Milla Cade -
Milla is ugly and a nickname.
Cade is ugly and a boy's name.
Riordan Anja -
RIORDAN IS A BOY'S NAME, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! And should stay that way.
Anja is gorgeous.
Juniper Elyse -
Juniper Elise would be great. Why ruin it with the superfluous Y?
Finola Lux -What the heck are you smoking? That is so ugly.
Mathilda Freya -
Matilda is so much nicer.
Freya is okay but the FRAY sound is ugly.
Finnegan Leaf -Leaf? Seriously? Please don't.
Finnegan is just butt-ugly.
Kai -Rafferty is pretentious and reminds me of raffia.
Kai is very nice.
Roman Nikita -Would you name your kid French or Russian? No? Then don't name him
Nikita is ugly and feminine.
Rowan Teague -
Rowan is great.
Teague is a hideously ugly surname.
Juneau Seychel -Bless you!