "Kesi" (newborn) - Black hair, brown eyes, African
Our family has been doing wonderfully. Loren bought a house just down the road and is working on securing a job at a horse barn nearby. He comes by regularly to help out around the house. Beth and Cara are doing well in their respective high-schools. Beth (the quieter one) attends a high-school for deaf children and likes it very much. Cara (ever the outgoing one) attends a regular private high-school. Keoni loves being a part of the family and he recently made it onto the Varsity soccer team. Ale is still pretty quiet, but he is starting to do well in school and actually took part in a debate during class. Ale is very interested in learning about his heritage and we wouldn't be surprised if he ended up going back to Mexico. Alana misses Loren very much (she was very close to him), but is doing all right. She is homeschooled by May because her reclusive personality made her the target of much teasing in elementary school. Connor is very outgoing and he loves to hang out with his older brothers, especially Keoni. Anza wants a girl her age around, so we are looking for a girl to adopt who is nine or ten.
This message was edited 7/28/2006, 1:06 PM
1. Lucas Andrew Adams "Luke"
2. Martha Hope Douglas (and baby)
3. Amita Samara
4. Amber Morgan Croft
5. Shannon Ceilidh and Aisling Eilidh O'Malley
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
The Hill family of Eastern Ohio, USA
H: Richard Andrew “Rich” (44) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes -- Realtor
W: Anna-May Louise “May” (44) – Blond hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
S: Lukas Loren (Beres) “Loren” (23, adopted) – Light blond hair, Ice blue eyes
D/D: Beth Charlotte (16) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Cara Louise (16, deaf) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Keoni Malakai (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Alejandro Miguel (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Alana Jennifer (13, adopted) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
S: Connor Jackson (9, adopted) -- Black hair, Blue eyes
AD: Esperanza Noemi (9) – Dark brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Martha Hope (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
The Hill family has adopted Martha Hope. Would you like to change her name? What is the final decision on the name for her baby boy? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Hill family of Eastern Ohio, USA
H: Richard Andrew “Rich” (44) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes -- Realtor
W: Anna-May Louise “May” (44) – Blond hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
S: Lukas Loren (Beres) “Loren” (23, adopted) – Light blond hair, Ice blue eyes
D/D: Beth Charlotte (16) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Cara Louise (16, deaf) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Keoni Malakai (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Alejandro Miguel (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Alana Jennifer (13, adopted) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
S: Connor Jackson (9, adopted) -- Black hair, Blue eyes
AD: Esperanza Noemi (9) – Dark brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Martha Hope (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
The Hill family has adopted Martha Hope. Would you like to change her name? What is the final decision on the name for her baby boy? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Harding family of Northumberland, UK
H: Marcus Guy (30) – Black hair, Blue eyes – Forest warden
W: Sara Olivia (29) – Red hair, Green eyes – Nursery nurse
AS: Makoto Takeshi (17) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Ayame Kaede “Aya” (13) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS/AD: Bartholomaus Lambert “Bart” (10) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes / Edith Theresia “Edie” (10) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
AD: Lily Emily (9) – Dark blond hair, Brown eyes
The Harding family has adopted Lily Emily. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Harding family of Northumberland, UK
H: Marcus Guy (30) – Black hair, Blue eyes – Forest warden
W: Sara Olivia (29) – Red hair, Green eyes – Nursery nurse
AS: Makoto Takeshi (17) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Ayame Kaede “Aya” (13) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS/AD: Bartholomaus Lambert “Bart” (10) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes / Edith Theresia “Edie” (10) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
AD: Lily Emily (9) – Dark blond hair, Brown eyes
The Harding family has adopted Lily Emily. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (39) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (33) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (22) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (6) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie “Lia” (6) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie "Ida" (13) - Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Edward Wallace (11) - Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (11) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (8) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
D/S: Linnéa Caitrìona Niamh "Néa" / Linus Gideon Tate (4) - Brown hair, Blue eyes
The Brey family would like to adopt
Elsa Kristina Herbertsen from Sweden & Mia Emma Herbertsen
Isabelle Theodora Robinson from England – Pregnant teen
Shannon Ceilidh O’Malley from Ireland & Aisling Eilidh O’Malley
Amita Samara from USA – Single Child
David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child

The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (39) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (33) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (22) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (6) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie “Lia” (6) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie "Ida" (13) - Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Edward Wallace (11) - Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (11) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (8) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
D/S: Linnéa Caitrìona Niamh "Néa" / Linus Gideon Tate (4) - Brown hair, Blue eyes
The Brey family would like to adopt
Elsa Kristina Herbertsen from Sweden & Mia Emma Herbertsen
Isabelle Theodora Robinson from England – Pregnant teen
Shannon Ceilidh O’Malley from Ireland & Aisling Eilidh O’Malley
Amita Samara from USA – Single Child
David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child

This message was edited 7/27/2006, 10:51 PM
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (39) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (33) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (22) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (6) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie (6) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie “Ida” (13) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Edward Wallace (11) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (11) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (8) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AD: Elsa Kristina (13) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Mia Emma (10) – Brown hair, Green eyes
The Brey family has adopted sibset Elsa Kristina and Mia Emma. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (39) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (33) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (22) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (6) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie (6) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie “Ida” (13) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Edward Wallace (11) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (11) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (8) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AD: Elsa Kristina (13) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Mia Emma (10) – Brown hair, Green eyes
The Brey family has adopted sibset Elsa Kristina and Mia Emma. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
This message was edited 7/27/2006, 10:54 PM
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (39) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (33) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (22) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (6) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie "Lia" (6) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie “Ida” (13) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Elsa Kristina (13) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Edward Wallace (11) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (11) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
AD: Mia Emma (10) – Brown hair, Green eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (8) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
D/S: Linnéa Caitrìona Niamh "Néa" / Linus Gideon Tate (4) - Brown hair, Blue eyes
Elsa and Mia are very happy to join our family. Elsa wanted to change her name to Viveka, so we let her. She started going wild water kajaking with Ida, and they get along fantastic. Mia has no problems with her ear, we are used to having a child that is death on one ear, except that it is the right this time. :-)
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (39) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (33) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (22) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (6) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie "Lia" (6) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie “Ida” (13) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Elsa Kristina (13) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Edward Wallace (11) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (11) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
AD: Mia Emma (10) – Brown hair, Green eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (8) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
D/S: Linnéa Caitrìona Niamh "Néa" / Linus Gideon Tate (4) - Brown hair, Blue eyes
Elsa and Mia are very happy to join our family. Elsa wanted to change her name to Viveka, so we let her. She started going wild water kajaking with Ida, and they get along fantastic. Mia has no problems with her ear, we are used to having a child that is death on one ear, except that it is the right this time. :-)
The Chandler family of California, USA
H: Cohen Jack (31) – Black hair, Brown eyes -- Actor
W: Anna (28) – Brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and once a week working at a local elementary school (administration)
AS: Elijah James “Li, Lijah” (12) – Black hair, Green eyes
D: Elisabeth Maria “Ella” (10, adopted) – Blond hair (turning brown), Green eyes
D: Emilia “Emily” (6) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Meghan Renee (6) – Blonde hair, Green eyes
AD: Mary Katherine (8) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
The Chandler family has adopted Mary Katherine. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Chandler family of California, USA
H: Cohen Jack (31) – Black hair, Brown eyes -- Actor
W: Anna (28) – Brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and once a week working at a local elementary school (administration)
AS: Elijah James “Li, Lijah” (12) – Black hair, Green eyes
D: Elisabeth Maria “Ella” (10, adopted) – Blond hair (turning brown), Green eyes
D: Emilia “Emily” (6) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Meghan Renee (6) – Blonde hair, Green eyes
AD: Mary Katherine (8) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
The Chandler family has adopted Mary Katherine. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
We like to keep Mary's name.
Our family is doing really fine. Elijah has made many friends at school, allthough he's the only boy in the family he loves to play and take care of his younger siblings.
Ella still misses her younger brother, who was adopted by someone else. She really wants to keep in touch of little Erik.. Ella loves to play with her older brother and his friends.
Emily and Meghan are best friends, they do almost everything together.
Were looking forward to the arrival of Mary. Ella loves to have a sister who is close to her age.
Our family is doing really fine. Elijah has made many friends at school, allthough he's the only boy in the family he loves to play and take care of his younger siblings.
Ella still misses her younger brother, who was adopted by someone else. She really wants to keep in touch of little Erik.. Ella loves to play with her older brother and his friends.
Emily and Meghan are best friends, they do almost everything together.
Were looking forward to the arrival of Mary. Ella loves to have a sister who is close to her age.
Lucine Margarid
Mary Katherine
Isabelle Theodora
Gabriella Dulce
Lily Emily
"You take your alright, you take your can't wait, a lot a bring it on and some damn straight...mix it all up...you got your YEE-HAW!"
PP adopter~see profile
Mary Katherine
Isabelle Theodora
Gabriella Dulce
Lily Emily
"You take your alright, you take your can't wait, a lot a bring it on and some damn straight...mix it all up...you got your YEE-HAW!"
PP adopter~see profile
The Williams family of Fresno, California
H: Justin Douglas (36) – Sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, freckles – Fire Fighter/EMT
W: Dana Lynn (34) -- Blonde hair, Green eyes, Police Officer
AS: Nicholas Daniel “Nick” (12) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Christopher Dylan “Chris” (10) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Caroline Anne “Carrie-Anne” (10) – Strawberry blonde hair, Blue eyes
S: Zachary Alexander (9) – Sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, freckles
AS: Benjamin David “Ben” (8) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Lucine Margarid (3) – Black hair, Green eyes
The Williams family has adopted Lucine Margarid. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Williams family of Fresno, California
H: Justin Douglas (36) – Sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, freckles – Fire Fighter/EMT
W: Dana Lynn (34) -- Blonde hair, Green eyes, Police Officer
AS: Nicholas Daniel “Nick” (12) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Christopher Dylan “Chris” (10) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Caroline Anne “Carrie-Anne” (10) – Strawberry blonde hair, Blue eyes
S: Zachary Alexander (9) – Sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, freckles
AS: Benjamin David “Ben” (8) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Lucine Margarid (3) – Black hair, Green eyes
The Williams family has adopted Lucine Margarid. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
We will keep her name but use nn Lucy.
The rest of the family is doing well. Nick is going into the 7th grade and Chris and Carrie-Anne will be starting at middle school in the fall, they are hoping that they will be in the same class. Zach is loving all of his new siblings, he especially likes having two older brothers, as does Carrie-Anne. The boys have all taken up a love for the game of baseball and just completed their baseball season. Carrie-Anne wanted to be enrolled in gymnastics, so shehas been doing that for the last 4 years. She is excelling in the sport as well and would like to continue with it. All of the children are excited to be getting a younger sister, especially Carrie-Anne who has been the only girl in the house besides mom!
"You take your alright, you take your can't wait, a lot a bring it on and some damn straight...mix it all up...you got your YEE-HAW!"
PP adopter~see profile
The rest of the family is doing well. Nick is going into the 7th grade and Chris and Carrie-Anne will be starting at middle school in the fall, they are hoping that they will be in the same class. Zach is loving all of his new siblings, he especially likes having two older brothers, as does Carrie-Anne. The boys have all taken up a love for the game of baseball and just completed their baseball season. Carrie-Anne wanted to be enrolled in gymnastics, so shehas been doing that for the last 4 years. She is excelling in the sport as well and would like to continue with it. All of the children are excited to be getting a younger sister, especially Carrie-Anne who has been the only girl in the house besides mom!
"You take your alright, you take your can't wait, a lot a bring it on and some damn straight...mix it all up...you got your YEE-HAW!"
PP adopter~see profile
My own...
I would like to adopt Landon Ryan.
The Elliott family of Maryland, USA
H: Kendrick Rowan (35) -- Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes -- Carpenter
W: Noa Genevieve (34) -- Dark blond hair, Gray eyes -- OB/Gyn
AD/AD/AD: Tahni Bianca (10) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / Danika Paige (10) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / Alana Caitlin (10) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
S/D: Brody Kenneth (9) -- Blond hair, Dark brown eyes / Harper Mavis (9) -- Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes
AS: Erik Theodore (6) – Red hair, Blue eyes
AS: Landon Ryan "Ryan" (8) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
The family has been great. All of the children are getting along very well though they occasionally get in fights. They're very excited for the new addition.
I would like to adopt Landon Ryan.
The Elliott family of Maryland, USA
H: Kendrick Rowan (35) -- Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes -- Carpenter
W: Noa Genevieve (34) -- Dark blond hair, Gray eyes -- OB/Gyn
AD/AD/AD: Tahni Bianca (10) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / Danika Paige (10) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / Alana Caitlin (10) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
S/D: Brody Kenneth (9) -- Blond hair, Dark brown eyes / Harper Mavis (9) -- Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes
AS: Erik Theodore (6) – Red hair, Blue eyes
AS: Landon Ryan "Ryan" (8) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
The family has been great. All of the children are getting along very well though they occasionally get in fights. They're very excited for the new addition.
The Horvath family of Sydney, Australia
DH: Pierre Jacques (30) – Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes – IT consultant
DW: Rebecca Simone (27) – Brown hair, Green eyes – History and Music Teacher
AD: Adriana Micaela (18) – Dark brown hair, Hazel eyes
--DS: Ashton Christopher (2)
DS: Caspian Lucius Edward (2 ½) – Blonde hair, Steel gray eyes
AD: Arabella Sophia (7) -- Black hair, Gray eyes
Darcy Hamish from England – Single Child
2 years old
Blonde hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Shy but sweet, enjoys music and animals
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Father died in a car crash, mother died in childbirth and his grandmother who cared for him died.
Teen mothers/fathers and their child(ren)
Samuel Tyrone Jones from USA – Teen father of Charlie
17 years old
Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Interracial
Protective, caring, enjoys music and hanging out with friends, wrestles and plays lacrosse
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Put in foster care because of neglect at age 14.
Charlie Robert Jones “Che” from USA – Son to teen father Samuel
11 months old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Interracial
Smiles a lot, likes to play on tummy, learning to walk
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Father is in foster care program.
The Horvath family of Sydney, Australia
DH: Pierre Jacques (30) – Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes – IT consultant
DW: Rebecca Simone (27) – Brown hair, Green eyes – History and Music Teacher
AD: Adriana Micaela (18) – Dark brown hair, Hazel eyes
--DS: Ashton Christopher (2)
DS: Caspian Lucius Edward (2 ½) – Blonde hair, Steel gray eyes
AD: Arabella Sophia (7) -- Black hair, Gray eyes
Darcy Hamish from England – Single Child
2 years old
Blonde hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Shy but sweet, enjoys music and animals
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Father died in a car crash, mother died in childbirth and his grandmother who cared for him died.
Teen mothers/fathers and their child(ren)
Samuel Tyrone Jones from USA – Teen father of Charlie
17 years old
Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Interracial
Protective, caring, enjoys music and hanging out with friends, wrestles and plays lacrosse
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Put in foster care because of neglect at age 14.
Charlie Robert Jones “Che” from USA – Son to teen father Samuel
11 months old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Interracial
Smiles a lot, likes to play on tummy, learning to walk
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Father is in foster care program.
I'm sorry...
All three on your list have been adopted. Are their any other children you would like to adopt?
All three on your list have been adopted. Are their any other children you would like to adopt?
Thats ok
HOw bout
Lucas Andrew Adams “Luke” from Scotland – Single Child
10 years old
Blonde Hair, Gray Eyes, Caucasian
Outgoing, Talkative, Active
Problems? Yes, he’s dyslexic.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents divorced and neither could care for him.
~~* BEX *~~
Sally - Upset that the world cup is over, still sitting, waiting and wishing that it was still on.

HOw bout
Lucas Andrew Adams “Luke” from Scotland – Single Child
10 years old
Blonde Hair, Gray Eyes, Caucasian
Outgoing, Talkative, Active
Problems? Yes, he’s dyslexic.
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents divorced and neither could care for him.
~~* BEX *~~
Sally - Upset that the world cup is over, still sitting, waiting and wishing that it was still on.

The Horvath family of Sydney, Australia
H: Pierre Jacques (34) – Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes – IT consultant
W: Rebecca Simone (31) – Brown hair, Green eyes – History and Music Teacher
AD: Adriana Micaela (22) – Dark brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Ashton Christopher “Ash” (6) – Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Arabella Sophia (11) – Black hair, Gray eyes
S: Caspian Lucius Edward (6 ½) – Blonde hair, Steel gray eyes
AS: Lucas Andrew “Luke” (10) – Blonde hair, Gray eyes
The Horvath family has adopted Lucas Andrew. Would you like to change his name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Horvath family of Sydney, Australia
H: Pierre Jacques (34) – Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes – IT consultant
W: Rebecca Simone (31) – Brown hair, Green eyes – History and Music Teacher
AD: Adriana Micaela (22) – Dark brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Ashton Christopher “Ash” (6) – Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Arabella Sophia (11) – Black hair, Gray eyes
S: Caspian Lucius Edward (6 ½) – Blonde hair, Steel gray eyes
AS: Lucas Andrew “Luke” (10) – Blonde hair, Gray eyes
The Horvath family has adopted Lucas Andrew. Would you like to change his name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
1 – Misty Emma Rose from Canada – Single Child
2 – Lucine Margarid Sarkisian from Armenia – Single Child
3 – Darcy Hamish from England – Single Child
4 – Hannah Josephine Edwards “Hanny Jo” from USA – Single Child
5 – Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen

The Ashford family of New Hampshire
H: Jeremiah Matthew (32) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes -- Lawyer
W: Susannah Grace (28) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
AD: Joanna May (13) – Black hair, Black eyes
AD: Josephine Opal (13) – Red/Brown hair, Green eyes
D/D: Chloe Noelle (7) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes / Lydia May (7) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Misty Emma Rose (1 ½) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
The Ashford family has adopted Misty Emma Rose. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Ashford family of New Hampshire
H: Jeremiah Matthew (32) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes -- Lawyer
W: Susannah Grace (28) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
AD: Joanna May (13) – Black hair, Black eyes
AD: Josephine Opal (13) – Red/Brown hair, Green eyes
D/D: Chloe Noelle (7) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes / Lydia May (7) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Misty Emma Rose (1 ½) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
The Ashford family has adopted Misty Emma Rose. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
1st: Samuel and Che Jones (father and Child)
2nd: Lucia and Angela San Marco (sibings)
3rd: Lily and Rose Phillip (twin)
4th: David Brewer (single)
5th: Amithy Samara (single)
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
2nd: Lucia and Angela San Marco (sibings)
3rd: Lily and Rose Phillip (twin)
4th: David Brewer (single)
5th: Amithy Samara (single)
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
----sarah lee----
The Buckingham family of Athens, Greece
H: Harry Alexander (36) – Red hair, Green eyes – Works in military
W: Sarah Katherine (36) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes – Tour guide
AD: Alexandra Pandora Selene “Pandora” (21) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
--S: Alexandros Nicodemus Panos (6) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
AD: Amelia Josephine Ioanna (18) – Black hair, Green eyes
AS: Ryan Jacob Theodoros (16) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Elizabeth Justine Glyeria (13) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Lucia Maria (15) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Angela Giada (9) – Black hair, Green eyes
The Buckingham family has adopted sibset Lucia Maria and Angela Giada. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
----sarah lee----
The Buckingham family of Athens, Greece
H: Harry Alexander (36) – Red hair, Green eyes – Works in military
W: Sarah Katherine (36) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes – Tour guide
AD: Alexandra Pandora Selene “Pandora” (21) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
--S: Alexandros Nicodemus Panos (6) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
AD: Amelia Josephine Ioanna (18) – Black hair, Green eyes
AS: Ryan Jacob Theodoros (16) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Elizabeth Justine Glyeria (13) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Lucia Maria (15) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Angela Giada (9) – Black hair, Green eyes
The Buckingham family has adopted sibset Lucia Maria and Angela Giada. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
1. James Maeleachlinn - single child
2. Samuel Tyrone Jones - Teenage parent
3. Amber Morgan - single child
4. Lucas Andrew Adams “Luke” - Single Child
5. Misty Emma Rose - single child

2. Samuel Tyrone Jones - Teenage parent
3. Amber Morgan - single child
4. Lucas Andrew Adams “Luke” - Single Child
5. Misty Emma Rose - single child

This message was edited 7/27/2006, 3:40 PM
The McAlister family of Eugene, Oregon
H: James Matthew (31) – Black hair, Royal blue eyes – Co-owns a veterinary practice
W: Luciana Naomi “Lucia” (30) – Dirty-blonde hair, Hazel eyes – Successful artist (painter) and volunteers at the local orphanage.
AD: Liliana Grace (21) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
--D: Sophia Emmanuelle (7) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Rosabella Noemi (14) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AS: Samuel Tyrone (17) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Charlie Robert “Che” (11 months) – Brown hair, Green eyes
The McAlister family has adopted teen father Samuel Tyrone and his son Charlie Robert. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The McAlister family of Eugene, Oregon
H: James Matthew (31) – Black hair, Royal blue eyes – Co-owns a veterinary practice
W: Luciana Naomi “Lucia” (30) – Dirty-blonde hair, Hazel eyes – Successful artist (painter) and volunteers at the local orphanage.
AD: Liliana Grace (21) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
--D: Sophia Emmanuelle (7) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Rosabella Noemi (14) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AS: Samuel Tyrone (17) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Charlie Robert “Che” (11 months) – Brown hair, Green eyes
The McAlister family has adopted teen father Samuel Tyrone and his son Charlie Robert. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The McAlister family of Eugene, Oregon
H: James Matthew (31) – Black hair, Royal blue eyes – Co-owns a veterinary practice
W: Luciana Naomi “Lucia” (30) – Dirty-blonde hair, Hazel eyes – Successful artist (painter) and volunteers at the local orphanage.
AD: Liliana Grace (21) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
--D: Sophia Emmanuelle (7) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Rosabella Noemi "Rose" (14) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AS: Samuel Tyrone (17) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Charlie Robert “Che” (11 months) – Brown hair, Green eyes
We would like to change Samuel Tyrone's name to Derek Tyrone and Charlie Robert's name to Robert Charles as Samuel decided he wants new names to start their new lives.
We did get Liliana to get to enroll in college an after one more semester she'll be graduating with a BS in Chemistry, though she stills loves to paint she wanted to have something else in case she can't support herself on that or if something happens to her hands. Sophia just went into school last year and is enjoying it though she says she misses being home with her mom and I. Rose is doing great in school and has two close friends who come over often and just as often have Rose come to their houses. James and I noticed that Rose missed her grandmother so as a surprise we paid to have Grandma Marie moved to a nursing home near our house. Rose was estatic when she found out and now reguarly visits Marie after school.
H: James Matthew (31) – Black hair, Royal blue eyes – Co-owns a veterinary practice
W: Luciana Naomi “Lucia” (30) – Dirty-blonde hair, Hazel eyes – Successful artist (painter) and volunteers at the local orphanage.
AD: Liliana Grace (21) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
--D: Sophia Emmanuelle (7) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Rosabella Noemi "Rose" (14) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AS: Samuel Tyrone (17) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Charlie Robert “Che” (11 months) – Brown hair, Green eyes
We would like to change Samuel Tyrone's name to Derek Tyrone and Charlie Robert's name to Robert Charles as Samuel decided he wants new names to start their new lives.
We did get Liliana to get to enroll in college an after one more semester she'll be graduating with a BS in Chemistry, though she stills loves to paint she wanted to have something else in case she can't support herself on that or if something happens to her hands. Sophia just went into school last year and is enjoying it though she says she misses being home with her mom and I. Rose is doing great in school and has two close friends who come over often and just as often have Rose come to their houses. James and I noticed that Rose missed her grandmother so as a surprise we paid to have Grandma Marie moved to a nursing home near our house. Rose was estatic when she found out and now reguarly visits Marie after school.
1 Ashton, Keaton, Preston
2 Koen, Bas
3 James
4 Shannon, Aisling
5 David

2 Koen, Bas
3 James
4 Shannon, Aisling
5 David

----X Mar----
The Farrell family of California, USA
H: Rafael Lanford (34) – Black hair, Gray eyes -- Architect
W: Nathalie Calanthe (34) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Part-time school teacher
S/S: Stellan Cadfael (12)– Black hair, Blue eyes / Killian Steffen (12)– Black hair, Blue eyes
D: Tamsin Iris (9) – Brown hair, Green eyes
AS/AS: Cian Rhys (9) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes / Ciaran Sabas (9) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AS/AD: Camden Malachy (5) – Red hair, Green eyes / Neve Catalina (5) – Red hair, Blue/Green eyes
AS/AS/AS: Ashton Taylor (8) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Keaton Tobias (8) – Brown hair, Green eyes / Preston Tristam (8) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
The Farrell family has adopted triplets Ashton Taylor, Keaton Tobias, and Preston Tristam. Would you like to change their names? Optional... how has the family been for the past four years?
----X Mar----
The Farrell family of California, USA
H: Rafael Lanford (34) – Black hair, Gray eyes -- Architect
W: Nathalie Calanthe (34) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Part-time school teacher
S/S: Stellan Cadfael (12)– Black hair, Blue eyes / Killian Steffen (12)– Black hair, Blue eyes
D: Tamsin Iris (9) – Brown hair, Green eyes
AS/AS: Cian Rhys (9) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes / Ciaran Sabas (9) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AS/AD: Camden Malachy (5) – Red hair, Green eyes / Neve Catalina (5) – Red hair, Blue/Green eyes
AS/AS/AS: Ashton Taylor (8) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Keaton Tobias (8) – Brown hair, Green eyes / Preston Tristam (8) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
The Farrell family has adopted triplets Ashton Taylor, Keaton Tobias, and Preston Tristam. Would you like to change their names? Optional... how has the family been for the past four years?
----X Mar----
The Farrell family of California, USA
H: Rafael Lanford (34) – Black hair, Gray eyes -- Architect
W: Nathalie Calanthe (34) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Part-time school teacher
S/S: Stellan Cadfael (12)– Black hair, Blue eyes / Killian Steffen (12)– Black hair, Blue eyes
D: Tamsin Iris (9) – Brown hair, Green eyes
AS/AS: Cian Rhys (9) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes / Ciaran Sabas (9) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AS/AS/AS: Ashton Dashiell (8) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Keaton Chase "KC" (8) – Brown hair, Green eyes / Preston Tristan (8) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS/AD: Camden Malachy (5) – Red hair, Green eyes / Neve Catalina (5) – Red hair, Blue/Green eyes
The last four years have been going ok. Camden had a little trouble getting used to his new name (it used to be Ciaran), because we have another Ciaran and every time we called him Camden thought we meant him. By now he doesn't remember ever being named something different than Camden. Neve and Camden have started school now, and things are going great with that, they both love it.
The Farrell family of California, USA
H: Rafael Lanford (34) – Black hair, Gray eyes -- Architect
W: Nathalie Calanthe (34) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Part-time school teacher
S/S: Stellan Cadfael (12)– Black hair, Blue eyes / Killian Steffen (12)– Black hair, Blue eyes
D: Tamsin Iris (9) – Brown hair, Green eyes
AS/AS: Cian Rhys (9) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes / Ciaran Sabas (9) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AS/AS/AS: Ashton Dashiell (8) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Keaton Chase "KC" (8) – Brown hair, Green eyes / Preston Tristan (8) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS/AD: Camden Malachy (5) – Red hair, Green eyes / Neve Catalina (5) – Red hair, Blue/Green eyes
The last four years have been going ok. Camden had a little trouble getting used to his new name (it used to be Ciaran), because we have another Ciaran and every time we called him Camden thought we meant him. By now he doesn't remember ever being named something different than Camden. Neve and Camden have started school now, and things are going great with that, they both love it.
James Maeleachlinn
Darcy Hamish
Lucas Andrew Adams
Misty Emma Rose
Samuel and Charlie
Darcy Hamish
Lucas Andrew Adams
Misty Emma Rose
Samuel and Charlie
The Sims family of Oxford, England
H: Andrew David (36) – Brown hair, Gray eyes – Computer Technician
W: Marie Nicole (34) – Brown hair, Gray eyes – Pediatrician
AS: Kenneth Shawn "Kenny" (19) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
S/S: Andrew Edward (10) – Brown hair, Gray eyes / Cedric David (10) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Dylan Rory Cooper (10) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
D: Lily Nicole (8) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Darcy Hamish (2) – Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
The Sims family has adopted Darcy Hamish. Would you like to change his name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Sims family of Oxford, England
H: Andrew David (36) – Brown hair, Gray eyes – Computer Technician
W: Marie Nicole (34) – Brown hair, Gray eyes – Pediatrician
AS: Kenneth Shawn "Kenny" (19) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
S/S: Andrew Edward (10) – Brown hair, Gray eyes / Cedric David (10) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Dylan Rory Cooper (10) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
D: Lily Nicole (8) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Darcy Hamish (2) – Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
The Sims family has adopted Darcy Hamish. Would you like to change his name? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Logan family of England
H: Brandon Matthew (33) – Brown hair, Brown eyes – Physical Education Teacher
W: Elise Matilda (30) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Solicitor
AS: Maxim Amias (10) – Black hair, Green eyes
AD/AD: Alina Natasha (8) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes / Anya Natalya (8) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Koen Willem (5) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
AS: Bas Robbert (4) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
The Logan family has adopted sibset Koen Willem and Bas Robbert. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Logan family of England
H: Brandon Matthew (33) – Brown hair, Brown eyes – Physical Education Teacher
W: Elise Matilda (30) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Solicitor
AS: Maxim Amias (10) – Black hair, Green eyes
AD/AD: Alina Natasha (8) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes / Anya Natalya (8) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Koen Willem (5) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
AS: Bas Robbert (4) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
The Logan family has adopted sibset Koen Willem and Bas Robbert. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
1. Hanna Josephine Edwards
2. Amita Samara
3. Darcy Hamish
4. Samuel Tyrone and Charlie
5. Lucia and Angela San Marco
We also chose not to change Muni Fatima's name. Sorry I didn't respond below.
Dreams are necessary to life.
-Anais Nin
2. Amita Samara
3. Darcy Hamish
4. Samuel Tyrone and Charlie
5. Lucia and Angela San Marco
We also chose not to change Muni Fatima's name. Sorry I didn't respond below.
Dreams are necessary to life.
-Anais Nin
This message was edited 7/27/2006, 2:44 PM
The Cole family of Maine, USA
H: Jason Wyatt (61) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes – Engineer
W: Christina Molly Keegan (60) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes – Reading specialist
D: Kelsey (31) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
S: Anthony (28) – Light brown hair, Brown eyes
AD: Muni Fatima (20) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
--S: ?? (4)
AD: Isa Renee (13) – Blond hair, Brown eyes
AD: Hannah Josephine (6) – Blond hair, Light blue eyes
The Cole family has adopted Hannah Josephine. Would you like to change her name? What is the name of Muni Fatima's child and what does he look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Cole family of Maine, USA
H: Jason Wyatt (61) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes – Engineer
W: Christina Molly Keegan (60) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes – Reading specialist
D: Kelsey (31) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
S: Anthony (28) – Light brown hair, Brown eyes
AD: Muni Fatima (20) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
--S: ?? (4)
AD: Isa Renee (13) – Blond hair, Brown eyes
AD: Hannah Josephine (6) – Blond hair, Light blue eyes
The Cole family has adopted Hannah Josephine. Would you like to change her name? What is the name of Muni Fatima's child and what does he look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Campbell family of Ashland, Oregon, USA
H: Nigel Atticus (34) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes – Restaurant owner
W: Sally Sophia (33) – Sandy blonde hair, Dark blue eyes – 3rd grade teacher
AS: Oliver Jacob (15) – Black hair, Blue eyes
AS: Henry James (12) – Black hair, Green eyes
D: Bernice Eliana (9) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Asher Joseph “Ash” (4) – Sandy blonde hair, Green eyes
AS: Sunil Chetana (12) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Kaveri Rupinder (9) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Amar Jayant (7) – Black hair, Brown eyes
The Campbell family has adopted Sunil Chetana, Kaveri Rupinder, and Amar Jayant. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Campbell family of Ashland, Oregon, USA
H: Nigel Atticus (34) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes – Restaurant owner
W: Sally Sophia (33) – Sandy blonde hair, Dark blue eyes – 3rd grade teacher
AS: Oliver Jacob (15) – Black hair, Blue eyes
AS: Henry James (12) – Black hair, Green eyes
D: Bernice Eliana (9) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Asher Joseph “Ash” (4) – Sandy blonde hair, Green eyes
AS: Sunil Chetana (12) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Kaveri Rupinder (9) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Amar Jayant (7) – Black hair, Brown eyes
The Campbell family has adopted Sunil Chetana, Kaveri Rupinder, and Amar Jayant. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
No, we're going to keep their Indian names. They're nice. =)
The family has been doing well. Bernice is really excited to *finally* have a sister, though. And one her age too!

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
The family has been doing well. Bernice is really excited to *finally* have a sister, though. And one her age too!

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
This message was edited 7/27/2006, 10:39 PM
The Kingston family of a very small town
DH: Reece Jacob (34) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
DW: Sofia Willow (33) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
DD: Emmanuelle Sophie (9) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (6 ½) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AD: Kayla Dylan Willow (20) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--DD: Candace Willow (3)
The Kingston family would like to adopt...
Choice 1: Single Child James Maeleachlinn
Choice 2: Single Child Misty Rose Emma
Choice 3: Pregnant Teen Zara Pablito
Choice 4: Single Child Darcy Hamish
Choice 5: Teen Parent Shannon O'Malley and child Aisling O'Malley
DH: Reece Jacob (34) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
DW: Sofia Willow (33) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
DD: Emmanuelle Sophie (9) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (6 ½) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AD: Kayla Dylan Willow (20) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--DD: Candace Willow (3)
The Kingston family would like to adopt...
Choice 1: Single Child James Maeleachlinn
Choice 2: Single Child Misty Rose Emma
Choice 3: Pregnant Teen Zara Pablito
Choice 4: Single Child Darcy Hamish
Choice 5: Teen Parent Shannon O'Malley and child Aisling O'Malley
The Kingston family of a very small town
H: Reece Jacob (34) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
W: Sofia Willow (33) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
AD: Kayla Dylan Willow (20) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--D: Candace Willow (4)
D: Emmanuelle Sophie (9) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (6 ½) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AS: James Maeleachlinn (7) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
The Kingston family has adopted James Maeleachlinn. Would you like to change his name? Also what does Candace Willow look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Kingston family of a very small town
H: Reece Jacob (34) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
W: Sofia Willow (33) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
AD: Kayla Dylan Willow (20) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--D: Candace Willow (4)
D: Emmanuelle Sophie (9) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (6 ½) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AS: James Maeleachlinn (7) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
The Kingston family has adopted James Maeleachlinn. Would you like to change his name? Also what does Candace Willow look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past four years?
The Kingston family of a very small town
DH: Reece Jacob (34) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
DW: Sofia Willow (33) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
D: Emmanuelle Sophie (9) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (6 ½) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AS: James Maeleachlainn (7) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Kayla Dylan Willow (20) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
DD: Candace Willow (4) -Brown hair, blue eyes
Reece and Sofia are doing well. They are extremelly pleased with their new SON! After three daughters and a granddaughter, it's nice to have a little boy. Reece is still doing very nicely in his medical career, and Sofia is still loving to be a stay-at-home mother and continues being a doula as well.
Emmanuelle is doing as well as ever. She already is adjusted to having James around... Adopting her sisters and brothers is all she's ever known. It took a while getting used to having a boy around the house for her, but she "gets it" now! Emmanuelle is loving fourth grade and likes math class and art.
Elodie is doing fantastically. Now that she is school-aged, Sofia has decided with Reece that she will homeschool her, to make sure that her special needs are properly cared for. Elodie knows the alphabet, and numbers as well. She has become quite independant and enjoys playing with her neice and James greatly!
DH: Reece Jacob (34) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
DW: Sofia Willow (33) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
D: Emmanuelle Sophie (9) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (6 ½) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AS: James Maeleachlainn (7) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Kayla Dylan Willow (20) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
DD: Candace Willow (4) -Brown hair, blue eyes
Reece and Sofia are doing well. They are extremelly pleased with their new SON! After three daughters and a granddaughter, it's nice to have a little boy. Reece is still doing very nicely in his medical career, and Sofia is still loving to be a stay-at-home mother and continues being a doula as well.
Emmanuelle is doing as well as ever. She already is adjusted to having James around... Adopting her sisters and brothers is all she's ever known. It took a while getting used to having a boy around the house for her, but she "gets it" now! Emmanuelle is loving fourth grade and likes math class and art.
Elodie is doing fantastically. Now that she is school-aged, Sofia has decided with Reece that she will homeschool her, to make sure that her special needs are properly cared for. Elodie knows the alphabet, and numbers as well. She has become quite independant and enjoys playing with her neice and James greatly!
This message was edited 7/28/2006, 9:44 AM
1- multiples Lily and Rose
2- single Theodore Leif
3- single Misty Emma Rose
4- single Darcy Hamish
5- sibset Koen and Bas
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
2- single Theodore Leif
3- single Misty Emma Rose
4- single Darcy Hamish
5- sibset Koen and Bas
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
---- Miss Lissa----
The Barton family of Indianapolis, Indiana
DH: Peter Glen (32) – Sandy brown hair, Dark brown eyes -- Attorney
DW: Melissa Renee (32) – Brown hair, Dark brown eyes -- Graphic designer
AD: Eleanor Grace (20) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
--DD: ??
AD/AD: Amy Isabel (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / May Blaise (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
AS: Theodore Leif “Teddy” (7) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
The Barton family has adopted Theodore Leif. Would you like to change his name? Also, last round you never replied back. What is Eleanor Grace's daughter's name, and what does she look like? Optional... How has the family been in the last four years?
---- Miss Lissa----
The Barton family of Indianapolis, Indiana
DH: Peter Glen (32) – Sandy brown hair, Dark brown eyes -- Attorney
DW: Melissa Renee (32) – Brown hair, Dark brown eyes -- Graphic designer
AD: Eleanor Grace (20) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
--DD: ??
AD/AD: Amy Isabel (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / May Blaise (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
AS: Theodore Leif “Teddy” (7) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
The Barton family has adopted Theodore Leif. Would you like to change his name? Also, last round you never replied back. What is Eleanor Grace's daughter's name, and what does she look like? Optional... How has the family been in the last four years?
Teddy fits in very well with his 3 older sisters, though he wishes for a boy or someone his age. Ella, as Eleanor has decided to be her new nickname, is getting older, and will be going to night school next semester. Her daughter, Amelia Grace, is getting so big! She decided to use a more common form of Amalie and her new sister's name was May, so Peter and I suggested she use her middle name. Amelia has dark brown hair, and lots of it! She has her mother's blue eyes. Amy and May are doing very well in their classes at school. We have decided to give Teddy the additional middle name Glen, making his name Theodore Glen Leif Barton "Teddy".
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
Lily and Rose Phillips
Shannon Ceilidh O’Malley amd Aisling
Elsa and Mia
Amber Morgan Croft
Amar. Kavari, Sunil

Shannon Ceilidh O’Malley amd Aisling
Elsa and Mia
Amber Morgan Croft
Amar. Kavari, Sunil

The Sims family of a sub-urban part of the USA
DH: Gregory Alexander (31) – Black hair, Brown eyes -- Doctor
DW: Ellery Cassandra (31) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes – Doctor
AD: Onyeka Dayo “Ony” (21) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes, African
--DD: Zuri Subira (6) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
AD: Lydia Beatrix (17) - Blonde hair, Blue eyes
AS: Jamison Matthew "Jamie" (14) - Blonde hair, Blue eyes
DD: Imogen Amity (14) – Dirty blond hair, Blue eyes
DD/DD: Seraphina Annalise (10) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Persephone Chelsea (10) – Black hair, Blue eyes
AS: Finlay Robert "Finn" (9) - Light brown hair, Blue eyes
AD/AD: Lily Margaret (1 ½) – Red hair, Brown eyes / Rose Annabelle (1 ½) – Red hair, Brown eyes
The Sims family has adopted twins Lily Margaret and Rose Annabelle. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has your family been in the past four years?
The Sims family of a sub-urban part of the USA
DH: Gregory Alexander (31) – Black hair, Brown eyes -- Doctor
DW: Ellery Cassandra (31) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes – Doctor
AD: Onyeka Dayo “Ony” (21) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes, African
--DD: Zuri Subira (6) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
AD: Lydia Beatrix (17) - Blonde hair, Blue eyes
AS: Jamison Matthew "Jamie" (14) - Blonde hair, Blue eyes
DD: Imogen Amity (14) – Dirty blond hair, Blue eyes
DD/DD: Seraphina Annalise (10) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Persephone Chelsea (10) – Black hair, Blue eyes
AS: Finlay Robert "Finn" (9) - Light brown hair, Blue eyes
AD/AD: Lily Margaret (1 ½) – Red hair, Brown eyes / Rose Annabelle (1 ½) – Red hair, Brown eyes
The Sims family has adopted twins Lily Margaret and Rose Annabelle. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has your family been in the past four years?