[Facts] Origins?
My first name is Daien. I always thought that it was pronounced like Dianne and I used to wish that was the spelling too. It was not until I was a teen that my parents told me that it was pronouned "Dai-en".
It was not until I was 30 that I learned what it meant. My biological parents (now my Aunt and Uncle) found the name in the back of a book of buddhist stories called "The cat's yawn". A list of priest names were there and the chinese characters that go with it. The translation said "Great Nature". However, nature is described in the sense of the universe and all its relations and connections. I was told by my Japanese husband that this difficult "kanji" (chinese Character) is more like connections so my name is like "Great Connections" or "Great Relations".
I have searched the internet for the name Daien and found a lot related to Africa, Japan and buddhist temples or priests who have taken the name, but I do not know if they share the same kanji.
It was not until I was 30 that I learned what it meant. My biological parents (now my Aunt and Uncle) found the name in the back of a book of buddhist stories called "The cat's yawn". A list of priest names were there and the chinese characters that go with it. The translation said "Great Nature". However, nature is described in the sense of the universe and all its relations and connections. I was told by my Japanese husband that this difficult "kanji" (chinese Character) is more like connections so my name is like "Great Connections" or "Great Relations".
I have searched the internet for the name Daien and found a lot related to Africa, Japan and buddhist temples or priests who have taken the name, but I do not know if they share the same kanji.
they do not all share the same kanji and but they might be similar, symbols in korean can be the same symbols in japanese but can have completely different meanings. so it is quite possible that you name has multiple meaning but seeing as buddhist is the religeon and is msor likely came before both the african and japanese versions i would go with the buddist one. you can go with whichever you choose though, and also just to point out in a lot of languages, including the ways they write, a lot of times great and divine are often considered the same in certain contexts so i would go more to assume that the name means more great nature but perhaps divine connections or relations.
Sarinvae, I'm sure there's a lot of really helpful information in your posts, but I can't see it because they're so hard to read. The lack of capitalisation, the frequent typos and the long, rambling sentences make your posts very difficult to decipher even for someone whose first language is English. For someone who only has English as a second language, they must be extremely difficult to understand.
Can you please try to use capitals where appropriate and write in a clearer manner?
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Can you please try to use capitals where appropriate and write in a clearer manner?
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Excuse me, but if you can't read it then you might need to question your own ability to interpret english. I can read them perfectly fine. Although there are a few typos and grammatical errors, the basic message is apparent. Also... no offense, but I wouldn't talk about rambling sentences if I were you. You tend to drift on and on about one subject for so long, I wonder how there are enough words to stretch that far.
what is the origin of my name
yes I can and reading my post over I agree, I have what I call slippery fingers and also to that fact that I am lazy, I will try harder to type better than usual though. It seems that ever since I stopped typing out stories on the computer and writing them in a noteook instead, since for me it's just easier because I can carry it around with me, well anyway it seems that I have been typing very badly, but I will work on it. lo siento mucho.