(Note: all infants/toddlers currently in KAA care are from English speaking counrtires)
-(Personal Information)-
Your surname:
RoseYour given name: Anabelle
MarieYour spouse's given name:
George WilliamYour children's names and ages:
Lucy Ann (8),
Emma Belle (5),
Trevor George (3)
Might you or your spouse's employment schedules hinder the child(ren)'s development/ take time out of your relationship/ leave the child(ren) in question alone for long periods of time?: Anabelle works half-time as a primary school teacher at the moment whilst
Trevor is at nursery. Depending on the child's age she will give the job up.
George takes
Trevor to nursery in the morning and arrives home at 6pm. We should have enough time to look after another child that needs a loving home.
Do you have any pets?:
- (Adoption Prefferances)-
Are you willing to adopt ...
Children with disabilities (i.e- physical, and/or educational issues)?: only minor
Twins?: yes
Triplets?: yes
Siblings?: yes
Children who are attached to personal pets?: no "big" animals like dogs, but cats and other small pets are ok.
Children who are from an English speaking country which is not your own?: yes