I love Edith . . .
My great-grandmother was an Edith Mary (very common combo around the turn of last century) so it's special to me. But it's also just a lovely name with a great meaning.
Edit isn't so nice to me, since I see the word edit. But for someone European Edit is fine. I once met a very nice Dutch girl whose name was spelled Edith but pronounced Edit.
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
My great-grandmother was an Edith Mary (very common combo around the turn of last century) so it's special to me. But it's also just a lovely name with a great meaning.
Edit isn't so nice to me, since I see the word edit. But for someone European Edit is fine. I once met a very nice Dutch girl whose name was spelled Edith but pronounced Edit.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
I love the name Edith. I'm a sucker for older, historic names and this one transports me back to Anglo-Saxon England. The nn Edie is too cute.
I've always like Edita, which I think is Italian. Edit, if I'm saying it correctly ("AY-dit" or "AY-deet") is also lovely. But the spelling would be too much of an obstacle, at least here in the U.S.
I've always like Edita, which I think is Italian. Edit, if I'm saying it correctly ("AY-dit" or "AY-deet") is also lovely. But the spelling would be too much of an obstacle, at least here in the U.S.
Oh, I agree with you whole heartedly on Bertha ("BEHR-ta"). Gorgeous. It doesn't travel well, though.
This message was edited 7/12/2006, 5:51 PM
you should mention Bertha, Cambria, Agata and I were speaking of Ethel and Bertha farther down. I asked if she thought either could be redeemed. We agree Bertha's probably gone from modern usage. At least, I think, in the US. For myself, Ethel and Edith are in that same boat, floatn away, sorry!
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
you should mention Bertha, Cambria, Agata and I were speaking of Ethel and Bertha farther down. I asked if she thought either could be redeemed. We agree Bertha's probably gone from modern usage. At least, I think, in the US. For myself, Ethel and Edith are in that same boat, floatn away, sorry!
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I believe that the Hungarian pron. is Eh-deet. American is EE-dit.

I can't say I'm fond of either, and I understand how you might prefer Edit, I get that. But even though I'm hearing EE-dit in my head, and that sounds great, it still looks like "edit" to my eyes, KWIM?
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I can't say I'm fond of either, and I understand how you might prefer Edit, I get that. But even though I'm hearing EE-dit in my head, and that sounds great, it still looks like "edit" to my eyes, KWIM?
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
How is Edit pronounced? EE-dit? Not ED-it, I hope... I guess if you're in the publishing world.
On the names, nms, sorry

On the names, nms, sorry

EE-dit. :)